Thursday, July 4, 2024

Angry Elegy For The American Republic On July 4th

THE LATE, CONDITIONALLY great United States, a nation of laws and not of men didn't quite last two hundred-fifty years, being ended, ironically, by the judicial branch of that rickety experiment of John Adams, three balanced branches of the federal government.  The "law" branch.   The Roberts Republican-fascist six ended it with their ruling on July 1, 2024, turning the American presidency into a monarchy with powers that George III didn't have by making the least worthy of those who have become President immune from criminal acts committed while in office.  A man whose blatant and vulgar corruption and criminality, a fountain of lies and viciousness proves that there were always terrible flaws in the Constitutional system inserted for the protection of an elite against majority rule.  That it was destroyed on behalf of Donald Trump by six Ivy League trained lawyers elevated by some of our worst presidents, only one of whom actually won the majority of the popular vote to be made president though the stinking, anti-democratic Electoral college, destroyed by a corrupted Supreme Court, bought with billionaire and millionaire funding of the Federalist fascist society and the Alcibiades of America, Leonard Leo and with plans laid by the fascist and seditious Heritage Society and other such stink tank sewage proves how those long ago embedded dangers have all matured the poison fruit that was always ripening in full view.

That it is the revered, secretive, shrouded in mystique Supreme Court which did it and the Constitution has no means of overriding them which is rapid enough or practical enough and which, in fact, not real at all, proves that at least some of the critics of the Constitution c. 1787 were right to be skeptical of it.  That some of what they used to lay the ground work for this, lies and phony images and fictitious characters, such as the Trumpizis view of their god-king, shows that the proposed remedy of the Bill of Rights had dangerous flaws in it, though I am prepared to believe that those of the First Amendment were unintentional, those of the Second being an item in the agenda of the slave-power, that amendment has no right to being considered as possibly innocent on that ground.  

Now that the Roberts Court 6 member Republican-fascist majority have made us a country of men and not of laws, the country is only as good as the one who gets installed as President at any given time.  The man they did it on behalf of as bad a man as has ever held the office of president.   And it should never be forgotten that five of them depended on that happening through the Electoral College installing the loser of the election, Thomas being a product of Bush I who I hope is being punished for his cynical elevation of the incompetent, indolent and criminal Clarence Thomas in the afterlife.   

I don't expect the sources of these evils to be corrected through Amendment, removing the usurped powers of the Supreme Court, which are not anywhere in the Constitution and, so, are not the fault of the framers.  It should never be forgotten that the provisions of the Court organization laws that John Marshall overturned to create that power in Marbury v. Madison were written by actual framers of the Constitution and voted for and signed into law by framers of the Constitution, including Madison and Washington while Marshall was not one of the framers of the Constitution.  The framers who voted for that law were numerous in Congress while those on the court who overturned it to create that usurped power were both few and unlike Washington and the members of Congress, were not elected by The People.  While the election of "justices" on a supreme court carries real dangers, we now know that the dangers of the members of tat court not having to worry about the rest of their professional lives by sitting on that court is at least as dangerous.  Having them being products of elite, private law schools would seem to be as much of a danger, those law schools being full of those who create such atrocities as Unitary Executive theory.  

I don't expect that the Republican-fascist majority states will allow the ratification of any amendment to overturn the Roberts Court's coronation of king Donald I to happen, not until the consequences of what should be considered a high crime, treason against democracy and even, ironically, republican government. The absurdly narrow definition of "treason" in the Constitution is as ill-considered as the absurdly expansive presidential pardon power, something that presidents from Bush I to Trump used to shield their criminal acts in office.  Trump has already stated his intention to use the pardon power to pardon the homicidal thugs he unleashed on the Congress and Mike Pence - not that that seems to have stiffened the moral resolve of that moral fraud.  I have no trouble imagining the Court that made-up presidential immunity in the dictatorial style will have no trouble saying such pardons in furtherance of Republican-fascist power will cover everything up to and including murder.  The Roberts Court has marked itself as one which is capable of anything except honesty and morality.

I think that if there were any justice to be had as a consequence of their treason, the murderers of democracy should be tried and sentenced to serve out life in prison what they could spend on the Court if they didn't choose to cash in as Thomas, Alito and the Roberts are known have been while on the Court.  I don't expect that even if we are lucky enough to have Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as a president who refuses to be king that that could possibly last even a decade.  The media, owned by the same billionaires and millionaires that stacked the Supreme Court will make sure this is normalized, as Trump or another Republican-fascist thug and his goons normalize the violence and terror that will be needed by them to maintain fascist rule.  If you don't think that's possible in the United States, it is what held slavery and Jim Crow in place for most of our history against a very large percentage of the population, it has been used against other groups and Women for almost as long.   Facing that white and male supremacy has been the fascism-not-honestly labeled in the United States, the tool that put the Bushes and Trump in the presidency, won't come any time soon, either.  

The great gray whore, the New York Times is not going to save America's democracy, the WaPo won't, the networks and cabloids won't.   Nothing but the American People fighting against Republican-fascist and media ratfucking is going to save us, now. 

This is an angry elegy to America's imperfect but better than the alternatives liberal democracy, the American Republic, because the Republican-fascists on the Supreme Court have ended it and the Republican-fascist party is all in on it.  If Democrats don't sweep the federal election and remain an anti-monarchist, democratic party, it is already dead, the body is just waiting to cool and go into rigor mortis then to rot.  There's nothing to celebrate today, what we celebrated on previous July 4ths, what John Adams gleefully predicted would be the cause of celebration and fireworks when the Declaration of Independence was signed, a republic of laws and not of men, that's gone.  Killed by Supreme Court fiat.  That process started with Marbury v Madison, it just took time for the poison to work.  

Post Script:  Anyone who believes that the scheme the Roberts Court criminals put into effect on July 1st will not come with violence against Americans is as stupid as, no doubt, the law scholars who dreamed up such dainty fascism as the unitary executive theory are. 

No one gets to take and hold office above the law without violence being part of that, whether it be a monarch with actual power or a king that gets called a "Mr. President."  Trump has always eagerly looked forward to being able to use police and military power against his opponents, there was no secret about that and the fact that he has used violence against entirely innocent People, including young children and babies during his time in the presidency.  The Roberts six for fascism knew that as they issued their ruling as they certainly knew he announced his intention to do it again if he gets that power, AND THAT WAS BEFORE THEIR RULING GIVING HIM THE POWER TO DO THAT.   I wasn't exaggerating when I said that what they did from the bench deserves life in prison and I'll add without possibility of parole.  When Trump or the next Republican-fascist uses that power you might change your mind about that because if we know one thing, we know that Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett KNEW HIS INTENTIONS BECAUSE HS LAWYER, JOHN SAUER INFORMED THEM THAT IMPUNITY TO COMMIT MURDER WAS WITHIN WHAT TRUMP WAS ASKING FOR AND WHICH WAS, IN FACT, GRANTED BY THE STINKING SUPREME COURT.   I am convinced one of their motives in trying to put Trump back in the presidency is to shield the most corrupt Supreme Court in living memory from court reform, protecting not only their usurped powers, creating an imperial court even as they created an imperial presidency but also the lavish booty they have been taking as they sit on that Court.  They deserve to be imprisoned if not given the legal penalty for treason against the United States.   Though, unlike them, I don't believe in state-murder for even their kinds of crimes.  That violence is already on them, some of them obviously relishing that power, none of them rejecting it.

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