Monday, June 1, 2020

The Great Mistake Of George Soros

The oligarchs, billionaires, fascists, commmunists, monarchist romantics, other promoters of gangster government have a lot less to fear from their favorite bogeyman, George Soros than they promote.  And I know, it's not that, it's that he's a representative of Jews for the Jew haters they hope to harness for their purpose. 

I've mentioned before that in at least one case Soros definitely backed the wrong horse in the Hungarian neo-fascist Viktor Orban, who he financed at Oxford as a promising promoter of an "open society" I would guess.   He's the kind of guy who can go from enthusiastic young Communist - when Hungary may have seemed to have a Communist future as it then had a present - to something mistaken as a European style "liberal" and now has revealed himself as not only a fascist nationalist (in that resurgence in Europe) but one who openly uses Soros the way American fascists and fascists elsewhere use him.  I would note that at some point he either remembered or gained membership in the Hungarian Reformed Church, if I'm correct, a rather old-line Calivinist group.  I wonder if he did that double step that would allow that while being a Communist. 

Soros, for what admirable qualities he has, is rather naive as to what the problem is and what its solution is.  The problem isn't merely "openness" as in this passage taken from his foundation's website:

George Soros used his fortune to create the Open Society Foundations—a network of foundations, partners, and projects in more than 120 countries. Our name and work reflect the influence on Soros’s thinking of the philosophy of Karl Popper, which Soros first encountered at the London School of Economics. In his book Open Society and Its Enemies, Popper argues that no philosophy or ideology is the final arbiter of truth, and that societies can only flourish when they allow for democratic governance, freedom of expression, and respect for individual rights—an approach at the core of the Open Society Foundations’ work.

It is certainly true that no philosophy or ideology will be "the final arbiter of truth,"  all human institutions will fail at some point, none of them have what it would be necessary for that not to happen, a superhuman level of perfection which we will never have.  But that's not the crucial issue in this, the crucial issue is that to be an egalitarian democrat, you have to start with those stands that first face the fact that anti-egalitarian, anti-democratic, anti-truth ideologies are seductive in their power to gull and attract and use the weaknesses of human beings, cultures, societies in order to destroy any possibility of democracy.   The "openness" to those being allowed to flourish, especially in the mass media and through organized efforts that proselytize is an invitation for them to do before what they have done in the past in the large majority of cases.  In fact, such are using the very "openness" that the United States Constitution, the various Constitutions and laws and rules that permit the free spread of hatred, racism, sexism other forms of discrimination are the reason that so many of the formerly Communist and, yes, those which had been somewhat democratic are in such deep trouble from resurgent fascist gangsterism funded largely by Soros' fellow billionaires and the very media that he wants to be free to do that. 

It isn't just that all-too-human institution of "liberal democracy" that is failing as the gangsters and billionaires and their minions exploit its inherent weaknesses, it is the very notions that complete "objectivity" in the law, which does not openly and completely favor equality, justice, fairness and, perhaps most of all the overall right of  The People to have the truth instead of privileging lies by allowing them to flourish in the media owned by the affluent is going to lead to what it most certainly is failing at now, egalitarian democracy with justice for all.   No one has the right, no one should have the liberty to promote fascism, communism or any other form of gangsterism.  Justice is a superior thing to liberty which should only ever be seen as the facilitator of the conditions in which justice is possible.  It is a failure of not only secular, materialistic, scientistic systems of thought that has made that tragically mistaken mistake of not making that distinction, it is present all through modern culture and modern society.

Those refusals to make that distinction so often prefaced with "who is to say,"  "who is to judge" "who is to determine"  is a pose of objectivity when its nothing like even handed in its results.   That is one of the greatest failures of secular modern liberalism.  If you don't raise justice over the liberty to destroy justice,if you don't raise the truth over lies, you are promoting injustice and lies and the inequality and lack of democracy that are guaranteed by doing that.   Soros has, I believe, made that common and ubiqutious mistake, a mistaken stand for "liberty" which is an all too often easy and cowardly refusal to admit the essential choice for what's right.

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