Sunday, July 14, 2024


candidates running for president of the United States in 2024.

One made a strong, impassioned statement against gun violence just this week.

One spouted threats of political violence and encourages his followers to be violent.

One has criticized the Supreme Court for decisions permitting unrestricted, unregistered guns to terrorize the country.  

One has favored and appointed Supreme Court "justices" to the Supreme Court who enable gun violence by their rulings.

One champions the peaceful practice of politics and the peaceful transfer of political power.

One advocates political violence and tried to violently prevent the transfer of political power.   And he has repeatedly treatened violence against his opponents and promised to use it if he become president, again.

One has said he would not use the shield against prosecution the Republican-fascist Supreme Court invented two weeks ago.

One, on whose behalf that grant of criminal impunity was invented, certainly will use it if he can.

There are two real political parties about which you can say the same things, we all know which is which.  But we all know who will take the blame when the things they vigorously oppose and have opposed happened last evening.  


We know who the Republican favoring "free press" will side with in covering the attempt to kill Trump and it isn't Joe Biden.  They will side with the advocate of guns and gun violence, the advocate of political violence just as they have for the past three years and as they increasingly have this year.  The media is by their conduct all in on political violence when used to further Republican-fascism,  forget the lying hypocrisies from them, their words are as cheap as Trump's advocacy of hate and violence.   

We can be pretty certain Trump never figured the violence he advocates could come back on him, that he could depend on the bubble of protection he gets at public expense.   Just as he has always been able to depend on the protection that affluence gave him all his life.     Maybe if he and his hypocritical supporters like the totally hypocritical wind bag J.D. Vance had read that Bible they wave around they'd have read the passages about living and dying by violence, sowing the wind and reaping the whirl wind.  It's 100% certain that nearly 100% of the news media and their owners never read it or took it seriously as a moral law of reality.  

The biggest question is if Trump will learn anything from probably his first serious near brush with death.  I wouldn't bet on that any more than the news media learning anything or asshole Republican freshmen senators from Ohio or Republican-fascist House members.  Apparently they don't realize that unstable people can target Republican-fascists, even rich, straight, white guys like himself, as well as the more often targeted Democrats and poor People of Color and the children who are killed in such large numbers due to Republican-fascist politics and Supreme Courts.  



    You'll no doubt call that story, "lies," as well.

    Funny how you don't mention it when Dem law enforcement shoot criminals?

    1. What are you talking about? Your comment makes no sense at all.

  2. You: "Maybe if he and his hypocritical supporters like the totally hypocritical wind bag J.D. Vance had read that Bible they wave around they'd have read the passages about living and dying by violence, sowing the wind and reaping the whirl wind."

    Why does Justice Sotomayor have armed guards? Shouldn't she be keeping those passages about living and dying by violence?

    You're obviously conflating the safe, legal ownership and use of firearms with criminal behavior. Show me the GOP members calling for more gun laws based on what happened in the above incident? Show me the "Republican-Fascists" demanding justice for Kentrell Flowers, the would-be robber?

    Dirty secret - We have laws about guns in the country. More than you could ever read. The issue isn't legislation, it's enforcement. Your party's refusal to lead by example or enforce them with the full thrust of the courts is the problem.

    1. You are a lot like Trump and like another of my trolls, you don't know how to argue within the parameters of what you want to kick up an argument about.

      When did Sonya Sotomayor EVER make violent threats to anyone or advocate violence or encourage people who supported her to commit violent acts? Trump has constantly. Sonia Sotomayor isn't one of the ones on the Court who have enabled the possession automatic weapons and their non-technical equivalents of the kind that were used to try to kill Trump and which have killed so many young children in and out of school?

      You are a horses ass and typical of the dishonesty of Republican-fascism and, before that, just plain Republicans. Lying is their mother tongue, changing goal posts their rhetorical style.
