Monday, April 15, 2013

Simels, the mid-brow pop ditto,
Thinks he is the apex of wit, though
He's never once thought
For himself, his mind's naught,
But a stretched tape-loop running a bit slow 


  1. Sparky -- another tribute to me?

    That's so sweet...thanks!!!

  2. Any attention is good attention for you, huh Sims? Yet more evidence you never matured past the two-year-old level. If you want to think I wrote it for you, I guess there's nothing I can do to undelude you. I actually wrote it so people like NTodd can see it and laugh with me.

  3. Ah yes, NTodd.

    That noted Profile in Courage who broke up with the girlfriend he was cheating on via e-mail.

    Please -- give him my best when next you talk.

  4. Well, that would be as opposed to you who has probably made up every girlfriend you ever had from your sock drawer.

    You've had your fifteen minutes of attention. Simels.

  5. Someday by sheer force of probability, Sims, you're going to think of something original and you'll think you've had a stroke. I doubt it will happen more than once.
