Wednesday, September 1, 2021

"I've been waiting twenty years for a president to do that speech today" - President Biden Is The First President To Tell The Truth About The Bush II Wars


Jon Soltz has more credibility in is little finger than the entire DC-NYC, TV and radio and ink on paper pundit class to say what he said about President Biden courageously and finally ending the futile loss of life that started in the pundit class-scribbling class promoted Bush II era wars and the Obama era surge that then Vice-President Biden wisely opposed at the time. 

It should never be forgotten that these wars, like the Bush I Gulf war, the American Vietnam war were promoted and supported by the writing-talking classes.  The fact that the media in this country is not owned by The People but by the rich has to figure in why they do things like that continually, getting the American military involved in being sent to do what they want them to do but which they can't do.  

I am expecting to see disgraced former general David Petraeus to continue to use this to promote either his position within the pundit racket or, perhaps, to run for office.  And he's not the only upper-level military figure-pundit who I expect to attack  President Biden for telling the truth and making his policy on the basis of the truth.  Petraeus was a major figure in selling Obama the surge.  And he's got his like in the academic-scribbling class who are the ones the media has called on INSTEAD OF THOSE WHO WERE RIGHT ABOUT THE DISASTER THIS WAS FROM THE BEGINNING.

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