Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Hate Mail - "no sense of humor"

OH, I DON'T KNOW about that.   I've been known to laugh at Brian Stollery's humor. 


Direct link to video

Update:  Stupy is waving a 58 year old review in front of my face to try to convince me that the mop heads are still kew-el.  It's his equivalent of wearing a "Keep Cool With Coolidge" button during the 1976 election and thinking it was kew-el when it was just stupid.

Of course, I don't care about the mop heads but it infuriates him so I make fun of them and the geezers who think they're kew-el. 


  1. "OH, I DON'T KNOW about that. I've been known to laugh at Brian Stollery's humor. "

    But NEVER to make a joke at your own expense. Which shows that you're a) a dishonest idiot and b) a humorless sociopathic idiot.

    1. January 12, 2020 I wrote: It was back at a family party, I think it was the Labor Day one, when I was taking care of my two youngest nieces, after school. They were constantly asking me to read them the Harry Potter books. I ended up reading all of them to them, some of them several times.

      Anyway, sitting at the long table at the party among my very old mother, a brother's almost as old mother-in-law, several of my siblings, one of those nieces was badgering me to read one of the Harry Potter books and I was getting kind of tired of it so among the chattering and babbling around the table, I said, How about I read you another book,

      Which one? she demanded,

      Oh, I don't know, how about "Sets, Relations and Functions." A joke between us because I'd proposed several other math titles on my shelf other times she was demanding I read Harry Potter to her. Math not being her best subject.

      But the joke was on me that time because I quickly found out if you don't pronounce that particular title, very clearly in mixed company, it can be easily misconstrued.

    2. A question, schmucko:

      Are Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Bruckner, Bartok and Bloch kew-el? Also -- the use of the phrase "kew-el" proves you're a large idiot. It's like saying "23 skiddoo" and thinking its hep.

    3. Kew-el isn't a phrase it's a word. I'm smart enough to know the difference, which you don't.

      I doubt any of them would want to be taken as kew-el. It's people who take them as kew-el who trivialize and distort their music, shit like the Swingle Singers, Switched on Bach, the kind of deformances that you can hear on Youtubes, more in the nature of stunt playing than art. The kind of thing you'd think was kew-el to prove you were still one of the groovy kids in your age cohort.

    4. Oh, and to answer the comment I chose not to post, I've gotten some laughs with that story, though I tend to hang around with smarter people than you and the kew-el kids at Eschaton. I know anything longer and more involved than a c. 1965 As-Seen-On-TV comic one liner surpasses your attention span but you're really not my intended audience. Speaking of which, someone told me you posed that stupid old review there too, so whoever was doing that is apparently back.

  2. The idea that as massively shitty a writer as you is qualified to lecture me on the difference between a word and a phrase is height of unintentional hilarity.

    1. Well, how humiliating for you, the self-declared pro-writer. it must be that I know the difference between a phrase and a word, in which case, thanks for providing the opportunity for me to point that out again.

    2. By the way, what I just said was funny. At your expense.

    3. You think I dream about you?

      In your dreams, Stupy.

      Someone told me you seem to find coming here to fight with me "tantalizing." Well, I know the story of Tantalus and if you think you're getting anywhere near my grapes, you've got another think coming to you, Simps. I say knowing you don't think you react out of habit.
