Tuesday, February 8, 2022

We Are Marching Back To Segregation Led By The Supreme Court

WITH THE SUPREME COURTS RESEGREGATIONIST majority allowing Republican-fascists in Alabama to disenfranchise Black Voters.  With the psychopathic Clarence Thomas and Amy Coney Barrett, the adoptive mother of two Hatians who I believe she adopted for cover in case she got to do what she is on the court - look what she'll do to women to see how much such things matter to her - the Supreme Court is hurtling the country back to the worst of the Jim Crow era.  The Republican majority court has been set on a blatantly partisan course for twenty-two years but it wasn't so overtly white supremacist as it is now.   I would imagine you'd have to go back before the 1950s to find even individual members who would have supported the racist stands of the majority, none more so than Thomas and, as this develops, the other four who voted on this yesterday.

Tar the court as the blatantly partisan institution that it once again obviously is.  Then cover it with feathers, plucked from leghorns for their willingness to use white supremacy as their foremost tool to gain and retain power for their fascist party.   Roberts may continue to not side with them, he certainly doesn't want to go down in history as it being his court that led the country back into Plessy v Ferguson etc. but he'll side with them to keep Republican-fascism in power and the oligarchs the Republican-fascists serve. 

This ultimately is the result of a. the anti-democratically constituted Senate being given the power of confirmation of Supreme Court nominations and b. the evil and anti-democratic Electoral College.  Those are the tools handed to the posterity of the slave power by the drafters of the Constitution and they are working just as they always have with the rarest of exceptions for a few years in the 1960s and early 70s to give power to a corrupt, white supremacist, oligarachy coalition in American politics.  The Supreme Court, with a few exceptions, has been its servant and sustainer.  The illusion that it was the savior of equality because it in a very few cases pushed justice held back by the white supremacists in the Senate through the filibuster was a delusion, as was the idea that women's right to control their own bodies was safely established in the law.  Those are all delusions which are not admitted to by the habits, customs, traditions and stupidity of our idolatrous pagan civic religion. 

I think Amy Coney Barrett is on the court primarily to protect her families wealth, to tell you the truth.  I don't think anything else really matters to her.  Thomas and Alito are psychopaths, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh partisan-fascist aparatchiks.   Roberts only shred of decency depends on what he figures his role in history will suffer if he does what he wants to do.   The Court is as it almost always has been, a block to democracy and, especially, equality.  Only the romantic delusion in the wake of the long, long dead Warren court endures as a damaging fig leaf to cover the shame of the most blatantly anti-democratic branch of the American government.

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