Tuesday, August 12, 2014

For The Record I Won't Pretend That Lie Isn't A Lie Anymore

Note: This goes over old material which some of my readers have, no doubt, already read, but it obviously doesn't stop needing saying as the lie it refutes is a common received superstition that is nearly ubiquitous in the educated population of the English Speaking Peoples.  I will also note that, as I've also pointed out before, the facts of recorded history, especially recent history, are as real as any of the natural history that Charles Darwin and others assert as science.  Only the documentary record which contains history is meant to convey meaning, needing far less interpretation than the fossil record and implications of physical evidence within science. When that record was produced to be part of the scientific as well as historical record, what its authors said must be taken as an accurate representation of their intentions.

Yes, I have broken that ultimate taboo of post-war academic culture, I have admitted that it is true that Darwin's natural selection supplied the scientific justification for the Nazi's scientific racism, their eugenic campaign of first sterilizing and then murdering the "unfit" beginning with the disabled and continuing on to their attempted extermination of entire racial, religious, ethnic groups.  I admit it without any qualms that I am doing anyone an injustice and with the unique pleasure of abandoning a lie I've been told my entire life.  Just to retie a loose end in the hate-mail I've been getting and enjoying.

As I found when I looked at the record from before World War Two, no one I could find denied that link, including Charles Darwin's own children, his son Leonard Darwin, as late as 1939, on the eve of the Nazi beginning their extermination, boasting of his father's role in "changing German thought in the right direction" through his influence on, not only Wilhelm Schallmeyer but even more shockingly, on Alfred Ploetz.   And they were not alone in making those associations, directly, to the Nazi's eugenics laws in the 1930s, virtually everyone I read on the topic, writing during the time of the Nazi's actual adoption and implementation of those laws, up to the beginning of the war and even into it, admitted the association of those laws to Charles Darwin's natural selection and the line of scientists who tried to apply natural selection in human society.  I searched and was unable to find a single professional or personal associate of Charles Darwin, who actually knew the man, who attempted to disassociate him from eugenics or Haeckel's proto-Nazi materialist monism, the "final triumph" of which, Haeckel, himself, attributed to Darwin's natural selection.   I studied the primary documentation of that far more extensively than anyone I've read who denies that documentation exists.  I have challenged them to produce primary material that refutes my contention and I have, as of yet, not had them produce a single piece of it that a full reading supports their claims.

No one in the post-war period who has lied about that record knew Darwin, something which many of those who produced that record did.  And, since he explicitly supported what those people were saying AS SCIENCE, Charles Darwin confirmed their association of him to their ideas.  You have to call Charles Darwin a liar about his own thinking or to deny that what he said in some of his major books to make that claim.

No one who, today, makes claims exonerating Charles Darwin of his role in producing the Holocaust, has the credibility of those who knew him, something which no one today can claim in bolstering their credibility.  They heard him off the record, candidly in a way that the record doesn't preserve.  They knew him.

I am not carrying the polluted water of the Darwin industry anymore.  It is one of the major lies of the post-war period, one that I became interested in when I realized that industries role in promoting the return of eugenics by other names.  Natural selection is an idea that has the proven power to get millions of people killed.  Lying about it and its role in human history can't go unchallenged for as long as those lies are told.

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