Friday, February 11, 2022

Gypsy holocaust Auschwitz song From Latcho Drom


Direct link to video 

O the black bird went into my heart and stole it. Here I live in auschtwitz here in auschtwitz I'm hungry, there isn't a piece of bread to eat. there isn't nothing to eat here its all my bad luck. at one time I had my home. I'm so hungry I could kill. oh oh Jesus. OH OH. 

A scene from the movie Latcho Drom. Sang by romani holocaust survivor Margita Makulová. Takes place in Slovakia.

Also see and hear: 

Among historically nomadic peoples such as the Roma, stories, poetry, and song are passed down from one generation to the next by oral tradition. Recently, however, researchers have begun collecting and publishing Holocaust-related folklore from Gypsy survivors and their families. The lament Aušvits (Auschwitz) was first recorded in the 1960s by Ružena Danielová, a survivor from the Czech town of Mutenice, and was later featured in a documentary on Gypsy music, Latcho Drom (Safe Journey). Sung in the Romani language, Aušvits draws on themes common to the repertoire of Roma folk laments, notably the singer's feelings of isolation and despair, and the symbolic image of a dark bird bearing a message from the land of the dead.

 The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website is one of the best cites for information about the entire subject, the Nazi era mass murders and those happening today.  The people who work there do an excellent service to the world.


  1. Since when do you believe that any movie depicts history accurately?

    Not only are you a transparently lying shithead, but you also have utter contempt for your readers, schmucko.

    1. So, you're a denier of the Roma Holocaust. Really, is it possible for you to prove that you could be a bigger asshole than you have repeatedly demonstrated yourself to be. You may have noticed the tattooed number on her arm, if you missed it you might want to go to the side-bar of the page at the Holocaust Memorial Museum where they give her name and picture.

      As I've pointed out before you think like a Nazi, only people within your own ethnic group really matter to you. Luckily most Jewish Americans aren't assholes like you are.

  2. BTW, of the two of us, I'm the only one who had a relative with a number on her arm.

    You couldn't be a bigger shithead if you were injected with fecal matter.

    1. IF that's true, and since I know you're an habitual liar I'd need evidence of that, it's remarkable that you weren't the one to notice it on the Roma woman's arm and I was. Clearly lessons of the Shoah don't seem to pass down in the genetic line but through an achieved sense of morality and equality. Claiming that you have some kind of superior sense of that due to your ethnic classification is Nazi-thinking. You've got it and love it, I renounce all of it. As I renouce the Nazi thinking that the People who were murdered by them are unattached to me and that I have no moral obligation to ALL OF THEM and to the others murdered in other genocidal attempts such as the Holocaust Memorial Museum are so good at including and documenting. They get it, I doubt you will before you die comfortably, probably sedated in bed.
