Sunday, June 21, 2020

"Christianity is propaganda to make people passive"

Like the appeals to hatred and thrilling violence have worked so well for the left.  Somehow I have a feeling that most such encouragement online comes from people who are well insulated from actual danger of violence in their personal lives, those at the front of that line as they encourage others to go to a far different front. 

It's not a distraction from the resistance to the Republican-fascists, Trump, FOX-Sinclair-hate-talk-media to present the antithesis of their content and method.  It's an act of resistance and since it is resistance through the actual teachings of Jesus, what are the only legitimate bases to the Christianity that that Anti-Christ has hijacked it strikes me as particularly subversive, undermining them from at least two directions.  

So, yeah, I am going to continue.   If it drives down readership, that's out of my control.   Maybe if I keep appealing to what's potentially best in people, they'll hesitate before taking the encouragement to the worst in them. 

If you want to see distraction, go look at the past programs of the Left Forum,the archives of the various radical magazines, generally penned by the trust-fund class left. 

And, oh, yeah, pornography for the most part is the promotion of fascistic depravity as sex to sell itself.  It is no coincidence that Rupert Murdoch's fascist media was floated on soft porn images of women and that he is a smut merchant as well as one of the most effective destroyers of democracy in the history of the world.  The two are more than just intimately related, they are the same thing.  

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