Friday, May 13, 2016

Dream Punk - You Can Add Huffington Post To The List Of Those Trying To Get Trump Elected

HuffPo has a piece up "Plot Twist: The Democratic Convention Will Be Contested, Sanders Can Win the Nomination" by  Brian Hanley , billed as "a political reporter covering the Bernie Sanders campaign. He's committed to telling a side of the story that the corporate media won't." and who from the little I can find out about him seems to specialize in making things like anti-Clinton rap Youtubes which are about as juvenile as you might expect.  

The strategy, the "plot twist" would seem to revolve around flipping those super-delegates who Sanders and his supporters seem to have every possible position on, depending on how they want to spin "the plot".   That's the thing about make-believe as opposed to reality, things can be whatever you want them to be as is convenient.   It's what I hate so much about steam punk.  It's bad enough in third rate fiction, bringing it into real politics is grotesque.   

1 comment:

  1. It won't be contested, and super delegates are a part of the system. They aren't auxiliary delegates who act as tie-breakers like the VP in the Senate. They are part of the delegate count that determines the winner of the nomination.

    So please, Bernie supporters, get over it. Your guy lost.
