Sunday, November 14, 2021

I'm Asked What I Think Of The Fascist Toady Micheal Flynn's Call For Christianity To Be The Only Religion In America

IF MEMORY SERVES, it was Lawrence Wilkerson who made the suggestion that the Pentagon call up Micheal Flynn for active duty so he can be court-martialed, stripped of rank and the benefits he got from being elevated to a general while he was becoming a parody of a crack-pot military officer while a Lt. General.  It's an excellent idea. 

I don't know if he's technically committing sedition but if what he's doing isn't seditious the problem is with the law defining it, not the attribution.  There must be a real cost to those who go that route, an especially dangerous one for someone with military credentials to take, the way the American media and the fascist thugs glorify the worst of those with military backgrounds. Someone who has done what he has should certainly not be eligible to hold public office or positions of trust.

With his declaration that the United States should have one religion, his heretical conception of Christianity,  I'll call again for a huge, vigorously fought religious fight stated in biblical and theological terms because the Ameri"christian" heresy, the imperial state religion of Republican-fascist, Nazi-friendly white supremacy is extremely dangerous to us all and to the soul of Christianity in particular.

Without that fight Christianity will be discredited and there is nothing that is going to take its place that will be an effective counterweight to the gangsters who Michael Flynn in his coo-coo clock, comic book "christianity" serves like any dictator's henchman. 

The time for playing nice by the rule against discussing religion is over because the vacuum that that rule of ettiquette and tamed, neutered church going niceness created has been filled by the fascists and the nut cases.  I'd start with the mortal sin of bearing false witness which doesn't just mean lying about someone's personal life, it means lying about large numbers of people, races, ethnicities, etc.  That is ubiquitous in the Republican-fascist, pseudo-Christian mob.   The lies are the start of it and a lot of those lies are told by ordained clergy but it hardly ends there.   All of their lavish hypocrisy is fair for discussion and exposure, including their sex lives and their money making schemes.  The nexus between them and the porn merchant Murdochs and such underage sex traffickers as Jeffrey Epstein is to an extent known, certainly with more to be exposed. 

Call him up, put him on trial, strip him of his rank, strip him of his pension and the benefits he got which, with the even greater disservice to American freedom and democracy, his sedition, he should certainly lose. 

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