Monday, September 14, 2020

It's The New Green

"Peoples' Party," yeah, right.  I wonder what the average income of the members of this "Peoples' Party" is.  I'll bet the Hollywood celeb membership of it isn't the only thing that puts it closer to the 1% than the 90%.  

Democrats in state government should get rid of these spoilers by tightening ballot access to only real parties and real candidates.  I know the idiots following the "liberal" line in Maine made ballot access for candidates and questions absurdly easy, which has benefited mostly Republicans and big money.  The stuff that is easily sold as a slogan "it's only fair" "all I want to do is level the playing field," seems to so often end up that way.   Maine would never have had Paul LePage, Trump before Trump, if ballot access had been more of a challenge.  

Peoples' Party 2020 and beyond is the Green Party redux.   I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't Republican money behind it.  Or Putin money, as if there's any difference. 

Anyone who calls for a "third party" is rightly suspected of carrying water for them, from now on. 

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