Tuesday, November 26, 2024

No More Posts From You Simps, Maybe Till After The New Year - Just Because It's My Experience That Blog Hits Go Way Down The Closer We Get To Thanksgiving

 that is unless you say something different, which I think I can safely assure the world is not likely to happen.   

I should have posted this from the ADL article linked to below:

Also responding to the allegation of Jewish "control" of Hollywood, author Neil Gabler told The New York Times: "This is a tradition that will endure as long as the motion picture industry exists. It's made by people who hate film, who hate the modernizing influence that film has had on American life, and who hate Jews."

Simps, it reminds me sort of what Noam Chomsky said when the late and unlamented Christopher Hitchens declared he was Jewish.   "From antisemite to self-hating Jew in a day."   There you have it,  Simps,  your  claim that "Jews control Hollywood characterized by the man you said proved that,  he said it was a claim made by People "who hate Jews."  

And once more for the road,  

Mop Heads 

Update: Speaking of mop heads

OK, I can't resist this:

 ""This is a tradition that will endure as long as the motion picture industry exists. It's made by people who hate film, who hate the modernizing influence that film has had on American life, and who hate Jews."

You do realize realize that you're describing yourself, right? Especially the part about hating film and the modernizing influence etc ????

Oh god, Sparky...you're the single least self-aware person I've ever encountered without actually meeting.

You're among the stupidest and most post-literate People I've ever bothered to argue with but this is stupid even for you.  I DIDN'T SAY THAT YOU ASS,  NEIL GABLER DID!   THE MAN YOU CLAIMED SAID THE VERY THING THAT HE WAS CONDEMNING IN THAT STATEMENT,  THAT "JEWS CONTROL HOLLYWOOD."   This is something so stupid I think even your fellow Eschatots would understand just how stupid you're being.  Though you're in luck, your fan base and audience NEVER read anything. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh god, you're hilarious.

    ""This is a tradition that will endure as long as the motion picture industry exists. It's made by people who hate film, who hate the modernizing influence that film has had on American life, and who hate Jews."

    You do realize realize that you're describing yourself, right? Especially the part about hating film and the modernizing influence etc ????

    Oh god, Sparky...you're the single least self-aware person I've ever encountered without actually meeting.


