Thursday, October 29, 2020

I've got to figure out how to embed stuff from Twitter, Clue: I'm not doing it if I have to join

How psychopathic does the Trump cult have to get before people figure out that what's feeding it is a really dangerous problem?

Listen to this young woman who was one of the Trump cultists left in the cold in Nebraska once Trump and his advance team were done using her and the rest of his victims, once the cameras were turned off.


She's clearly been imbibing the poisonous "more speech" that Trump and his backers promote, I mean, the psychotic dolly is accusing Tom Hanks of pedophile abuse in Athens, TOM HANKS!  


These are the kind of Republican-fascist nutballs the Supreme Court has armed with virtual automatics and let billionaires fill with poisonous lies of the kind that get them shooting.


  1. My road towards this blogpost, i thought it would be nice to include it since i did not comment on the original blogpost which was very old, the actual comment will be after this:
    I found you blog searching for info on james randi after i read a comment on about the identiy theft on Jose Alvarez and then found out about the social darwinism comment of his that you linked in one of your blogposts

    while i still like what he did against peddlers of bullshit i can see that he had some serious faults of his own (at least from my perspective)
    now to the actual comment:
    I've skimmed some of your posts and agree in part but in this particular post I've noticed that Poe's Law has struk, the young woman is actually a satyrist and makes little skits like these. While some Trump supporters are batshit crazy, she is just imitating them.
    "Blaire Erskine Comedian
    Comedian best known for definitely NOT being Costco Dan's wife, Brian Kemp's daughter, or a rapping MAGA teen. (I don't actually have an accent! So tell me if you want it! But don't make it weird!) "

    1. In the period when Trump can be president* and get away with what he's gotten away with, when his followers are exactly as Qanon insane as this so that it's totally credible that one of them would sound like this satire is impossible.
