Monday, July 22, 2024

Is There A Bigger Horses Ass Than Aaron Sorkin?

I WON'T GO far into the idiocy of Aaron Sorkin or the perfidy of the pseudo-liberal,  pseudo-democratic New York Times but I will brag that I was making fun of Aaron Sorkin during the first years of the first run of The West Wing, upsetting the blog commentary communities as I pointed out what bullshit fairy stories it all was.  Alas, most of that was in long obscure and unrecoverable comment threads. 

Here's something I can document I said in passing as I made fun of the best and brightest in 2006, one of many times I mocked Sorkin's make believe.

For the Democratic Party in other states and on a national level, you've got bright people making the same STUPID mistake.  I know they are brilliant with real degrees in real subjects from fine universities.  I know they love the feel of those words coming out of their mouths with perfect diction.  I know that if they close their eyes they see C. J. and Toby.  But remember all of those plots where these brilliant, jargon fluent, policy wonks got into trouble when they tried to speak in public?

With the monumentally stupid idea that Democrats should replace a winner of a hard fought presidential election against the very Trump whose ass he beat for a pathetically performing Republican who lost a presidential election, who opposed Trump's nomination only to go on bended knee to him when he foolishly thought Trump would make him his Secretary of State, to condemning him after the January 6th insurrection and voting for his conviction when he was impeached, only to have him not endorse the only candidate who had a chance of preventing his return to power -  Sorkin out-stupided himself and should be forever after a laughing stock whenever he spews anything other than a stupid TV or movie script. 

There may be horses asses as big as Aaron Sorkin is, many from the same make-believe world of TV, movies and writing stage treatments of popular fairy tales like To Kill A Mocking Bird but he's as big as any of them.   He is already something of a joke, even as he back tracks and endorses Kamala Harris, NOW.   Well, the ass could have done that instead of suggesting the perfect Democrat to run against the Republican-fascist is someone who remains in the party even as it is Trump's fascist party now.   The great theologian and writer Susannah Heschel pointed out that there was all the world of difference between someone who joined the Nazi Party before 1930 and left it later and someone who joined it when it was clear after they'd held power and proved what they were.   Romney never left the party, he's still a member and I doubt he's going to leave it, especially during its time in power.   There is no such thing as a "good Republican" now,  the time for them to have left and retained any vestiges of a past goodness are long passed.   There is no room for Sorkinite "bipartisan" romanticism in any morally or intellectually respectable are of American  life in 2024.   He makes me think of P.G. Wodehouse in 1941, only without Wodehouses native stupidity and the dangerous position the Brit humorist had put himself into.  Sorkin has always figured he was way more clever than he really is.  So have those who bought into his easy, appealing unreality.  The West Wing was always hollow and callow and silly.   Not much more real than the "reality TV" that produced Trump. 

It's past time to ask the question,  will Sorkin will ever grow up?   It's 'time to go on to important things though I would guess that wasn't Sorkin's last monumentally stupid scribbleage. 

By the way, I was making a lot of the blog lefties and liberals uncomfortable with slamming the New York Times back in the early 00's,  and the Supreme Court.   I don't expect I'm saying that here for the last time, either. 

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