Monday, September 3, 2018

Noam Chomsky - Bakunin’s Predictions

I found this Youtube today and in a way it's appropriate for Labor Day.  A lot of what Chomsky says in it is very close to some of my own conclusions about the atheist-materialist left not being fundamentally different from the fascist right, though, of course, Chomsky's analysis of that is somewhat different. 

Bakunin, at least in Chomsky's presentation of his prediction, didn't understand that there was the possibility of taking a fundamentally different path, one base in a higher view of life than is possible in he materialist-atheist-scientistic framing that a good European intellectual would have used to make pronouncements and predictions about the future.   If it weren't so hot I would type out a long passage from Hans Kung's Does God Exist?  to present that.  Maybe when it cools off a bit.  Though I'll probably need to get out in the garden when that happens.

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