Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Group Most In Need Of Evangelization Includes The White Evangelicals

 I LIKE the Reverend Ed Tevors, an Anglican minister in the maritimes of Canada.

This one is about a "Christian nationalist" preacher, preaching the order to those who take such a huckster seriously that they are to have more babies.  

"Christian nationalism" is a terrible heresy.   It's been present in nominal Christianity ever since it started becoming an official religion tied to kings and nationalities, so a heresy that started fairly early, the official churches selling their souls to secular power for a relatively peaceful life.  The problem is that they might gain that world but in the process they have tied Christianity to everything from relatively good, though inevitably illegitimate governments to the worst monarchs and some of the worst dictators who have ever lived.   The current Patriarch of Moscow, Kiril, is as good an example of the worst of that,   I'll let the eminent Orthodox commentator on religion, David Bentley Hart state that as a good example of what such "Christian nationalism" does to Christianity, not to mention the disrepute such "Christians" earn for Christianity.

I am willing to be corrected if this is an unfair characterization, but in general the statements of “alarm” or “sadness” emanating from Orthodoxy’s ecclesial chairs and offices have been little more than the sort of vague mewlings one can generally expect from those shapeless invertebrates. And then, of course, there is that cringing, odious state functionary, Patriarch of Moscow Kirill, who has long abetted Putin’s regime in whatever way his master has demanded, and for whom a place in Hell has long been prepared. Somehow, he defies invective and indignation and disgust simply by reliably exceeding even the worst expectations one might have of him. Why, just yesterday he blamed the Russian war in Ukraine on gay pride parades (if I could explain the connection, I would). Oh well, that’s the great church of “Holy Russia” for you: ever ready to canonize those heroic figures who lost their lives for defying the cruelty of despots, whether in the Czarist or Soviet periods, but never, ever tempted to emulate them.

In the United States he has bemoaned the large numbers of converts to Orthodoxy from "evangelical Christianity" saying that American Orthdoxy was turning into Southern Baptist religion with incense added.  

The Catholic and many Protestant Churches have many figures of whom such things can be said with complete accuracy.  I'd say that the branch that has been least true of is probably the Anabaptists, though I'd limit that to the Peace Churches,  the Mennonites, the Amish, the Brethren and the Quakers,  despots have no use for Churches that preach and practice pacifism.   It's not nearly as true of Baptists and don't get me started on the many varieties of Pentecostalism.

There is no greater need in religion than for Christians who take the Gospels and Epistles, the Law and the Prophets seriously to convert the Christians who don't have any use for Christ and only use for any of the rest of it when they turn it into a weapon of their hatred and greed, the kind who could have voted for Trump. 

I still haven't gotten around to dealing with that second installment of Sean Michael Winter's really, really bad ideas about "what Democrats got wrong."  But I hope to later today or tomorrow.

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