Monday, February 20, 2023

Hate Mail - I Can Always Count On It When I Diss The ACLU

THE PREVALENT SUPERSTITION that there is some virtue in the idea that because the 100% of propertied white males,  from many states exclusively Protestant propertied white males who elected and comprised the First Congress, the legislatures of the various states and who were the only people of "We The People" who wrote, adopted and passed the First Amendment were too stupid to stipulate that there was a difference between malicious lies which have no right to be told and the straight forward truth which PEOPLE have a right to hear, so WE THE PEOPLE in perpetuity are NEVER EVER to learn the most harsh lessons of history,  slavery, genocide, insurrections, lynch-law,  the perpetual war against Women (3-4 women are routinely lynched every single day to little to no notice),  eco-cide, etc. and that those who want to perpetrate those are always, for eternity to have a second chance to impose those on the country and the world is probably the stupidest idea common among college-credentialed Americans, certainly among liberals.

I will never, ever say that white supremacy, male supremacy, anti-LGBTQ bigotry, other and assorted forms of bigotry,  . . . lies about man made global warming and other universal evils have any right to be promoted, to be foisted on gullible and ignorant people, that we must! must! allow those lies to be spread because "the First Amendment" is worded so stupidly.  It is exactly as stupid to hold that because those amateurs who drafted the "Bill of Rights" were too stupid to be explicit in the rational limits of speech and press freedom as the fascists outside of and on the goddamned Supreme Court use the 2nd Amendment those numbskulls wrote is similarly and vaguely dangerous. 

Nazis have no right to lie that I am obliged to recognize or which it is safe to allow the law to grant them, they abandoned even a presumption of a right to unlimited speech by the lesson of history about what they are able to do when they find enough stupid, vulnerable people to gain power.   Their intentions of depriving others of every right, up to and including the right to live annul that as a right and transforms it into an insanely granted privilege to lie with impunity no matter how dangerous that is.  The idea that once they have the power to take power by force then we then can stop them is one of the stupidest refusals to learn from observed history that is ubiquitous among the allegedly educated elite.

White supremacists have no right to lie, male supremacists have none (remember that FBI estimate of 3-4 women EVERY DAY! WHO ARE MURDERED BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMEN). 

The oil, coal and gas industries have no right to lie us into ecocide because the assinine Supreme Court says that they are "people" and so have the same rights that they stupidly allow Nazis, white supremacists, other malignant people. 

Anyone who claims  Nazis, etc. have those rights are saying they are to be allowed, forever, a chance to turn "Never Again" into X number of times again.   Anyone who belongs to any beleagured group who holds that First Amendementy nonsense is a complete chump.

The excuse that if we don't allow Nazis, etc. that chance then "someone may take away our right to tell the truth and promote equality and universal respect for all" is an idiot because it's exactly those they empower who will guarantee that happens.  It is worse than paradoxical, it is totally stupid! 

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