Saturday, February 24, 2018

Saturday Night Radio Drama Frederico Garcia Lorca - Blood Wedding

Translated by James Graham Lujan and Richard L.O. Connell
Adapted for radio by Walter Acosta

Starring Anna Massey, Juliet Stevenson, with Alan Rickman as Leonardo.
Directed by Walter Acosta

First aired in 1986, on the 50th anniversary of Garcia Lorcas's murder during the Spanish Civil War.  The wedding song is based on a melody by Garcia Lorca.

I don't usually post adaptations of plays but thought this one should be an exception.   It works for radio better than Lorca's most famous play, The House of Bernarda Alba probably could because there are fewer roles that come over more clearly than a larger cast consisting only of women's voices probably would - though I'll bet it could be done given the right actors and a good director.

I'm not as big on Lorca as I was when I was young, his attraction to violence has become seriously problematic for me in a way I could take more when I was young.  It's interesting to consider that the mother, played by the great Anna Massey, could well have been his conscience talking to him, though she shared in the kind of "honor" culture that inevitably includes violence.   A lot of what is analyzed as patriarchy probably is more accurately attributed to this conception of "honor". 

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