Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I Don't Know How To Write About This

Since Saturday afternoon I have started many and been unable to finish any pieces about the Republican-Nazi mass murder in Pittsburgh.  In one of the pieces I wrote that I hoped it was the crime so horrible, so terrible that would open the eyes of the media, talking heads, lawyers, judges, politicians, even any allegedly reachable Republicans to what has been wrought in the United States in the past fifty years and I couldn't bring myself to even suggest that as a possibility.

I don't have much if any faith that this will be the event that does it, I'm beginning to think we don't have what it takes to get that kind of a lesson.    I certainly doubt that those who support Trump in the days after this latest series of attacks will change.  I am certain FOX won't change except to try to figure how to spin it for their own use.  From what I've seen, that's already the case.

There have been so many such incidents, mass murders, attacks on Black churches and groups, mass gun murders of the youngest school students, students in high schools and universities, other churches and those have not changed anything, things have become steadily worse.  If this, what is being called the largest attack against Jews in the history of the United States does change things, I will be glad to know something can make an impact on the monstrous indifference that the Republican-Nazi machine is.   But I'll have to see that first.   I think the only thing that would change the law is if there is a mass shooting at the Supreme Court that kills justices.  Just as it is the Supreme Court of the United States which has made certain that our elections systems are optimally corrupt in favor of the Republican Party, it has armed the mass murderers against even bi-partisan attempts to disarm the haters and lunatics such as murdered the worshipers last Saturday.

Nothing has changed those stubborn, hardest of hard-hearted Pharaohs robed in black and comfortable in the protection of their lives as Supreme Court members and smarmy in their legal jargon with which they permit this depravity and prevent its prevention.  They certainly don't mind the body count their permissions have racked up over decades.  Maybe the corpses should be buried on the grounds of the Supreme Court so they'll have to pass by them when they enter the building.

Any technical feature of this that can be used to deny the transformation of the Republican-fascist into the Republican-Nazi party will be grasped onto to exempt those who inspired the American Nazi whipped up into an irrational and stupid frenzy by the FOX-Trump "Caravan" election gimmick into attacking Jews - one thing said there was a six-pointed star in one of the photos the Nazi saw - but when it gets eleven people murdered and others wounded, both physically and in permanently damaged lives, those legalistic technicalities are genocide enabling bull shit.


Since the Republican-Nazi installation of Brett Kavanaugh I have made it my practice to point out that one of the Senate architects of that is the hypocritical, lying, fat little Republican-Nazi faggot from South Carolina, Lindsay Graham is, in fact, a gay man posing as a not-gay man so he can get elected by Republican-Nazis in South Carolina, a state with a long history of electing such men that goes back into the ante-bellum period.  I carry a particular hatred - and I confess the word is not too strong - for gay Republicans who have personally profited from promoting  a racist, bigoted, anti-equality, anti-LGBTQ party.   I can only put my feelings in the words Tony Kushner wrote for Ethel Rosenberg's ghost to tell Roy Cohn as he lay on his deathbed  "It's the star of Ethel Rosenberg's Hatred, and it burns every year for one night only, June Nineteen. It burns acid green,".   Only mine burns every time I see Lindsay Graham or the other Republican-Nazi faggots like him.  It disgusts me that I share a sexual orientation with them.

If the Republican-Nazi Party had not benefited from harnessing anti-LGBTQ hatred, I would still despise such men because as members of a much discriminated against group they have no right to overlook the violent and grinding oppression that the Republican-Nazi Party has harnessed to gain power in the past, their racism, their anti-Latino bigotry and also their use of antisemitism.  I still find it jarring that there are Irish Republicans though the history of significant and anti-Irish discrimination in the United States ended long before I was born.   All through the Jewish scriptures, whenever God is commanding equal treatment of the poor, the destitute, the orphan, the widow, the worker, the stranger among us with the reminder "for you were once slaves in the land of Egypt".  It is one of the central moral principles common to Judaism and Christianity that that history of our peoples demands that we don't oppress.   That principle seems to me to be the only safe basis for the promulgation of group identity,  "for remember that you were once discriminated against and attacked by the Know Nothings, the British aristocratic landlords,"  "For you were murdered by, enslaved by, oppressed, discriminated against by whoever oppressed "our" people".

The only glimmer of light I have seen in this has been in the solidarity expressed with the victims of the permitted and enabled mass murder.  But I don't dare allow myself to be comforted by that.  I'm too worried about the next one to allow myself to be comforted.

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