THE WHINING or as the fine journalist Keith Olbermann has called it, "hand clutching and pearl wringing" of the jouros and scribblers and echoing empty talking-heads and even so-called Democratic politicians about Joe Biden's entirely justified pardoning of Hunter Biden is as good a measure of how they never, ever learn a fucking thing no matter how many Bush IIs or Trump I's or, as we are about to find out Trump II's they go through and witness - though, being affluent, aren't all that much effected by - without learning a goddamned thing.
As Olbermann - who is worth any score of them - pointed out at the link above, Joe Biden didn't pardon his son to keep him out of jail, he pardoned him TO KEEP THE REPUBLICAN-FASCISTS FROM SUBJECTING HIM TO ANOTHER SHOW-TRIAL AND, PERHAPS IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME, EXECUTE HIM AND HANG HIS CORPSE FROM TRUMP TOWER. The sappy sanctimony of the scribbling, chattering, and stupidest part of the political classes is as nauseating as it is opportunistic. What do you want to bet that for a lot of them, those clever enough to think a move ahead, don't figure they can use this as mitigation if the Trump regime brought them up on charges before one of those military tribunals he's so hot for. I would guess that drugs, a diet of 70% fats and old age have deprived him of an ability to do what he did so ineptly to Stormy Daniels, one long Baron ago, and so he'll get off on torture and execution as a surrogate means of exercising the dominance he learned from his degenerate father.
The whining and pearl wringing that says that Joe Biden has given him cover for the blanket pardons TRUMP HAS BEEN ANNOUNCING HE'D GIVE FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS, WELL BEFORE HUNTER BIDEN WAS PROSECUTED, may be evidence that the stupidity of screen viewing and tweet reading leads to has made them as stupid as your average Trumpzi.
Most hilarious of all is that whore of whores, the soc-sci-guy of the Grey Lady, that passive-bottom, would-be"data" pimp, Nate Silver who has declared that any Democrat who hasn't condemned Joe Biden for this by 10 PM today should never get a vote in 2028. That little whore with a calculator is working for Peter Thiel, these days. I'd say any Democrat who believes or takes seriously anything he says is as stupid as he and the other chumps who are condemning Biden.
“Show Trial?”
ReplyDelete1. a judicial trial held in public with the intention of influencing or satisfying public opinion, rather than of ensuring justice.
Right, a drug-abusing, woman-exploiting, child-abandoning, perfidious son of privilege shouldn’t be prosecuted. Even for crimes he literally recorded himself committing.
Joe Biden said, multiple times, unambiguously, definitely, (and, now we know, dishonestly) he was not pardoning his son.
You Dems spent months proclaiming this proved his virtue as a human being, and how much better he was than that lying, nepotistic, court system disregarding Trump.
Now, “it’s perfectly justifiable.”
You talk about the Bible a lot. But you’ve clearly never read Matthew 7:1-5.
Might want to check it out sometime.
Or don’t. Your refusal to do anything but scramble for a defense of the most obnoxious left wing maneuvering is strained and obvious. Posts like these reflect the attitude that got Trump re-elected. Your party has lost credibility, and you think by selling snake oil to the true believers you're doing anything more than engaging in a partisan circle jerk?
A prof, I can't remember his name, said Trump's unique ability is to bring out the worst in both his supporters and detractors. Your blog could be Exhibit A in defense of that thesis. The former is too obvious to need proving.
PS - Quoting Keith Olbermann, a sportscaster, as an expert in politics is rich from a sports-hating fellow like yourself. And, your self-righteous preening about “misogyny” for anyone who dares criticize a (Democrat) woman while ignoring Olbermann’s treatment of Riley Gaines is Scrooge McDuck level rich.
So, if your post was intended to be funny…great job!
You Republican-fascists, and that's literally fascists, mounted show trials and hearings about this. His trial came AFTER THE REPUBLICAN-FASCIST PROSECUTOR appointed by your man-god the two-bit gangster Trump, had himself appointed as a special prosecutor AFTER HE HAD REACHED A PLEA DEAL WITH HUNTER BIDEN and brought him up on charges for crimes which and under the circumstances in question, no one goes to trial for. He'd paid back the taxes owed with interest and he had reached a plea deal on the trumped up charge in relation to signing a document.
DeleteTrump and the Republican-fascists, your guys, had announced their intention to continue the show-hearings and trying to mount a show trial, and with Trump's idea of an AG and head of the FBI, and with Republican-fascist venue shopping the case, it's certain they would have done it.
You do realize that it is hypocritical of you to describe Hunter Biden that way because it is exactly the CV of Donald Trump, at least one of his sons and at least four of the thugs he has nominated for his cabinet - though, of course, for your kind, that's different because it's always different when you're a Republican-fascist.
Joe Biden has, at least in one case, faced the reality that the rule of law is no longer in effect in the United States - something that has been almost uniformly true for People of Color from before the United States was formed and something which was baked into the very Constitution in its writing. His life as a lawyer has made it hard for him, as it has been for so many an honest lawyer-pundit, especially the prosecutors to face the fact that you fascists have won that battle through manipulating the Ivy League fascists onto the Supreme Court where they destroyed it. As with his recent purchase of a book which tells a bit of the truth about the real nature of the modern state of Israel, it's four years too late. But, he's got a month and a couple of weeks to act on that and I hope he pardons thousands of announced and likely enemies of the Trump-fascist when not actually neo-Nazi regime and the Republican-fascist rule we are about to enter. Not that I expect that rule of law that the pardon power is will hold because under your preferred form of government, there is no rule of law, there is only rule of one fascist party and whatever strongman who is the head of it at any one time.
I judge a journalist on the basis of his work, and Keith Olbermann's political commentary is some of the most responsible that there is today. What he said about the bigot and idiot Riley Gaines was accurate as far as I can see, I'm for equal treatment, not unequal treatment and her gender doesn't change the fact that she's a bigot-activist and an idiot. The fucking dolt supported the degenerate, mush-brained Hershel Walker for the Senate, that confirms everything he said about her.