Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Stupid Mail

I don't notice any of the Eschatonian dolts have claimed to have read Goldhangen's book they mumble about at the link you sent me.  I know Simps never read it because he seems to have never read an entire book about the Nazi genocides, skimming the pre-Holocaust Berlin Diary, which he doesn't appear to have actually read, seems to be the extent of his scholarly effort.  I doubt if any or many of the blog rats at Baby Blue have read more than a few book reviews.

They aren't great readers, the rump comment community of Eschaton.  Articles at most, though even those read in headline or skimmed, books, not so much. 

As I said, if the idiot Supreme Court hadn't made it impossible to sue the owners of blogs who post libel by their blog rats, I'd have sued Duncan a long time ago.    To hell with them and the ever dwindling numbers who bother with them. 

Simels is just a sore head because he came here making a fool of himself and I pointed out just how big a fool he made himself into, yet again.  He did all the work, I just commented on it. 

Goldhangen's book is hardly uncontroversial among probably more eminent historians of the subject, even his supporters have to admit that.  It has the reputation of being a work of polemic more than of history, though satisfying to bigots of the Simels type (who, nevertheless, never have nor ever will read it)  it's hardly a fully accepted work and is unlikely to become the dominant point of view in the study of the Nazi genocides.   I think any scholar who doesn't address the fact that Nazism was first, foremost and completely a biological ideology based on the idea of natural selection isn't coming close to a real explanation of the motivations of the Nazis.  What Goldhangen calls "eliminationism" is a useful distinction though I think he tries to extend his idea farther than it can usefully maintain coherence.   I do agree with his critics who say he is a bigot, never a good beginning for scholarship. 

Update: Well, Trump did adopt Steve Simels' idea of setting up a concentration camp in an abandoned mall.   Clearly, since Trump set up a baby-concentration camp in an abandoned big box store he thinks more like Trump than I do.  I'd point out the irony of that re Simp's idea of history, X-Men comix,  but it would take more time than it's worth. 

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