Monday, January 22, 2018

Constant Complaining From The Constantly Consternated

I hate to point it out but if there's one thing I learned from years as a regular at a few blog with established blog communities, if what they predicted was certain to happen came true, virtually everything would have come true, including complete opposite events at the same time. 

Getting tired and fed up with the stagy outrage, the histrionic tantrums declaring that such and such a Democrat or the Democratic Party were a bunch of bums was one of the reasons I stopped frequeting such blogs.   

No one knows how any of today's events are going to turn out.  No one knows what Chuck Schumer knows except that whatever it is it's more than a bunch of self-reinforcing blog rats do.  I don't care what prep-schools they teach at or Ivy League degrees they have, those jerks have never sat on a local school board or municipal council and few if any of them ever tried to get elected to the most minor office. I think you'd probably do as well depending on what you discern from a Magic 8-Ball toy. 

1 comment:

  1. The best analysis I've read says McConnell has three weeks to put up or shut up on DACA. Without the vote, Dems have no reason to worry about another shutdown. And even Ted Cruz doesn't want to be tagged for the next one.
