Monday, April 4, 2022

You Think I'm Being Too Hard On The Gangster Lawyers In Black Robes?

ABRAHAM LINCOLN explicitly said that considering the decisions of the Supreme Court with the sanctity we now grant those decisions was a new thing in his time.

The sacredness that Judge Douglas throws around this decision is a degree of sacredness that has never been before thrown around any other decision.  I have never heard of such a thing.   

You have to ask yourself how that novelty, starting in what is generally considered the worst decision the Supreme Court has made, written by one of the most deservedly infamous "justices" ever to sit on that Court, became the general habit in thinking about it as the Court handed down some almost as bad decisions.  Such as not only enshrining Jim Crow and the lie of "separate but equal" they used to cover up their establishment of legally enforced inequality in Plessy v Ferguson but a long list of other decisions that enforced wage slavery, discrimination, inequality and the majority of its rulings which favored the rich, the powerful, the white, the male, the elite over everyone else. 

I would post it as a general rule of how power is exercised, especially in an anti-democratic power such as the Supreme Court is, that one of the primary motives is to look where the power and wealth at stake lies and to suspect the exercisers of power will come down on that side of things.   I would bet you that an honest evaluation of Supreme Court power would show that that most absurdly adulated and sacralized branch has, in fact, ruled for that power and wealth in a majority of its cases, probably a large majority of them.  The record of the Roberts Court in cases involving the interests of large Republican donors is, in the evaluation of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, more than 80 to zero, the zero being those against whom the interests of the large Republican donors have been exercised and supported by what might be the most corrupt Court since de jure slavery was legal.  They are speeding up and not slowing down on their corruption and evil.  Certainly it is the worst Court since the period when de jure Jim Crow was abolished, though that's such a short time ago that it's not saying much.  They are already reimposing de jure Jim Crow through the Republican-fascist voter suppression acts they have rubber stamped.  They are advancing the subjugation of women under the power of Republican-fascist state legislatures and the Republican-fascist packed lower courts at the same time.

I think the absurd dramatic and fictional presentation of the Supreme Court, in its antiquated tones of reverence, what actually informs most of those aware that such a court exists in the United States, is falsified on its behalf for the benefit of those who finance and run show biz and publishing.  The "free press" is as big a part of that sales job as anyone.   If they made one big movie exposing the real and sordid history of the Supreme Court it would blow what's been a very profitable racket for those with money and, so, power.  

I say take the pseudo-ecclesiastical fancy dress off of them so they don't fool the rubes that they're anything more than lawyers who, mostly, are hacks.   The few who have conducted their lives and their term of office respectably and even benevolently are few and could easily stand on their work without the trappings and lies. 

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