Thursday, December 4, 2014

John Dunstable - Magnificat

Laudantes Consort,  Guy Janssens cond.

Sung by an all woman group.

Canta Filia,
Barbara Grohmann-Kraaz, director
Felicitas Jacobsen, 1. Sopran
Elisabeth Schnippe, 1. Sopran
Eva Thalmann, 2. Sopran
Heidi Bogena, 2. Sopran
Barbara Grohmann-Kraaz, 1. Alt
Miriam Bonefeld, 1. Alt
Petra von Laer, 2. Alt
Beate Ramisch, 2. Alt


  1. Just to say I'm enjoying the postings on the Magnificat. The music and the commentary.

  2. I'm having my best Advent, EVER! Sorry, I just saw a title something like that on a woman's magazine at the store the other day.

    It has been a joy.
