Thursday, September 8, 2016

It's Clear That The Sulzberger Family Hates The Clinton Family Enough To Destroy The Country To Screw Them

The part that The New York Times has played in the replacement of the Kennedy family as the focus of a quarter of a century of hate and, at least in the case of the Clintons, trumped up pseudo-scandals, is pretty much central.  From White Water right down to today the NYT has been central to peddling phony scandals about the Clintons, one after another.  They might not be alone but the absurdly inflated view that that paper puts a skim coat of journalistic credibility over the crappiest of lies.

I believe that in the decades, now, that The Times has been doing this they've had major and massive turnover, editors have come and gone, yet, today the paper of broken record is stuck on that groove of Clinton scandal.   No one has wacked the stereo and gotten past it in that whole time.  That doesn't happen unless people who work there know that the owners want this to happen.   It is as clear as could be that the Sulzbergers are behind this "Clinton derangement syndrome".  If they didn't like what their paper was doing, they'd do something about it, like instructing the editors to fact check, do some major and massive correction,  you know, what "journalism" is supposed to be about when it's done as if the truth mattered.  At the very least they'd have fired Maureen Dowd's asinine ass.

If there is one thing that we know about American journalists, almost every one of them, today, is a careerist who knows which side their bread is buttered on.   They can be counted on to know what their bosses and owners want.

My brother's theory is that the Sulzbergers resented it that the Clintons came to prominence from Arkansas, just as so many resented Jimmy Carter for coming from Georgia or Lyndon Johnson for coming from Texas.   I wouldn't be surprised if that didn't have something to do with it.  But I think this is personal and wonder just what it was the the Clintons did that the owners of the most prominent newspaper in the country figure its worth risking putting a Donald Trump in the White House over.  I certainly wouldn't be surprised if the wealth of the Sulzbergers and their friends didn't enter into it.   Hillary Clinton probably wouldn't be able to make a major dent in the oligarchy favoring tax laws but she would probably be less likely to go along with handing more money over to their class.

I really think if someone wanted to do some actual reporting, and it probably wouldn't be someone working for a U.S. media corporation, they could try to find out why Sulzy hates Hillary so much. 

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