Friday, May 24, 2024

How Come "Trad-Catholic" Men Aren't Told They Should Follow Joseph's Example?

LONG TERM READERS of what I write will know that I detest American football because of the inherent violence of the game when it is played according to the rules.  It goes in a category with boxing and a few other sports in that, also hockey as played in the North American style, which isn't inherently violent but in which violence is routinely allowed, encouraged and which has become a major feature of the, um, "game."   So I'd never heard of this Harrison Butker jerk until he made that speech at the little right-wing Catholic college a few days back.   When I found out he was a kicker, a guy who got paid millions of dollars to, every once in a while, strut onto the field to kick a ball once - and that's all - everything else he said was no surprise to me.  While I'm aware there are a few nice guys who play football (one of my favorite in-laws did) and even professional football, and a lot who are like most of us, more morally ambivalent,  there are an unusually large number of conceited, spoiled, assholes in the game (like one of my less likable ex-in-laws), especially at the professional level.   That he is obviously a right-wing game-playing white, rich boy whose own family didn't follow his dictates for how a good Catholic is supposed to live,  someone whose own career choice is definitely not in line with the Gospels and Epistles,  it didn't surprise me that he's a jerk.

But along with his dictates for how Women are supposed to live, in line with the growing cult of the "trad-catholics"  and especially "trad-catholic wives"   "trads" being big on the cult of the Virgin,  I was wondering if his own trad-wife might not want to consider this letter that appeared in today's National Catholic Reporter. 

Trad wives traditional?

I found the article about the "trad wives" both interesting and horrifying. I do have a question though about the supposed devotion to Mary. If I recall correctly, Mary (according to Catholic tradition) is a perpetual Virgin.

If these women are so devoted to Mary, surely they should be following that path, with their husbands also following Joseph's example of chastity?

I find it interesting that this hard core devotion to motherhood is modeled after a woman that had ONE child and never had sex.

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

You've got to wonder if his wife read that letter and took it to heart, how eager would this Butker boy be for taking the role of Joseph?   My guess is, not so much. 

If you have to wonder as to why Joseph isn't considered as a role model for "trad-husbands" you should try thinking less hard about that.  

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