Sunday, October 2, 2016

OK, I'll Explain

I was extremely busy most of yesterday so I didn't have time to write anything, then, right before my bedtime someone informed me that Simps and Freki were at it, as ususal, at Duncan Black's blog, lying about me.

The thing started with one of the dreary, cooky cutter atheists at Duncan's, when "tacitus voltare" posted snark about some insane nuttery about changes in DNA caused by being born again, or something.   Steve Simels started by speculating that I'd believe something like that.

Which proves one thing,  he has, literally, not understood anything I've ever said about biology and especially my skepticism about the mania for making up stories centered on genes to explain stuff, what a group of prominent evolutionary biologists and geneticists, many of them atheists, ridicule as "Just-so stories".   I started being skeptical of that nonsense as soon as I first read about it, back in the early 1970s, having noticed that there was no observational support for such story telling.  The wacky stuff that TV snarked about is far closer to the make-it-up as science that E.O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett do than to anything I'd call science.   So, it's clear that the person who trolls me the most hasn't got a clue as to what I have said in numerous posts, many of which he has ignorantly snarked about, himself.

Then, after a gal who I had heard Duncan had banned, chicago dyke, said something typically clueless and, typically centered on herself and rather simple mindedly anti-religious.  It was then that Simels said,

Nah, it's much simpler.  He has appalling musical taste and he's an anti-semite shithead.

Considering this all began with an Eschaton regular who has taken the name of one of the most vicious of classical antisemites, one who I have quoted from, at length, to demonstrate his antisemitism and whose utility to Nazi antisemitism and Germanic supremacy I have also posted about, in response to previous idiocy from the Eschatonians, Simels' accusation of antisemitism in this context is just more evidence that he is a post-literate idiot whose functional reading capabilities would probably get him assigned to a remedial reading class in the fifth grade.   As I said, last night, I will depend on those who actually can read and do read what I write to judge whether or not I'm an antisemite, not someone who brings out that accusation on the many occasions he's got nutthin'.  

What is really funny about that is that the entire content of the post where Simps said it consists of Duncan Black saying, 

I got nothin' 

Duncan Black long ago gave up trying to say something.  I'll have to take him at his word that his blog is about him having "nothin'".  And neither do a significant part of his regulars.  There are hardly any others who comment there, these days.  The regulars are as suspicious of outsiders as the regulars at Harry Hope's Bar (see the link in last night's post on this topic).

As to my taste in music, well, Simps spent his working life championing the white-boy copy-cats of music and musical styles originating in superior Black American artists and what developed out of various white guys who graduated from bubble gum to psychogenic drugs and alcohol.  His career in repeating the common received commercial POV as provided by publicists and regurgitated from the spewing of pop music scribblers from bigger venues doesn't provide him with the authority to make me worry about his dislike for more demanding music which surpasses his attention span. 

I suppose since it bridges Simels libelous statement and "Freki's" accusation that I'm a misogynist that I should mention someone who I've never noticed before, "Big Buck" agreed with Simels.  As to whether or not "Big Buck" has ever read a word I have ever written, I doubt it.

Considering that it is "Big Buck" who supports Simps, it is rather funny that his rival for champion liar at Eschaton, "Freki" aka "JR" accused me of being a misogynist.  I would like to point out that for a few years I wrote at the feminist blog of one of Duncan Black's regulars who certainly knows I'm not a misogynist.  In the last few days I made a comment on her blog which was "liked" by another of Duncan's regulars.  

Again, I will rely on those who actually read what I write to decide if I'm a misogynist, which leaves out most of the Eschatonians who don't even read what Duncan Black used to, occasionally, write for his blog.  I will say, again, that it was at his blog that I developed an insight into the debilitating effects of atheism on honesty, how when someone doesn't believe in sin their inhibitions to lie can't be expected to be enhanced.  I'm sure there are atheists who have a highly developed distaste for lying but they don't seem to have remained at his blog where telling the truth is a sometimes thing. 

You know, there is one thing Duncan Black should hope for, that I never win a big lottery because I might just want to test a Supreme Court ruling if I had the money to finance a challenge to it.  I'd love to get rid of some of their stupider permissions to lie granted by the out of touch Olympians on the Supreme Court.  Those are a proven danger to democracy.

Update:  I should add, considering Simps and Freki's taste in music, praising some of the foremost of misogynists in pop music and styles which have proven useful to today's most vicious antismites, the irony abounds.  But only if you have a clue which means they're safe from the irony they generate.

Update:  Stupy has made a comment that is so stupid, so simplistic, so idiotic and clueless about Wagner, a composer whose music I a. loathe and b. which I've written about loathing that I'd be tempted to go into it, again but which I doubt he could a. understand or b. read, so I'm not tempted to get an easy post at his further expense.

Eschatonians love to believe they are a "Brain Trust" when they're more like a symptom of personality disorder.

For the record, to ignore the role that Wagner played in late 19th century German antisemitism and glorification of Germanic paganism, all of which was useful in bringing about the intellectual milieu in which Nazism developed, is idiotic and clueless.  So I'm not surprised he went there. 


  1. Apparently they have nothing better to do than to toss eggs at you. I've never been impressed with the knowledge or the wit of the rump faction left there, and I haven't read anything they have to say for years.

    Now if I could just break the habit of reading the stupidity that gets published at Salon, I'd finally be a better person.

    1. I've pretty much broken the Salon habit and I'm sure I'd get round to entirely ignoring the Eschaton clique if they didn't lie about me but I have decided that letting lies go unchallenged isn't a good idea and, besides, they're so stupid that they unwittingly embody some of the stupider characteristics of the left that fails.

  2. "praising some of the foremost of misogynists in pop music and styles which have proven useful to today's most vicious antismites"

    This is like blaming classical music for Hitler liking Wagner. I.e., another episode of Non Sequitur Theatre.

  3. "For the record, to ignore the role that Wagner played in late 19th century German antisemitism and glorification of Germanic paganism, all of which was useful in bringing about the intellectual milieu in which Nazism developed, is idiotic and clueless. So I'm not surprised he went there. "

    No one with a functioning brain pan could seriously believe that was the point I was making. So you're either a disingenuous dickhead or a low grade moron. Not that it matters which, of course.
