Monday, November 28, 2016

Hate Mail -

".... incompetent prose stylist..."

Prose stylist.  You know what, dopey, I've said from the first thing I ever wrote on a blog that I'm not a writer, I don't aspire to be a writer, I don't care to nurture a style and would probably avoid doing that if someone credibly accused me of being a "stylist".   I said, "credibly" so that doesn't include anything you come up with.  

All I do is write.   Now, why don't you try reading it at more than a 3rd grade reading level, you know, the level you think at when you're trying really hard.  


  1. Got it. You can't write.

    Let me say it again, asshole -- if you can't write, it's because you can't think.

  2. Got it -- you're not a writer, and you're an incoherent writer. That's why you write.

    What a manifesto!!!

  3. Oddly, it seems to be only the stupidest class of atheists who can't understand what I write.

    Gee, and here Echidne, one of the best writers on the lefty blogs asked me to write for her blog and I did for about five years. Nope, Simps, I'll trust her judgement, even when we disagreed, she was never dishonest and she can write circles around you. Concentric circles.

  4. As you know, I'm not an atheist. I'm a lapsed agnostic -- I used to not know, but now I don't give a shit.
