Sunday, June 2, 2013

On The Boys Having a Hissy Fit Over Women As Breadwinners

I just couldn't listen to it or read it.  I know what they said.  If I had the time I'd go search their past statements about poor women and why they should have to leave their children with other people who they pay to watch them, go ride several buses to get to a minimum wage job (they also being against a living wage requirement) so they can earn a tiny income, much of which they will spend on such luxuries as childcare and transportation and food etc. so that such unaffordable luxuries as WIC, general assistance, etc can be destroyed because The People are a luxury we can't afford, especially children.  Oh, and when these children don't do well or get into trouble, it's also their mother's fault because she wasn't in the home, only she wasn't supposed to be in the home because she'll be a degenerate moocher if she doesn't get out and work for next to nothing ...  Obviously, any woman incapable of bilocation has no right to exist. 

That is one of the endlessly repeating wallpaper patterns the media, from far right to "moderate" has covered the country with. Once you've seen a swatch, you've more than seen it all.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty much why I ignored it. The surprise was that anyone was surprised.
