Tuesday, July 21, 2020

We Have To Force The Changes That Will Protect Democracy Or We Will See Another Trump Within Twenty Years

After Trump, if extensive and serious changes are not made to to the Constitution banning his full range of crimes, up to and including the deployment of secret police without any known authority snatching people off of the street in the style of dictators around the world, the next Trump will repeat it and go farther.  

When the American media, when lawyers, when politicians use the phrase "Constitutional crisis" they mean some decorous lawyerly thing that will be  solved by reinstituting the habits of the past.   That is entirely dangerous lazy and stupid nonsense,  mere restoration to the past will only get us back to what produced Trump, it guarantees that they'll do it again, learing how to do it more effectively through the Trump years.  We have no choice but to tear out what made Trump's corrupt election possible and, more so, what has kept the criminal Trump regime in place for four years.   The Trump regime exposes every gaping flaw in the Constitution, flaws that are golden opportunities for the very same people who put him in power to do it again and again as long as those mechanisms are in place. 

That Trump is still in office with the huge range of crimes he is known to have committed, even what should be called "presidential treason" of acting as the agent of a foreign dictator is all the proof a rational person would need that our Constitution's long-standing flaws and dangers have been made operational by intent, with the help of lawyers and judges and alleged law-men and nothing short of drastic change to the Constitution as well as host of new laws will crush this danger from ever being resorted to by a future criminal, Republican-fascist president. 

It is also vitally necessary that the legal movements that promote actual fascism through a reading of the obviously dangerously written presidential powers sections of the Constitution be fully exposed as the fascist movement that it so obviously is.  That extends from the sewers of billionaire funded organizations and "societies" around Washington to the legal faculties that have hatched propaganda for the effort of making the United States a nation of one-man rule, not laws. 

The Trumpstapo, Barrstapo agents among "Homeland Security" the Federal  Marshals,  etc. have to be exposed and named and, when possible prosecuted.  They must not only be fired, the ones who have abducted people from the street,beaten and teargassed have to be prosecuted and imprisoned with a lifetime ban on any police work and they should have long periods of supervision on release with a ban on associating with fascist organizations.  

The "never Trump" faction of the Republican Party have got to repudiate all of that because it was within their former party that all of this incubated, through the Nixon, Reagan, Bush I and II years and within the Republican members of the Supreme Court starting with Rehnquist.  This is a Republican Party effort and if they don't a. admit that and b.repudiate it entirely,  I don't trust them.   I have certainly repudiated the worst of what the left has nurtured and permitted in in the past, it's time for all of us to do the same with ALL anti-egalitarian, anti-democratic factions on all sides.  

I have annoyed some people by discounting the actual ideological pretensions of anti-democratic ideologues, noting that Nazis and Stalinists,  fascists and communists and Marxist "socialists" are all anti-democratic and they share at each level of depravity more than enough with their alleged counterpart on the other alleged end of the alleged linear graph of political identity to admit that those similarities make them all the same kind of thing.  Anyone who figures it's OK for "our sons of bitches" to kill and oppress because their ideas of what to do with the economy are more to our liking should be kicked out of the effort to finally adopt egalitarian democracy.   

It's simple, either you are an egalitarian democrat or you are a gangster, a thug as exemplified in the unmarked fascist police that are abducting people from American streets.   And, if these changes aren't made, much, much worse, perhaps as soon as next year if the Republican-fascists corrupt this election as they did in 2000, 2004 and 2016.  

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