Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Genuine Tong Funeral by Carla Bley

I'm told there was some other record released in 1967 but this is the one from that year that's still new and still worth revisiting at least once a year.

It's so good you'll want to buy the CD.  It is one of the great masterpieces of American composition of that decade, worth hearing in the highest fidelity available.  Well worth a revival.   You hear this, you'll forget all about that other album.

Update:  In one of the most idealistic and generous artistic acts of recent years, you can find lead sheets for some of the pieces in A Genuine Tong Funeral and for many of Carla Bley, Steve Swallow and Karen Mantler's compositions at Watt Music Headquarters, in the Library.

1 comment:

  1. NOTE: I've decided to move any comments Steve Simels makes on my blog to a new blog I've put up.

    Steve Simels Watch

    I figure I might cash in on the literally tens of people who read his stuff so I might monetize it, for now it's just a dumpster.
