The Thought Criminal
"It seems to me that to organize on the basis of feeding people or righting social injustice and all that is very valuable. But to rally people around the idea of modernism, modernity, or something is simply silly. I mean, I don't know what kind of a cause that is, to be up to date. I think it ultimately leads to fashion and snobbery and I'm against it." Jack Levine: January 3, 1915 – November 8, 2010 LEVEL BILLIONAIRES OUT OF EXISTENCE
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Hate Mail - Just As The Rude Pundit Is Rude,
Josh Marshall is a wonk and Duncan is content-free, I'm the one who thinks and says what it's forbidden to think and say. That's my beat, as it were, so I'll keep beating it. Now refute it instead of just complaining that what I said isn't allowed under the destructive regime of ACLU style free-speechyness.
Update: I only post comments as I find it entertaining to me or useful to post them. I don't post any that violate my ban on slander or libel unless it's against me and even then I have to be entertained by it. So, no, I won't post your comment no matter how much you whine about me being unfair. Try it again in a different form and I might change my mind.
The Law Is, In Fact, An Ass
WHILE BIRD FLU rages and the price of eggs goes up and up and disappear from store shelves, the U. of Texas at Austin Law idiot gangster-lawyer Sec. of Ag Brooke Rollins says people should start keeping laying hens, AS IF THOSE LAYING HENS WOULD NOT MAKE THE BIRD FLU SITUATION EVEN MORE DANGEROUS THAN IT IS RIGHT NOW. One of the major dangers of such herd animal viruses is that, like Covid-19, they will jump into the human population through exposure to infected animals, many such jumps happening in mass duck and hen and pig operations.
One of the reasons that eggs and poultry are disappearing IS THAT BIRD FARMS ARE BEING WIPED OUT BY BIRD FLU. Apparently the incumbent lawyer-Ag Sec. isn't aware of that. This law-school-retarded ass seems to think that wouldn't happen to the half-dozen that some MAGA dolt who never kept hens before decided to try keeping - I pity the poor birds, I've seen what happens when beginners without any knowledge try to keep farm animals. Cleaning their coops is generally the weakest link, though regular feeding and watering isn't far behind. The living ones might well envy the dead.
Some experienced farmers and gardeners I know who have kept hens for decades have stopped because they know it's dangerous to keep them, though other I know who are idiots don't seem to be any smarter than Lawyer Rollins. Many farmers are, in fact, idiots.
I have to say, until this year, following on listening to them for the past eight years, I never had really realized how removed from reality lawyers, in general, are and how phony and artificial and unattached from reality their subject is. I think we have entirely too many lawyers in government, now. I'd think maybe a ceiling of a low percent of lawyers allowed in the government would be a good idea. NO LAWYER SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO HEAD A DEPARTMENT THAT HAS TO DO WITH REAL LIFE INSTEAD OF THE MAKE-BELIEVE THAT THE LAW IS. Look at Little Bobby at Health and Human Services for another excellent example of the ass that the law is.
Sleepless Night Thoughts
IN MY NIGHTMARES WHICH ARE ALL I HAVE, the idea comes that the best we might hope for is a military coup to get rid of Musk-Trump-Thiel-Vance and the raft of Russian agents who are running the U.S. government. It's clear that our Constitution has failed, catastrophically. When you hear this or that MSNBC lawyer give those empty warnings of a pending Constitutional crisis you should realize that is just a symptom of how that profession disconnects its best and brightest from reality.
THE TRUTH IS WE HAVE BEEN IN A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS SINCE THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE PUT DONALD TRUMP IN THE PRESIDENCY IN 2016. It was a crisis tthe groundwork of which was laid sixty-one years ago with the Supreme Court interpretation of the First Amendment which allows the media to lie with impunity (Trump is a creation of such allowed lies), its arming of a Republican-fascist militia which is nothing like "well regulated" by its interpretation of the Second Amendment , it's gutting of parts of the Constitution such as the 14th Amendment which bans a Trump from office, the Roberts Court legalization of political corruption - buying the action of members of Congress, the executive on the buy now-pay later plan (it already has OKed the billionaires doing that at the Court) - its imposition of that Ivy League Law wet dream, unitary-executive fascism has been an ongoing and extreme FRIGGIN' CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS that has been going on for years.
I realize just how bad things are now that I am contemplating the merely possibly, hardly likely possibility of a military coup by actual, informed, patriotic UNCORRUPT military officers as a means of relieving us of Trump sooner than the disastrous fixed-term presidential system or him choking on a big-mac will - it being a complete certainty that even if Democrats by some miracle were to win every seat up in the mid-terms, overcoming Republican rigging and ratfucking and Elon's Starlink to do so, that they won't remove Trump by the Constitutional fiction of impeachment and conviction by an unachievable super-majority in the corrupt Senate and if they did that would only replace Putin's and Elon's bitch with Thiel's bitch, Vance. I think I now understand why a man I held as a hero, the journalist Jacobo Timmerman in desperation briefly welcomed a coup which removed one of Argentina's series of corrupt governments. One thing which I feel confirmed in believing is that as opposed to legitimate egalitarian democracy, liberal democracy is only one of many degrees of gangster governance, which all other forms of government are to one degree or another.
In the quasi-fantasy of what a "good" military-coup might be, and it is as unrealistic a fantasy as the one that the MSNBC style lawyers have about our Constitutional system, I hope they suspend the blatant Constitutional idiocy of the definition of treason to hold that what the Trump regime is doing, and I mean all of the officially Senate confirmed traitors but, also, those working for Trump and the Republican-fascist party in general are all guilty of treason. Being opposed to capital punishment I can't favor their execution though if anyone has deserved execution it is those who knowingly take actions that will risk or lead to the deaths of many hundreds, thousands, millions of People for money and the power it buys, the real answer to what motivates Trump, Vance, Musk and Thiel. I doubt that there would ever be such a thing as a military dictatorship that didn't include execution, but we are talking my sleepless-night fantasies right now.
The fact is that the U.S. Constitution's definition of treason is ridiculously difficult to meet. What Elon and his incel-boy army are doing should fall well within a reasonable definition of treason as should that of everyone from Trump to the names of the lower level hacks hired to corrupt and ratfuck the government on Musk's and Trump's and, ultimately Putin's behalf. And what the worst of them should get is life in prison with no possibility of parole at the very least. They should all lose their citizenship and be reduced to resident alien with police monitoring for those who are allowed to be released after serving their terms. They are of our indigenous criminal class. They are the one class from whom birthright citizenship should be abolished. They should become the aliens they hate.
The incredibly stupid structuring of the pardon power (if such an absurdly truncated law can be held to have a structure) is a major means of corruption and has been since George H.W. Bush pardoned the likes of Caspar Weinberger so that an indicted former Secretary of Defense wouldn't throw Bush I under the bus because he had the dirt on him. I am sure that every member of Trump's treasonous gang expects and has likely been promised a blanket pardon which the treasonous Roberts Court will certainly uphold, probably with the votes of any remaining Democratic appointees due to the supreme idiocy of our Constitution. The lawyer racket and, especially its senior ranks in judges and "justices" are in the business of pretending that blatant corruption isn't corrupt, that there are rights to do the most obviously wrong things, that the most harmful evil is good because of what they say the goddamned Constitution says being the real law of the land.
In my fantasy of idealistic-realistic, uncorrupted and patriotic military officers taking control, I would hope they hold the mass media, broadcast, cabloid, social-diseased-social-media responsible for their role in this treason And that should include the entertainment division because it is what has given us both the TV "reality" star, the Trump his supporters believe he is and the previous record holder in presidential corruption, Ronald Reagan. America was rotted through its mass media, TV, hate-talk-shock-jock radio, Hollywood fascist chic and racism, and the social-disease-social-media (SDSM). In my highest fantasy anything that attacks equality, reality, the truth, real democracy should be banned, its spreading punished by immediate dispossession of whatever means held to spread such democracy destroying speech.
It is supremely idiotic that it is held that the corrupt, actual government we have had, including legalized then de facto slavery, genocide and land theft, the grinding inequality and economic injustice that has been the law of the land should be protected from those who would overturn it but that an actual egalitarian democracy which attempts to provide everything of good governance that the founding documents of this country reneged on should forever be vulnerable to the very same forces that have destroyed anything and everything good we have managed to wrest from the Constitutional order.
Among the traitors I would include such idiots as the "free-speech-press" lawyering ones at such as the ACLU in that because they have been as effective in sandbagging egalitarian democracy as Rupert Murdoch and Elon Musk (by the way, I'd do something to make the deportation with expropriation of such poisonous aliens a regular thing till all of that shit is out of the bowels of the country). In their case, stripping them of their law licenses with a lifetime ban on having anything to do with the law should be the price, including banning putting them on the media as "experts." I think that that may happen under what their "free speech-press" advocacy has wrought as Musk-Trump fascism proceeds and even as the out of control Roberts Court rips up the law books which they learned in the rinky-dink Confucian lore which is the sum total of their erudition. So many of them have a permanent deer in the headlights look to them, now.
But I am not hopeful that any such military coup is possible or that, if one happened, it will produce anything but a bad government, though I doubt it will be one as bad as we have had for over one month into a 48 month nightmare.
One thing I am ever more certain of is that the United States we had till the minute President Biden left office will never come back. He was the last genuine American president under what seemed like a secure order of government.
The corruptions and poisons that gained strength starting with the white-supremacist-oligarch reaction to the high-point of egalitarian democracy in America, the Voting Rights-Civil Rights Acts, the Great Society programs of LBJ, what led to Lewis Powell's 1971 blueprint for turning the country into the oligarchy that it has become - the power of that reaction enhanced by the Warren Court loosening the corporate media to lie about Democratic politicians with impunity and the Berger Court giving billionaires billions of times more speech, building on the Warren Courts idiocy have all matured and still the TV lawyers are talking as if what has happened hasn't happened.
There is no going back to how it was if for no other reasons that the Supreme Court mechanisms that led us here are still there and will still be there till a. those are removed by impossible to achieve Constitutional amendments (as that is now) and b. the Marbury powers that the Supreme Court created extra-Constitutionally have not been removed from that corrupt body so they would just recreate them no matter what the Constitution says. I never in my entire adult life would ever think I'd entertain the idea but I think the Brits' unwritten Constitution might be less dangerous than our written one, though there are modern Constitutions that learned from the history we have not and wrote better ones than we have. Our Constitution is an 18th century idiot that learns nothing from experience except how to make things worse.
These are just some ideas after yet another sleepless night. I hope Canada, Europe and other aspiring democracies learn the hard lessons that we are incapable of learning, I hope they protect themselves from the corruptions of American media, especially Hollywood. I saw some postings yesterday about the mockery of Trump at the Oscars, which is like spitting into the winds of a thermonuclear explosion. I'm sure it made them feel virtuous. I'm sure it entertained for a second. I didn't bother watching it. I can't forget Colbert's "old Biden" shtick. I can't watch him anymore.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Saturday Night Radio Drama - Dylan Thomas - Under Milk Wood
Dylan Thomas with the Original New York cast.
Recorded at the Poetry Center of the YM-YWHA, Lexington Avenue and 92nd Street, New York, on May 14, 1953, with Dylan Thomas, Dion Allen, Allen F. Collins, Roy Poole, Sada Thompson, and Nancy Wickwire.
I posted this once before but it's worth hearing again, and again. I prefer this full cast version with the poet doing the narration to the more known one of Richard Burton reading it. No one can read Dylan Thomas like he could.
It is one of the greatest of all radio dramas in any language. You can compare it to Four Faced Liar from last week to see if I was right about the similarities.
Wish I'd Said That First
2 hours ago
Time to stop worrying about Canada becoming the 51st state because we now have to worry about America becoming Russia’s 22nd Republic.
The Look On Little Marco's Face
SEEING RUBIO'S FACE as Trump and VD (that's boomer for STD, kids) Vance earned their place as the worst administration of all time, and doing it in his department, earning him the choice of being the shortest reigning Secretary of State or the worst in history makes you realize that he knows he's fucked. He probably takes comfort in knowing he's not as fucked as the PEOPLE OF UKRAINE but they certainly don't matter to him or he wouldn't be part of Trump II or the Republican-fascist party.
I've been asking if the racists who have put Republican-fascists in the presidency, culminating in Trump I and II aren't the most costly minority group in the history of the United States, going back to the beginning when they blackmailed some of the worst features in the Constitution into it, as they forced the country into Civil War, and the greatest cost of all to their victims and their general day to day cost in managing the results of their bad governance and behavior. I'm sure Rubio owes his career to racists, the fascists in the Cuban enclaves of Florida didn't elect him without the votes of the white supremacists though the greedy retiree voters who retired there probably had as much of a role in that state. But now Rubio is likely to see his entire party go down in the backlash against Trump II - I think the economic crash is going to be bad enough so Republicans won't be able to count on the billionaires buying their campaigns enough lie time on TV and the internet to make People forget this one. Unlike the millions of dead from Covid they forgot, this is going to be about something those who voted Republican-fascist-MAGA really care about, THEIR money and themselves.
The free world is not going to forget, they are certainly fast realizing that the United States has too laarge a dangerous number of amoral, greedy, ignorant and media addled stupid people in it to make it a reliable leader and they are going to have to realign and reform and, yes, re-arm - I hope this time Germany realizes that democracy is better than the disaster that dictators always are.
I hope one thing they take seriously is the fact that America's Trumpian fascism was Made in Hollywood as much as it was a creation of billionaires. It started in what I called "fascist chic" in the 1970s, a decided and planned reaction against the egalitarian legislation and movements of the 1960s as intentional as white-flight and the Louis Powell memo containing a blueprint for how the rich and racist could reassert control. The Heritage Foundation, the literal authors of Trumpian fascism are a product of the Powell project. Trump as most of the fools and trash who voted for him imagine him to be is 100% the creation of Hollywood and the feuilleton which is what most of the "free press" is (the Latina journalist who noted the NYT is a gaming company which has a small news division got that spot on), including the news divisions of broadcast and cabloids and what actually runs the most august rags vestigially in print. If they want to protect democracy in their countries they should ban American media, including the movies and TV shows and all of the social disease of social media. They should adopt and enforce anti-hate speech laws, strictly. Fascists and enemies of egalitarian democracy have no right to poison the minds of the public. American style free speech-press absolutism is a guarantee of a public lied into voting for a Trump or, well choose any of the minor Trumpian figures in Europe. They all depend on racism and hate, it's as expensive there as it has been in the United States, we just have been too stupid to do anything to blunt it here, our Constitution is and makes us all as obtuse as can be.
I am going to fight the temptation of waxing elegiac for egalitarian democracy though I think that liberal democracy is dying the inevitable death its libertarian and anti-egalitarian elements made inevitable. I don't think I have any right at all to give up on real democracy, egalitarian democracy, it is something that I will give my life to promote because it is the only possibly legitimate government, the closest you can come to a political enactment of do unto others what you would have them do to you and living that way is a commandment of God. But I'm not going to not face the facts of America's fatally flawed non-egalitarian democracy being salvageable, it is not, the many ways that the reformers of it tried to prop it up by laws as important as the Voting Rights Act fell to the corruptions put into Americas liberal democracy at the insistence of slave owners and their allies among the aristocratic founders. If I have the time I will research as much evidence as they gave as to their real intention not contained in the official record or the documents they wrote. I suspect that they talked about their intentions as well as made those obvious by their actions in office and, most of all, their business affairs. I suspect it will show what a fabric of lies American civics has been. Which may not be welcome news but it is necessary to understanding how things failed so catastrophically, again.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Donald Trump Is The Stupidest, STUPIDEST Person To Have Ever Gotten Near The Presidency
including every previous president such such as Harding, Pierce, yes, Ronald Reagan. And such Vice Presidents as Dan Quayle, Richard Johnson and Maine's own Hannibal Hamlin (among the most worthless of American politicians in history). Compared to Trump, the hapless Quayle was almost wise, he at least gave good advice when it counted to a man who should join the list, Mike Pence when Trump ordered him to break the law and violate the Constitution, destroying electoral democracy.
I would advocate in this one instance to use the now forbidden "R" word because it's about the only one that Trump and the Trump cult will understand, since it is important I think we should start saying that Trump is retarded because he is. BUT WITH THIS STIPULATION. It's not a matter of biology or genetics or unfortunate outcomes at birth, it is a matter of moral retardation. Trump was indoctrinated in moral depravity as a member of his family, reportedly under the degenerate and cruel amorality of his criminal father, Fred Trump, the reason that his older brother Fred jr. was passed over by his father in favor of the clearly stupider and more spoiled Donald Trump was that his older brother wasn't as cruel and amoral.
This is a long answer to a comment condemning me for citing Jesus and the Gospels, condemning me as an LGBTQ+ person who believes in complete equality of People, of People owning their own bodies and making their own decisions about who they will love.
Since I mentioned one of my very early blog posts yesterday I'll mention another one, one that said that no moral judgement which ignored the real-life outcomes of any moral stand can be relied on to be valid. I was choosing to not focus on religion in my blog posts then due to the then current fashion of anti-Christian atheist invective - not due to being ashamed of religion but worrying about dividing the already divided and impotent left. Instead of the neutral, ineffective terms I put it in I should have put it in terms of was the saying of Jesus that you could only judge the morality of moral positions on the basis of the results of those in real life, that "you will know them by their fruits."
As an LGBTQ+ man, as a gay man I do have one thing that I can thank the haters of LGBTQ+ People for, they have given me a sound basis for judging the morality of LGBTQ+ equaity on and that is the results of the morality of those who hate and oppose us in real life. It is the politicians and voters who support LGBTQ+ equality who regularly take action to feed the hungry, to house the homeless, to heal the sick, to treat prisoners humanely, to do justice to the orphan, the widow and the alien living among us. It is the haters of LGBTQ+ People and equality, those in the "evangelical" churches, those in Catholicism and other churches, the entire Republican Party who do the opposite of it.
There is no doubt about who upholds morality in reality, who produce good fruit, good consequences and those who don't and it is you guys, you Republican-fascists, you Trumpers, you modern American conservatives, your corrupt, lying media, you billionaire enriching destitute destroying degenerates who produce moral degeneracy. From the most popular of media Bishops to the most degenerate Trump camp follower, I can see the fruit of your amorality and I an see the fruit of those who favor equality before the law and it has removed any residual doubts I may have had about my own sexuality. I have no doubt as to my moral status in at least those terms now.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Simps Makes Believe I Mentioned Woody Allen
I THOUGHT WOODY was funny until I found out how much of his stuff was autobiographical, including the very creepy pedo stuff in Manhattan. I didn't find it funny after that though I found the pedo stuff in Manhattan creepy even when I thought he was satirizing self-absorbed, amoral "creatives" in his NYC milieu. I didn't find him funny after his personal life came more into focus, and I mean the stuff he actually did in public, not what he's accused of.
There, Simps, make something of that at the baby blue blog.
Roland Martin Is The Only One Who Says It The Way It Needs To Be Said
Remember Little Bobby refused to say he would forego his 10% cut of his law firms bogus vaccine lawsuits. HE'S BOUND TO MAKE MONEY FROM THE DEATHS OF THE UNVACCINATED, INCLUDING CHILDREN WHOSE PARENTS ARE ALREADY HIS VICTIMS. That someone can retain a law license doing what he's been doing for decades proves that the lawyering profession is a criminal syndicate.
American Fascism Is From Its Beginning Till Now Founded On Lies Told And Lies Believed Those Lies Spread By The Free Press
In the nightmare that Trump has been, for the past decade, the role that lies have played in his ascendancy, his following, his bowel movement of a movement and his wielding of power has been mentioned probably hundreds of thousands of times - probably almost as many times as there have been lies that were issued by him and his crime gang. The media has bemoaned the lies and even the death of truth. Take that in THE FUCKING DEATH OF TRUTH. And even more than that, the death of valuing and even taking seriously the entire concept of reality.
The media - that is the minority of the "free press" who have not been at least mostly if not all-in on Republican-fascist-Trump-neo-Nazi lying - have constantly talked in those terms for this decade but, unless I've missed it, not one of those media figures who mourn the death of truth and the death of reality have made the connection to that and the "freedom of the press" to lie and lie and lie with impunity - the very thing which led to the rise of Trump to start with, lies told about his business acumen, his success, his genius, his artistic "deal making."
From the earliest publicity bull shit in the New York City media to the apex of the media phase of Trump's rise in the "reality TV show" in which he played the character the New York City media invented when he was just a sleazy real-estate heir who was running every business he ever had into the ground, TRUMP WAS A CREATION OF THE MEDIA, THE GODDAMNED FREE PRESS.
If any figure in the mass media from MSNBC to the Guardian, to the last vestiges of independent reality based media such as Keith Olbermann, Brian Tyler Cohen, etc. have faced the role that the "free press," freed by the Supreme Court to lie with impunity, has played in America's descent into fascism I've missed it entirely. It was the Sullivan Decision made on behalf of the New York Times against a truly evil segregationist that took us from those heady weeks during the LBJ administration when America finally achieved something like the status of an actual democracy with the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, Medicare and Medicaid to the resultant stream of lies about politicians (read that Democratic politicians because the lies told about Democrats and their loss of elections are the real life consequence of the Sullivan decision) . . . If anyone in the media has talked about that I'd really like to know about it because I don't know anyone else who has talked about it except me.
I can sort of narrow it down to one of the early blogs where I first raised the role of the Sullivan Decision in the rise of Republican-fascism and, then, Trumpian fascism, the blogs I said such things on back then. It may have been the rapidly forgotten once legendary Media Whores Online or it may have been on one of the offspring of that, Eschaton (back when it actually had writing on it), the good Roger Ailes blog, it may have been on Eric Altermann's blog where I first raised the idea that free speech absolutism in which no lie was too big or too dangerous to make the liar vulnerable to at least civil action was fatal to democracy. I can't remember where it was but I remember that it got some of the most rapid and extreme rejection and anger of any non-religious idea I have ever posted online.
When I started writing blog pieces at Echidne's blog exploring the dangers of that ideological stand I got even more rapid and angry rejection of what I said by people who never engaged with any of my arguments at any point. It still gets that reaction when it doesn't get just stunned silence.
I have yet to hear or read anyone online who didn't get the idea from me (Simps, of all people) raise the idea that we should take that bit of the Gospel seriously enough to admit the relationship between People knowing the TRUTH and even the possibility of them being free depending on them valuing that truth and the death of American democracy. I have yet to read anyone taking it seriously enough to recognize the problem that the Warren Court created for American democracy when the opened up the floodgates of media lying about politicians and public figures. Of course the stupidity of the First Amendment has always made media lying the law of the land, especially when those lies were told about women, racial minorities, other minority groups, genocide, more than anything lies told on behalf of the richest and so most powerful.
The relationship between media lies told about, as an example Black People, Native Americans and the fact that they have lived lives of subjugation, enslavement based on violence, terror and mass murder is about as strong as it could be. I have pointed out here before that the rise of the modern KKK was a direct and fully documented result of the movie Birth of a Nation, which was and still is used as a recruitment tool of our most powerful and effective terrorist group before the rise of MAGA. And that was only one of the media sources for the lies that birthed and sustained that most effective and violent terrorist groups. Similar lies created MAGA, most of those lies carried in the freest of free presses under the regime of "free speech-press" as defined by the Warren->Roberts Courts with the seal of approval of the ACLU.
The obscene slogan of the "civil liberties" industry that was supposed to protect us from that regime of lies "more speech" should be the thing that has finally died because it not only didn't prevent Trump I, it also didn't prevent Trump II. Just as it did't prevent Nixon, Reagan, Bush I or Bush II. It didn't protect us from media spread lies, no more than the clever satire of Wiemar Germany prevented the Third Reich. And that should not surprise one of the biggest fattest supporters of "more speech" the ACLU. It was with the support of the ACLU that "More Speech" is what the Supreme Court gave the billionaires billions of times more of when they declared money to be speech as they overturned the post-Watergate bipartisan campaign finance reform that would have prevented most of the bad governance of the last fifty years. I hate the ACLU for things like that. They are the criminally insane midwives of Trumpian fascism.
I would really like to hear a Keith Olbermann or a Rachel Maddow or some other media figure deal with these matters honestly because if there is one thing that is obvious, it is that those who make lots of money in the media have a financial interest in things as they are now. Even if THEY are rigorous writers and speakers of truth, it is to their advantage to not rock the boat when their fellow journalists lie their fucking fingers and talking heads off. In that they are exactly like the lawyers who, while posing as figures of virtue and, in some cases, even having professional lives of some integrity don't rock the boat for the general dishonesty and greed of their profession, the most extreme examples of that sitting on the goddamned Supreme Court right now.
I would really like to hear someone admit that there are deep problems with both the interpretation of the First Amendment and that those problems stem from its stupidly inspecific language from which the Court and the lawyers have created that thing which cannot possibly exist, a "right to lie." Do I expect to hear some of them discuss this supremely embarrassing truth about American law, governance and life? No. I don't expect that. But I'm not going to stop talking about it on the request of anyone who tells me to.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
With Math And Accounting Skills Like This
it's no wonder that Elon and his incel boy geniuses make $100,000 trucks which, when they have problems with the crappy frame design and construction and the angry owners complain about them, they're told to put some duct tape on it.
Elon's fortune is built off of smoke and mirrors based on the perceived value of his Tesla stock, tell the truth about Teslas - UNSAFE AT NO SPEED
and you can kill off Musk. I hope everyone who loses everything on the Tesla implosion fully deserves it and I hope they're all goddamned Republican-fascists.Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Brian Raphael Nabors - Reflections
Evan Taucher, guitar
I can't find out if I'm right but I think Mr. Nabors' instrument is piano. If he didn't study guitar I'm extremely impressed that he wrote so idiomatically and originally for the instrument.
He is a major talent, I meant it when I said he may prove to be better than Aaron Copland.
As Tesla Tanks And Musk Moans
I don't feel sorry for people who invest in neo-Nazism. If someone has to lose their shirts let those be brown shirts
Don't Presume To Speak For My Parents - Hate Mail
BOTH OF MY PARENTS enlisted during WWII, I can assure you that the reason they enlisted was not to defend the "right" of Nazis to proselytize to do here what they did in Germany then Europe AND IT SURE AS HELL WASN'T TO MAKE THE WORLD SAFE FOR NAZIS TO DO THEIR THING IN GERMANY.
That ACLU style bull shit is a product of asshole lawyer-liars in the United States and the slogan makers of the "civil liberties" industry.
Any American who enlisted to fight in WWII who thought they were doing it to give Nazis another chance to do it all again eighty years later would have been so stupid that they should have been classified as too stupid for the military. Though they might have been the kind of "free speech absolutists" who never did a goddamned thing but preen in their free-speecyness. They enlisted to crush the Nazis and their fascist allies and to free those who were under their oppression and, especially, those being murdered by them.
THAT'S MURDERED. It's what Nazism and fascism is all about in the end. Like American white-supremacy, slavery violence and death is an intrinsic part of it. This is about People being murdered, not about the fucking First Amendment as interpreted by the fucking ACLU and the idiots of the Warren Court and the media industry c. 1964.
It Should Be Illegal In The United States To Promote German Fascism It Must Be Illegal To Promote Fascism Everywhere
ABOUT 420,000 AMERICANS DIED in World War II, fighting the Nazis and their allies but FOX Lies the Republican-fascist Party and others in the media are publicly encouraging the neo-Nazis in Germany to make a comeback.
I have pointed out how the idiocy of libertarian "free speech-press" in the United States turned the idea of learning even the hardest and most costly lessons of experience, the Civil War, the evil of slavery and Jim Crow, and even something as recent as WWII into nothing.
For the Warren Court-ACLU types the experience of witnessing the death camps of the Third Reich which was supposed to result in "never again" means yeah, let's risk that again. Libertarian notions of freedom without any responsibility, without any learning from even the worst of experience is among the stupidest relics of 18th century liberalism. How stupid that is can be seen in the American re-election of Trump after the disaster his first term was THE INTERVENING FOUR YEARS OF JOE BIDEN BRINGING THE COUNTRY BACK FROM THAT TO BEING THE ECONOMIC ENVY OF THE WORLD and the "free press" sandbagging him and going for Trump even bigger than it did in 2016 AND THE LIKES OF THE GODDAMNED NEW YORK TIMES WERE ALL-IN ON THAT.
There is a reason why American advocates of fascism and, yes, current German Nazism, VD Vance, Bannon, etc. are the biggest fattest proclaimers of "free speech." THAT ALONE SHOULD TELL YOU THAT THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLY DANGEROUS ABOUT THE CURRENT FORMULATION OF THAT IDEA. They would certainly not allow "free speech" if they are able to solidify their control of this or any other country, there would be only the "free speech" that was fully and completely exercised in Third Reich Germany or, in fact, in North Korea right now praising the dictator, the dictatorship and its policies. The percentage of Germans who voted for the Nazis last weekend clearly have forgotten that lesson as clearly as the U.S. Supreme Court and the ACLU forgot America's war dead and the victims of the Nazis in Europe and American apartheid here far sooner. I will expand on that idea later.
Now the peroxide Aryan bitch, Laura Ingraham is cheering on German Nazis who are in fact, resurgent as Germans forget the even higher cost in lives lost and devestation that the Nazis brought their country. I warned about that in 2006, if anything I didn't understand just how bad it would be.
As the generation of the Second World War and it’s children pass on there is a strong danger that the Holocaust will fade from consciousness and it’s lessons will fade from peoples’ thoughts. Huge numbers of dead when viewed in the inverted telescope of history look smaller than they were close up. Our claim on the attention of the future will compete with the entire past and will be, I’m afraid, far less compelling than their present. We will not be there to press the case. The best we can do is leave a written record of what we have known. We can’t guarantee that the future won’t repeat the evils of the past.
As time goes on, as more recent piles of bodies and other horrors block them from view, even the Holocaust will fade in its meaning to those who are not part of the groups that were murdered. The relatively forgotten Armenian genocide is one example of this and the mass graves of those murdered in Central America by terrorists funded by the Reagan administration are entirely faded from the collective, active memory of the United States. The innocent Druz, slaughtered by the USS. New Jersey in retaliation for the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon never got into Americans minds having been effectively blocked out. Even where distance is not a factor, the memory of the thousands lynched here, in the United States itself, is always in danger of slipping from the attention of white people.
I am posting a anxious warning based on what I am hearing. Israelis should dump the neo-cons who are bringing them to disaster. Those idiots, from their comfortable perches in the American establishment are going to get a lot more Israelis and others killed. Let’s face another reality, a lot of them, Gentiles and Jews alike, are pretty unsavory characters who market themselves as “supporters of Israel”. Some seem to have made a very nice living for themselves based on this. Would peace be as profitable for them?
Their alliance with fundamentalist “christians” should be all the evidence you need of their stupidity if not duplicity. End timers have only two uses for Jews, especially Israelis. Jews are either to be converted to “christianity”, perhaps by force eventually, or they are extras waiting to die in their pre-enactment battle fantasies based on the Book of Revelations. As the events around Lebanon this month show, the fundamentalist ghouls can hardly wait for the real slaughter to begin. Their script calls for Israelis to die in the millions.
Failing the fundamentalists’ favorite wish, Americans of future times will grow weary of supporting Israel if it is engaged in endless wars, endless conflicts and, especially, if idiocy on the level of this war in Lebanon continues. A constantly attacked Israel will become increasingly militarized and isolated and paranoid. With that will come the destruction of democracy. A nationalistic, perhaps theocratic and despotic Israel is certainly nothing that the vast, vast majority of Israelis or Americans want to see. If someone can convince me that isn’t where it is headed I’d really really like to believe otherwise.
It's far later and far worse than I expected then. The libertarian liberalism invented by rich men in the 18th century is a flop for everyone else. It should be junked for responsible freedom but the language of our Constitution is too stupidly written for that to occur to the lawyers and judges and "justices" so we non-lawyers will have to do that if the worst of history is not to constantly recur.
Monday, February 24, 2025
If There's Something To Not Bother Remembering
it's how Mort Sahl spelled his last name. The man who peaked even before Simps peaked in jr. high was already losing work in 1965 because his work was dated.
There was nothing important about his routines. But Sahl believed, I mean he really said that they closed semi-legendary Hungry I because the Johnson administration was afraid of his alleged humor. I mean, he really did believe that some government conspiracy closed the nightclub because of his shtick. What happened is the owner didn't keep up with his taxes and was a crappy business manager who sold the name to a conglomerate of strip clubs which is why for most of its existence "The Hungry I" was a sleazy strip joint. Talk about someone entirely more impressed with his importance than literally everyone else in the world. Not an unusual delusion among those in the lower mid-range of show biz.
After his shtick as a "liberal comedian" faded, Mort turned ever farther right, supporting the power-hungry general Al Haig for president, among other things, and ever more lived in the heat-death of his ever more dimly remembered career as the youngish man who came on the stand-up stage with a newspaper under his arm commenting on the current news. His geezerly, now very elderly admirers believed he invented that format when Will Rogers did it better in the 1920s - and even Will Rogers didn't invent the idea.
If there's something that's not worth remembering it's a comedy routine that aged as quickly as the daily newspaper of a week ago - and that week was during the Eisenhower administration - and how its owner's name was spelled.
Simps and I have gone over this before, comedy has to always be new or it gets old and once it's old it isn't funny anymore. Which is why owning and memorizing bits of a copy of a comedy routine that is older than the age of retirement isn't some kind of intellectual virtue. It' like someone who does a canny imitation of the sound of a fart who might make you chuckle with embarrassment if he does it once but after twice it's only him being an asshole kid. Simps likes canned comedy routines, I once compared recording them to canning scrambled eggs. Once those of us old enough to sort of recall hearing Mort on a variety show in the 60s, when younger comedians who were willing to change with the times overtook him are dead, no one in the world is going to care about Mort Sahl except as the museum specimen he is now and was after about 1965. Shelley Berman was funnier and a far better performer. And his stuff is dated, too.