Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Simps Never Got Over Me Making Fun Of The Mop Heads

Simps  says:

Hey Sparky -- they played John Lennon's "Imagine" at Roslyn Carter's memorial service the other day. At Roslyn's request. I await your post saying what a tasteless middle-brow atheist piece of shit she was.

Hey,  Stupy, there's no accounting for taste.  I told my family they could sing Amazing Grace at my funeral but only if they were absolutely sure I was dead and couldn't hear it.   Not that they'd choose that overdone thing. 

"Imagine" is a piece of crap but, then, so are many 19th and 20th century hymns that were, on the other hand, a sincere statement by their composers and authors of how they tried to live their lives.   John Lennon didn't mind imagining no possessions for the time it took him to dribble out that song but he obviously never intended to live it. 


Update:  Simps, you're so thin skinned there's no need for a cutting edge,  a cotton puff would give you a critical wound.  

1 comment:

  1. And you still think saying Mop Heads is cutting edge snark, which is so part of your pathetically unselfish-aware charm.😎
