Friday, August 21, 2020

Hillary Clinton Said The "I" Word After The "L" Word

If you do a search of this blog for the word "impunity" as in "the Supreme Court allows the corporate media (and now the Putin and billionaire gangster influenced "social media") to lie with impunity"  you will see why I was so gratified when the person with the greatest claim to have experienced what the rule of lies and the lying liars who lie them brings democracy down to,  Hillary Clinton said on Colbert's show that Trump was allowed to "lie with impunity" as a warning to the Biden-Harris ticket as to what they're up against. 

I doubt she got the idea from me, having lived the real thing that I've only experienced in blog trolling, but it was gratifying in a way I felt like mentioning.

It's not clear that she would favor my idea of returning to a world when newspapers and magazines and TV and radio shows could be sued for lying about Democratic politicians - the primary victims of the Warren-Rehnquist-Roberts "free speech-free press" regime and its foul spawn which has opened our elections up to corruption in a way that destroys democracy.   But I don't see any way to have egalitarian democracy under the regime that has proven itself poisonous to democracy for the past fifty-six years.   

One of the most telling things about the lying media is the delicacy they practiced in avoiding calling even the most flagrant of lies told by Republicans,  Reagan, Bush I, II, Newt Gingrich, Henry Hyde, etc. lies HOW THEY EVEN INVENTED THE RULE THAT YOU HAD TO "PROVE" THAT THE REPUBLICAN LIAR KNEW THEY WERE LYING BEFORE YOU COULD PLAINLY STATE THEY WERE LYING, EVEN INTO THE TRUMP REGIME!   That a good part of "journalistic practice" in the last fifty years was to find ways such as "it's being said" to include those lies as reporting and, even more so, in what is euphemistically called "opinion journalism" is proof of how wrong the naive Warren era ideas about the safety of allowing the media to lie UNLESS THEY PRACTICALLY ADMITTED THEY WERE DOING IT! for not only democracy but for decency and, as we have found under Trump, the very distinction between lies and truth, make-believe and reality and that without us choosing to enforce those, nature will step in with scores if not hundreds of thousands or more dead and things like babies being stolen from their parents and put into concentration camps so Stephen Miller can feel virile.   Don't get me started about his mentor, the founder of Ramparts magazine,  red-diaper baby racist David Horowitz, who deserves to be the poster-boy of what the American play-left produces, Republican rule.

I think the oaths that American politicians and judges and "justices" make should be amended to effectively require them to pledge to protect and defend equality and democracy.   I couldn't give less of a bloggers damn for the Constitution, without those it's the extension of the 18th century slave power into our time.  The struggle of Black People, other People of Color, Women, LGBTQetc.  People, working people, POOR PEOPLE which makes up the best thing about us has been largely a struggle against that Constitution as it was written.  As has been proved by the Supreme Court all through it's history,  the Constitution has been far more useful to the enemies of equality, the protectors of the privilege of elites and racial bigots and, yes, enslavers (by law and on a de facto basis) than it has as a means of timely production of justice.   The "founders" did not favor equality, they were aristocrats who feathered their own nests who wrote some features into the Constitution mainly for THEIR protection, the protection of THEIR families and THEIR class.   And the forced extension of those to equally cover everyone has not proven at all easy to accomplish, most of the pending  extension of that is still not accomplished and, as the Rehnquist and Roberts courts have proven, any progress can easily be reversed by a court of thugs bent on privileging a ruling class of wealthy gangsters.  

That's what I've learned from American history looked at as if equality and democracy really matter.  

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