Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Gerald Clayton - Shadamanthem


Direct link to the video 

Gerald Clayton . piano
Joe Sanders . bass,
Justin Brown . drums
Logan Richardson . saxophonist
Dayna Stephens . saxophonist
Ambrose Akinmusire . trumpet

I've posted this before but for some reason I feel compelled to post it again, today. 


  1. "I've posted this before but for some reason I feel compelled to post it again, today."

    Here's a clue, schmucko -- it's because you're a clue without a shred of taste.

    1. Why don't you just say what you mean, he's playing while Black? I would guess that means I've got the same lack of taste that Roy Hargrove, Charles Lloyd and Gretchen Parolato have because they've chosen to work with him. In that case, I accept the accusation as unintentionally made.
