Friday, December 4, 2020

If It Was Something Else I Might Say She's More To Be Pitied Than Censured

My first impulse is to pity Melissa Carone, the woman who matches skanky, whacked out dishonesty with monumental obnoxiousness in order to ratfuck American democracy on behalf of the Trump cult. And it's not working for her like it worked for Rudy.  If she'd just had style problems and even a monumentally obnoxious personality I might go on with that but she is actually lying to destroy democracy on behalf of the troll-doll pelted, 70s color-themed Naugahyde Mussolini and his party of sycophantic cowards.  I have an issue with that one.  The chances are good the dumb dolly will have lots of trouble from here on in, she'll have the same kind of notoriety that the hapless and dumb Rosie Ruiz got for a far, far less serious wrong.  The Republican fascists will  dump her for the TV-movie crime of being unattractive, not for why they should have, the lies and anti-democratic motivations. They're OK with that, especially if the liar and ratfucker is male.

Hey, if she'd asked me before she did it I'd have advised her against it but she made her choice. She's supposedly an adult.  We let even stupid ones run their own lives.

I will say if she's someone who a major elections machine manufacturer had as a contractor, it's all the more reason to get industry out of the elections process. It's clear if they'd hire someone like her they're not hiring the top talent.  I'd like to know if it's true she was contracting with them or if that was a lie, too. 

She is a type that regularly recurs on the political right and often on the left, especially among Marxists and others who migrate from the secular left to fascism.  Lyndon Larouche used to be such a figure of fun, now we've had one as president* for four years and it's no fun at all.  There are scores and hundreds of people as bad as she is in right-wing academia and in think tanks, some of them about as articulate.  You see them a lot on FOX and on CNN, Frank Gaffney? Matt Drudge?,  Lou Dobbs? Naw, she's no worse than them.  You see them on C-Span in the morning quite often.

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