Friday, September 29, 2023

Diane Feinstein's Death

leads me to think there should be an age limit of 85 placed on U.S. Senators, as RBG's death lead me to think there should be a term limit of ten years on Supreme Court members with a lifetime ban on them or their spouses profiting off of anything they dealt with on the Court. 

I'm not big on age limits or term limits but how many of these people do we have to lose with such disastrous consequences?   They don't seem to be learning what some of the last House Democratic Leadership has obvious learned, that there is a time to step aside and make way for new leaders.   Even the great Nancy Pelosi, the greatest Speaker of the House in its history,  knew that it was time to step aside and she convinced her colleagues to do so, as well.  And a House member dying or resigning mid-term is seldom as disastrously consequential as a Senator or a "justice" doing so. 

Alternatively, Democrats, the next time they really are in control of the Senate, should change the goddamned anti-democratic rules and customs that the goddamned Republican-fascists use in unprecedented ways to thwart democracy in that atrociously anti-democratically structured body.   I pray that after the next election we actually have what we don't have now, a real Democratic majority without Manchins or Sinemas which can once and for all stop such disgusting practices as the goddamned Republican-fascists have been using for decades, now.   I hope and pray that McConnell spends a long time in the depths of purgatory for what he's done.  If not hell.  Manchin and Sinema can join him wherever.

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