Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Colbert Achieves The Impossible, Making Me Smile About The Plague Of The Hallmark Stuffmas Movies

My one still-teaching sibling told me two weeks back that two women on their faculty had been talking about how much they lurve the Hallmark Christmas crap because they're "so Christian".  Just to let you know how even people who have been to college can be so stupid. 

Also, too, I recently heard a piece on the radio with the representative of Merriam Webster talking about how they've included that new innovation, the use of "they" and "their" as a singular, non-gendered pronoun, something I as a gay man was doing more than forty years ago as were many other LGBT people I knew.  I remember having my letters to the editor edited to change those to "he" and "his,"  against my protests.  What can I say but we're winning.   


  1. So the movies are about feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless and clothing the naked? Or being last of all and servant of all?


    1. I must have missed those. I've only seen parts of several of them when I was at my sister-in-law's. As her husband (who loves her dearly) said to me, under his breath (There's no Christmas movie so bad that she won't watch it).

      When my mother was dying, one night at three in the morning when she was restless, to distract her, I turned on the TV and after seeing there is nothing worth watching on at that hour I turned on the Hallmark channel. I'd never seen one before. After about ten minutes she begged me to turn it of because it was so bad.

      Maybe they're allegorical.

      Yeah, allegorical.
