Sunday, November 11, 2018

Someone Doesn't Like Me Using The Term "Britatheist"

As Britain is an artificial collection of a number of different ethnicities, regions and groups, none of them uniform, as all national groupings are, it would be rather stupid of me to maintain a blanket dislike of all of them.   I don't dislike "the British" in the same way that so many Brits dislike the Irish, I have a lot of sympathy for a lot of Brits, especially one of the largest groups of victims of the all too real British class system, the poor living in Britain.  I am especially sympathetic because the elite here would like to set things up to mimic their idea of a class ridden society, including the snobbery of it. 

When I dope-slap specific Brits it's a response to several things, the anti-Irish bigotry, the anti-Catholic bigotry, the snobbery of the British elites or the many who would like to either join or at least be taken as a part of the British elite or a Brit-style elite - something apparently especially common among the snootier ex-pats living in Canada, which is funny seeing as how they couldn't make it in Britland - and the such.  And I think it's valuable for Brits to understand that they don't get a carte blanche from the kind of stereotyping they insist on imposing on others.  If there's something funny, it's a Brit bigot who is given a bit of their own back - for educational purposes, only.   They tend to froth in fury. 

There is a group of especially snobbish Brits who tend to be university grads and who use their atheism as another excuse for them to feel superior to other people.  It's often an empty pose of sciency erudition on the bargain-basement cheap, no maths required.  As that's something that's easier to maintain than an actual education and far easier to obtain than membership of an old family or a favored ethnic group,it's one of the more often encountered type of Brit snobs.   Though that is hardly confined to British atheists.  Atheists all round tend to do that. 

I have never met an actual Scot who I disliked though I've disliked a number of New England yankees who had Scottish names.  But, then, I've disliked a lot of New Englanders who have Irish names, too.   And I've met English-Brits who I really like, though they've almost always been distinctly from the lower economic class.  I detest the affected sound of the British received  accent, something which I've talked about before.  I've heard Brits who make fun of it rather well. 

If you want to annoy me, accuse me of being a "Yankee" which here means a white-Protestant (though lots of them are either atheists or nothings* these days) of English or Scottish ancestry whose ancestors either came here and murdered Indians to steal their land or who were brought here in bondage after one of the failed Scottish rebellions in chains but who assimilated over the centuries, creating a sort of elite.  Especially those of the prep-school to Ivy class.   Though there are people of Irish ancestry who aren't far behind in that, people who like most white people benefit from the American form of indigenous evil, racism to assimilate to a higher status. 

* Don't get me started on Unitarians. 


  1. "Someone doesn’t like me using the term “Britatheist.”"

    Britatheist = someone who worships a popular home water purification system as Divine, instead of merely fabulous.

    1. And there it is, the best Simps can do.

      If I thought it was worth it I'd make some kind of joke on John Waters but you'd just pretend it was yours.

  2. Hey schmucko -- I just got an e-mail from John Waters. He thinks you're a pompous priggish putz who never understood a single joke in any of his movies.

    1. Let me guess, it was right after the one you got from Italo Calvino.

      I outgrew John Waters but I'll bet I knew more of his movies than you did before that happened. I tried to watch Female Trouble again after I used that line from it on you - you remember, the one where Mink Stole says what she wouldn't do if she were suffocating - and I was bored. If John Waters didn't like my blog I don't think it would give me a second of concern.

  3. "I outgrew John Waters"

    Impossible, given that you never got one of his jokes in the first place. But thanks for playing.

    1. Oh, for fucksake, Stupy. I know to someone as stupid and superficial as you they must seem subtle and clever but if John Waters ever made a joke that wasn't as obvious as your stupidity I'd like to know what movie it appeared in.

  4. Let's make a list of all the comic filmmakers whose jokes you don't understand.

    Oh, wait -- that would be ALL of them.

  5. Let's also add to that list every standup comedian who ever lived, and every playwright who ever wrote a comedy.

    1. Says Simps, the man who has never had a thought deeper than a teaspoon.

    2. Says Sparky, one of the deepest thinkers in the blogosphere.

    3. Well, since it's you saying it and things be relative.
