Saturday, June 4, 2022

Saturday Night Radio Drama - Peter Sirr - Radio Carla


Radio Carla 


Radio Carla invites us to listen to the intimate audio-cassette confession of a former and forgotten lover in a deathbed testimony to her surviving sweetheart from the other side of time and space. With Andrew Bennett as the astonished addressee, and Olwen Fouéré as the voice of a departed portal into the past, Peter Sirr's script proves again the old theatrical adage that dialogue is what we do to each other.

Olwen Fouéré played Carla,

Andrew Bennett was Joe,

and Deirdre Monaghan ... Louise.

Sound supervision was by Mark McGrath,

Produced by Aidan Mathews.

I want to start weekly posting of new radio drama again and don't have time to listen during the week so you're hearing this for the first time along with me, hope it's good. 

The Total Lunacy Of "Rights" Stripped From Consideration Of Their Consequences

Our Judicial System Is Full Of Such Lunacy, Our Journalism Even More Full Of It

about the cultural god of secular reverence, alcohol, I made a comment that got some flack, as I expected it would, doubting that there is any such thing as a right to get drunk, one of a number of deputed "rights" that, if thought of with a minimal amount of rigor and an honest requirement that their results be considered in that assignment of virtue to them, would reveal that they are nothing like rights but are the destruction of rights.  Whether self-destroyed or destroyed through the exploitation of those looking for those so vulnerable by their own action doesn't really much matter when it comes down to who is going to suffer the consequences and who is going to reap the rewards of rape culture mixed with alcohol culture.

One of the people who trolls me called my younger relatives mentioned in the story "assholes" for thier sucumbing to one of the commonest consequences of drinking alcohol and accused me of saying because of them he should be deprived of going to his "watering hole" and sacrificing the few brain cells left to him in his senescence, even though I noted that one of the tragic features of the experiment with prohibition was that it didn't work to wipe out drinking.  Apparently his imbibing at his "watering hole" (he is never at a loss for a cliche even as he's at loss for anything like an original idea) has the effect of diminishing his reading comprehension, I hold him up as a cautionary example.

Anyway, moving on, here's a piece from the National Catholic Reporter about the not only organized but corporatized use of alcohol as the most common of date rape drugs, not only in plain sight but as the focus of a national media industry.

[Note, I have removed the ampersands because I don't provide links to hate. assault and rape promotion sites]

When Florence [note, that name is a pseudonym] was 18, an intimate video of her in a bar was filmed on a Jesuit college campus. Posted to a social media account named for that college, the sexually exploitive video quickly gained millions of views.

This is not an isolated story. It's the story of Barstool Sports, and it's playing out at Catholic universities across the country.

Barstool Sports is an infamous multimillion-dollar media empire of sports and sex. The website and its social media presence combines sports coverage, lowbrow viral internet moments and pictures of highly sexualized women (including a "Smokeshow of the Day"). The brand is so popular it has its own sportsbook for betting and a flavored vodka, Pink Whitney. The barstoolsports Instagram account emphasizes short viral videos and boasts over 12 million followers. It traffics in "college humor," the culture of raunchy jokes, laissez-faire sexual mores, binge drinking and viral videos that soaks many campuses like cheap beer.

Most colleges in America have smaller, localized Barstool accounts on Instagram and Twitter. Catholic schools are no exception: Of the 27 Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States, only three do not have associated Barstool accounts. Though these localized accounts claim no official affiliation with the schools, they have names like barstoolholycross or fairfieldbarstool and post content tailored to their schools' student bodies. Students send submissions to these accounts to have memes and photos or videos of drunken exploits on campus posted for people to laugh at. It was on one of these college Barstool Instagram accounts — for a Jesuit school — that the video of Florence was first posted.

I'll start by saying that the piece exposes the human piece of excrement who has become very rich from this,

Barstool's incredible reach has made its founder, Dave Portnoy, an internet celebrity, known for his abrasive personality, crude humor and proud political incorrectness. A few months ago, he was the focus of a Business Insider article that highlighted three young women, as young as 19, who had sex with Portnoy, now 45, which they said turned humiliating and violent. Two of the women told Business Insider that Portnoy "both choked and filmed them without advance permission."

An additional three young women came forward later, also saying that Portnoy filmed them without permission; one woman recounts Portnoy fracturing her rib during sex. Portnoy denies the allegations of choking and filming without consent, though he acknowledges the rib injury. He has a well-documented history of pursuing young women barely at the age of consent, and has had three sex tapes leaked, including one in which he violently chokes a woman wearing a leash.

Portnoy went live on Twitter in a ranting, hourlong video to protest his innocence, rail against Business Insider and try to discredit the women, declaring, "I've never taped a girl without her consent in my life."

The same cannot be said of Portnoy's legion of fans, called "stoolies."

I would very much like to shut that down, punish the boys and scummy men with prison terms for what they are doing but that's not going to be done in this age of such promiscuously created "rights" as will keep this and its like up and running and making millions for the human stools (a word which is perfect for what they are) such as this Portnoy.  

Wanting to do something more likely to reduce the number of victims, I'll ask if Florence (reminding you it's a pseudonym) was exercising a "right" when she drank herself into a state where she was easy pickings for a sexual assailant and video maker to be made by them an object of commerce for this kind of operation CHOOSING A BAR TO DO IT BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE YOU FIND SUCH SELF-MADE VICTIMS.  

What did that "right" consist of?   Either the one to get drunk or to exploit the drunkenness for international publication for profit?

How did its creation as a "right" escape being part of what the result of it was, what it could very predictably be turned into as part of the ambient "civil liberties" industry-Supreme Court distorted decision that made the entire world a porn show?  I am certain that the "civil liberties" law establishment would take cases protecting the scumbags involved in the use of Florence?   

How do the civil liberties lawyers, judges and "justices" escape any mention as being the primary permitters of the exercise of the "right" to drink yourself into being a victim of sexual assault and, even more so, the publishing industry that encourages and profits from this situation?  They should have this ordure in the courts wiped all over them.

And let us not forget the part played in that by journalists, opinion writers, other writers, talking heads in the media, etc. who are as much a part of this as the judges, "justices" and "civil liberties" lawyers who probably don't make as much money out of their part in the rape-alcohol complex but who are well paid by the big shits who make the big bucks from it.

As I said last week, "rights" real and court created should not be separated from the consequences of their being exercised.  Any "rights" which produced malevolent, destructive, even fatal consequences are "rights" that bring those results.  


Any such "rights" being considered in anything but the most negative manner and something to be suppressed is sheer and utter lunacy of the kind which constitutes the greatest part of current legalistic, judicial and, especially, journalistic degeneracy.

If "rights" are held to have those consequences, the routine, rote thinking about them as unquestionable goods is dangerous - many such "rights" are a positive evil in life that should be suppressed if not abolished.  They are not an evil that we are required to just live with because some "justices" or judges or civil-liberties lawyers can live safe lives in their protected enclaves of privilege, not having to live with those consequences they lay down for even the foolishly young and vulnerable.  

Florence was not exercising a real right to drink to the point of inebriation, she was suckered by the popular culture into abandoning her most real of all rights to self-possession, self-protection and self-defense by encouragement to take what was predictably, in the context she drank in, a date-rape drug.  She was, first and foremost, suckered by the alcohol culture that is ubiquitous and presented as a virtue, as a "right of passage" in one of the most destructive and stupid parts of modern and college kulcha.  One of long standing just as the culture of rape enablement is, just as the culture of male supremacy is.  She was duped out of full possessions of her rights, no doubt her youth and lack of maturity making her more vulnerable to it.  I would guarantee you that the media and liquor and internet industries that brought this about are all dominated, heavily dominated by rich, entitled males.

She has my complete sympathy and I wish she could bring legal action to shut down the site and punish those who used her that way, I think that should be the state of the law, but it isn't. She has a right to my complete sympathy, I was an idiot kid of exactly that kind, myself at that age, not a little of that alcohol related.

What she does not have a right to is me ignoring the part she was suckered into playing in her own victimization.  Ignoring that would get neither her nor any other woman OR GAY KID OR ANYONE ELSE so cheated and victimized one bit of self-possession and self-protection, it would be to further her and their victimization by the predators who use the status quo in the way they do.

That alcohol should not be used that way by the rapist-boys who go to such places is a different matter and one which was not in any way in her control.  The rape-boy who took advantage of her was clearly on the look out for someone who had made herself vulnerable.  If it happened in another bar it may have been a similarly immature boy.  As I said, I wish that the law punished and prevented that but, unfortunately, in the addlement of the law and "civil liberties" the actions of the date-rapist-publishers are called "rights" and given protection that their victims are not given at all.  Considering the situation, the law encourages exactly what happens to the girls who are so victimized in this.

The focus of the piece published in the NRC is the presence of this organized date-rape internet presence on Catholic campuses but, as it notes, its presence is something of a ubiquity.  I'm as concerned for girls and boys - and anyone who surrenders their adulthood to drunkenness has forfeited their right to be considered as an adult - at secular and public universities and colleges and outside of public education as I am those who go to Catholic institutions.  I have a very dim view of Catholic higher and elite prep-level educational institutions, they are not in any way handling this responsibly, I doubt they're handling it at all.

I remember a number of years ago hearing a radio piece - I think it was on Radio Canada International - in which European university students talked about their shock at the binge drinking then common among students from the US and Canada, saying that while drinking was common among their European colleagues, the kind of drunkenness that was common among Americans was rare in most places in Europe.  I don't know if that's true or not, I do know that even when I was in school the drinking was out of control and from what I can see, it's worse than it was then.  

The idea that what these addled adolescents are engaged in is an expression of "rights" is one of the clearest and most revealing of absurdities in our promiscuous elevation of liberties, those wisely allowed and those massively stupidly and irresponsibly encouraged, to the status as "rights."  Some of that is due to the idiocy of thinking everything in life is a matter of secular legalism and that anything allowed under law is a positive good.  That is extremely stupid but such stupidity is among the biggest flaws in modern life.  I take it as another symptom in what Marilynne Robinson said, that modernism is a failed project.  If it can't be trusted to make a distinction between real rights which are an enhancement of self-possession, self-determination, self-protection, of moral behavior and the various "rights" to be talked into stripping yoursel of all of those while it protects the "rights" of those who prey on those so stripped of their real rights, it is voluntarily and obviously wrong.

Friday, June 3, 2022

On Peter Navarro's Legal Blather

 A Harvard economist acting as his own lawyer has a Harvard economist as a client.

Forget "Ethics" courses at the Ivies (I'm convinced "ethics" as it really is means morality that lets rich jerks be immoral) they should teach them that arrogance is functional stupidity.  I really hate Harvard. 

Hate Mail - You Seriously Need To Take Up Some Hobby, You've Got Too Much Free Time On Your Hands

 olvlzl for May 29, 2006, read the comments.  

That was my first blog which, as I recall, there was something that happened at Blogger or at the e-mail I used and which I lost the ability to post on.  I can't access it now, in short.  As you can see, I confirmed that I did write the original version of that poem back then and was already trying to avoid trolls.  As for the other one, I just wrote that the day before it was posted.  

Someone once asked me what "olvlzl" stands for, to which I said he'd stand for a lot if anyone was pushing that particular envelope anymore, which they weren't even back then. 

Update:  Ha, ha!  Here's where I said that, too. 


Response To Doubt - It's More Than Sixty Years Ago . . .

but I seem to recall it was this one by Caravaggio that was in the big Catholic family Bible that I grew up with.  I don't know who in my family got it, maybe I'll try to find out and see if my memory is correct.   I must have been about four when my older brother showed it to me.  I remember it was something I looked at pretty much every time I looked at that huge old red-leather covered volume.  That and the list of dates when our family members had received the Sacraments administered, especially "Extreme Unction" which, back in those pre-Vatican II days was like getting a death sentence, always gave me the chills.   Things got a lot less morbid after Vatican II.  I have to say, the Catholic baroque style always kind of repelled me after that.

Judith Beheading Holofernes (Caravaggio) - Wikipedia

The Congress, The President, The American People Should Not Respect Supreme Court Rulings More Than The Roberts-Alito Court Does

WHILE THINKING ABOUT the Roberts-Alito Court bulldozing anything good that has been done by the Supreme Court and, even more so the Congress and Executive in more than a century of hard won progress, the whole idea of why anyone, the Congress, the President, other courts, state and local governments should respect the rulings of the Supreme Court when the Supreme Court disrespects rulings by the Supreme Court doesn't seem to me to be gone into very much, if at all.  I think it's time we started showing the same lack of respect to  this Supreme Court rulings that this Court does.  The Roberts-Alito Court proves, over and over again, it deserves no respect, it is the most malignant force in American life, today.  That it is allowed to operate as it does must call into question everything about that Court and its effect in the governance of the United States.

Since the Roberts-Alito court is destroying the struggle to finally make the United States a country with equality under the law, something that Court has put a lie to even as that's what it says over the door to that Bluebeard's Castle of corruption and evil they sit in claims to provide, why anyone should go along with it WHEN THEY ARE OVERTURNING SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SUPREME COURT PRECEDENT THAT SO OFTEN CORRUPT BODY HAS SET DOWN, the claim that there is any kind of a moral obligation for the other branches of the government to abide by not only past precedents of the kind this court is abolishing, by fiat, but their present and novel rulings is one of the most absurd of our civic pieties.  

If abiding by the Court's decisions is such a moral imperative, why aren't the Supreme Court members bound by that as a fast and hard obligation?  The Court, itself, since it has usurped the legislative and executive function in its claimed power to abolish law made by a majority in Congress and either signed into law by the President or through the inaction in allowing it to become law without that signature, has certainly proclaimed it has no reciprocal obligation to respect laws made by a far larger AND ELECTED body and the President who, if this were a real instead of a sham democracy set up by slave-owners, land thieves and speculators and corrupt financiers, is theoretically the choice of The People as a whole.  

It seems to me that the Supreme Court has rigged things so that it has even more extraordinary powers than both of the elected bodies of the Federal Government put together and those on the basis of an anti-democratic selection and, with Republican-fascism under the likes of McConnell et al, an openly corrupt and rigged system.  If you put together those "justices" on the current court, put there by men put there by 1. Supreme Court usurpation in the 2000 election and 2. The corrupt Electoral College and collusion by billionaires (enabled, knowingly, through Supreme Court action in the Citizens United case) it is rightly seen as an illegitimate body under the claims of the United States Constitution and its plain reading theory of government which has, through its own and past Courts' extra-Constitutional power grabs, and it is hardly done grabbing and hoarding power to itself.

It's time for the Congress and President to not just put the Court on notice but to actually strip it of the power grab that was made by the Taney Court to attempt to protect and extend slavery to the entire country in its claimed power to abolish duly enacted Federal laws.  It is time for the Court to be put under real and effective and CONSEQUENTIAL rules prohibiting corrupt action, it is well past time for Court terms to run no more than one decade, the stupidity of giving them lifetime terms without any real recourse for removal of them, leaving it up to them to decide when they go, either during the lifetimes or as they are carried out feet first, has shown the best and the brightest of them are no better at deciding when to go than the worst, most corrupt and most power hungry.  

If Democrats pull off a miracle and they actually control Congress and the White House - and I mean in a way that makes the likes of Manchin and Sinema irrelevant - they must act in unprecedented ways.  Why should they be bound by precedent when the Roberts-Alito Court and no other Supreme Court acknowledges they are bound by it?  This corrupt and damnable Court has proven they are no legitimate or safely considered makers of such decisions as to when to overturn precedent or to set it.  There is no reason to consider the freshest ruling of the Supreme Court as being any more legitimate than the Court has the Voting Rights Act or Roe v. Wade or the myriad of other Supreme Court decisions OR DULY ENACTED LAWS PASSED BY AN ELECTED CONGRESS.  

To allow the Supreme Court to disregard those duly enacted laws and nullify them by fiat of an un-elected 5-4 or 6-3 UNELECTED, corruptly and partisanly selected Court majority, WHILE THEY DO THE SAME TO UNANIMOUS RULINGS OF PAST COURTS is to allow them a measure of power which is not only a contradiction of government of, by and for The People, it is to guarantee that the nature of the United States Government will be against those and for the oligarchs these corrupt court members really represent.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Kingdoms Of This World And The Failure Of Secular Democracy

BELA BARTOK'S OPERA Bluebeard's Castle is among the most satisfying operas written in the 20th century, one which has little dramatic action in it, a cast of two and only one set. It's action consists of Judith, the new wife of Bluebeard, opening seven mysterious locked doors and commentary on what's inside them as things grow ever more sinister, it is Judith's choice of husband revealed in the evil and ruthlessness behind his reign over a vast and physically beautiful country.  The extent of that is revealed in what might be the most glorious music in a modern opera, the opening of the fifth door that reveals its beauty in glorious, huge major tonality chords and, in some of the most effective stagings, little more than blazing light.  

But within a couple of minutes, even that is revealed to be sinister as Judith changes mode to comment on the disturbing clouds that cast blood colored shadows on the beauty revealed there.

Listening to an old recording in glorious mono, issued by Bartok records, it occurred to me that, especially at that high point of the opera that the whole thing could stand as a contrast to the scene in the Gospels where Satan tempts Jesus with increasingly grand offers, including possession and rule of the whole Earth if he will serve him instead of God. Though I doubt that's what Bartok or his librettist Bela Belazs had in mind.  Maybe there is someone who knows of a comment one or the other made about that.

The opera can be seen as a great allegory on the history of non-egalitarian and so anti-democratic governments which are still the majority, perhaps almost all of the of governments in the world.  And that is certainly including many a so-called democracy such as that in the United States which is not equal and, so, is no democracy.  I doubt any country which does not have a Constitution written in the 20th century comes close to that no matter what habits of civic piety we are indoctrinated in permits us to believe.  And it is closer than an allegory of the temptation of all of us to give them our allegiance and lead us to share in the evil done by power, by governments and rulers and other forces of the world.  Judith doesn't flee, she doesn't cut his head off as the great heroine of the Book of Judith did, a book which I grew up with (complete with gruesome and so absorbing old-master picture reproduction) in the Catholic canon of my youth, a book which didn't make it into some other canons of scripture.

In fact I think that's almost certainly what is behind it, given the political situation in Hungary where the composer and librettist lived and were part of the intellectual scene.  I've never seen that made clear in any production I've seen, the one I saw live or the ones I've seen filmed or staged for filming. Of all of the producer-director imposed meanings placed on it, I've never seen that one.   I've never read any commentary on it that gave that indication, though I will admit, I've never really studied it from that aspect.  If that was what Bartok and Belas had in mind, they reveal the perils of using theatrical allegory to make that point because I'd been listening to the opera, at least once every few years for a long time and that thought lay undeveloped in my thinking for most of that time.

The sad end for Judith when her last illusions about her new husband are killed, that she joins his previous wives in their undead tomb, revealed in the last door, is the common lot for almost all of us as we give in to the ruling regime, the economic one, the political one, the intellectual one, one of the social milieus that we are born into or choose which operate under those.   We almost all choose to live with those instead of against those, especially those imposed by others who have given in to one or another of them, accepting the evils done by them.  All of us are Judiths to one extent or another, perhaps a few real saints excluded.

It is the story of today's Russia under Putin, something which I'm sure must have relevancy for the opera as conceived by the composer and librettist, considering the role that the Leninists and, soon, Stalinists had in menacing countries contiguous with and near to the Soviet dictatorship.  I doubt much of anything among the intellectuals in those smaller countries is free of that danger as well as those internal to it. Bartok and Belazs had domestic fascists to contend with, as well.

If the Republican-fascists win the elections in the fall, if the Republican-fascist majority on the Supreme Court continues unstopped, it will increasingly be relevant for here.*  The Constitutional order of the United States has proven itself to be unsustainable if the goal is egalitarian democracy instead of some pretty evil level of gangster rule, gangster rule, especially in regard to People of Color, Women and members of targeted minorities, has and always will be the result of governance under it.  The heady prospect of us reforming it in the great Civil Rights movements of the 19th and 20th centuries was a worthwhile try but the mechanisms of government and the corruption of elections more than just made possible but facilitated by the Constitution and the judicial rulings made allegedly under that guaranteed those reforms would be turned back by the extension of American apartheid in the late 19th and most of the 20th century and the now ripe return of American apartheid, the nationalization of Women's bodies, the arming of fascist terrorists and, no doubt, actual armies which will seize power, and in countless other ways.  See my footnote for more.  We are only slightly behind Russia under Putin, for lots of America, Black People, other People of Color, Women, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SCHOOL CHILDREN! only the details separating us are different, not the lived reality.  

The story of Jesus's temptation and his rejection of it seems to me to be far more significant than it might seem when it comes up in the lectionary, one which, read in that context, is far more important for all of us than I, personally, ever realized before listening to the opera and thinking about it that way.  I doubt I'll ever hear Bartok's music or hear that Gospel reading again without thinking of it in terms of my own inadequate resistance to the evils of power and commerce and those required by various subsets requiring acquiescent acceptance to it. Jesus rejected it and the physical comforts to begin his ministry which ended in his state murder.  


I wish I had a good recording of the opera in English translation that was comprehensible and close to the meaning of the original and musically workable.  I've turned around from the stand I used to have against vernacular translation of opera to where I think it's more damaging to it if its intended audience can't understand the dramatic action.  It is theater, after all.  

That's one thing I realized from listening to radio dramas in which the spectacle is entirely listener provided, those in French and German which I've tried lose a lot in the original.  Especially when the author wrote them in vernacular speech.  I wish I could find good English language productions of some of those, especially one of the most famous ones, The Man At The Door by Wolfgang Borchert, which is a remarkable piece of work.  

*  The total impotence of the benevolent, perhaps, majority of Americans to even protect school children from the damned Supreme Court, the gun industry, Republican-fascists and their army of armed goons, and in a hundred other ways has certainly and finally proven the total failure of secular-would-be liberalism and, even more so, the secular left.  

The sooner liberals and would-be leftists face the fact that the 18th century "enlightenment" is over, the sooner we can move on to something that might save us because the secular-constitutional order of the United States and the culture of secularism is what got us here.  Christians must name the fascist heresies what they are and they will have to fight against them no matter what the luke-warm muddle of secularism has lulled them into believing on that account because there is nothing else that will resist it.  Marxism certianly can't and it never should have been mistaken to even want to do that.  There is no secular alternative that has or ever will.  If you think there is one, name it.  

If there were no private schools, if the children of the rich had to send their children to public schools assigned to those on a random basis so they could not recreate the elite prep-school systems at public expense, if the Supreme Court members had their children or grandchildren at the risk they have created for all children in public schools, the entire line of "Second Amendment" rulings by the Republican-fascists would never have been made.  The Republican-fascist order is a certain result of the permission of the private sector to segregate themselves into safety.  We will always suffer that until we have, by law, abolished that self-created safety for them and those they purportedly love.

The Congress, if Democrats should prevail, should remove protections for themselves and the Supreme Court so those robed thugs can't hide from the results of their own rulings.  No law made by the court, no ruling by them, should leave them less vulnerable than they leave school children, in school or on the street or in their homes.  That vile building, constructed during Taft's corrupt time as Chief Justice, built with fascist-supplied marble, is the Bluebeard's Castle of American democracy.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Again With The "Ignorant Jewish Peasants"

I FORGET THE TITLE OF THE BOOK, written by a Catholic seminarian in NYC in the early 1960s who met Edward Albee's secretary who, he said, told him about taking down part of one of his plays as Albee dictated it to him.  It was a forgettable book by a young man with what goes as a fine education (Columbia, I seem to recall) that I read on a car trip because it happened to be the book I picked up knowing it was going to be a long car ride.  I thought about it for probably the first time since putting it away almost sixty years ago because I thought of using Arch Obler as an example to make a point.  Obler is a well known author to aficionados of "golden age" radio drama.  Unfortunately, best known for a bit of horror tripe he produced about an ever expanding artificially maintained chicken heart that envelops the world.  He was, actually a better writer than his claim to fame would lead you to believe. Obler was known for composing his radio dramas in his head while he as in bed, talking them into a Dictaphone to later be transcribed and, I'd imagine, edited by a secretary and himself.  For the record, I think Norman Corwin's radio dramas of the period stand up better but Obler was, in my opinion, a better playwright than Albee was.  Meaning is meaningful, veiling meaning behind literary artifices often renders them meaningless.  Absurdist lit is ephemeral and its producers should not be surprised if the world has little need to repeat it.  Subsequent productions are more in the way of pious observance, not art.

That's a little introduction to an answer to the often made indictment of Christianity that Jesus and Paul were "illiterate peasants" to which I have to say, if they were illiterates of no formal education that only makes their intellectual achievements all the greater because anyone who could come up with what they did without recourse to the organizational powers of written words is the intellectual superiors of those who though literate could not do what they did.  I've made that point before.  As to the heart of the thought and work both Jesus and Paul, their religious content, it might be arguable that illiterate peasants, being among the least among us and, so, among the least likely to do great evil as great evil is done to them, perhaps that was a considerable asset to their purpose, as being rich and reputable would have likely inhibited that. And, what do you know, Jesus said pretty much that. Repute in intellect and, especially, formal education is not highly correlated with moral greatness. It barely correlates well with underachievement of normal, unheroic moral action.

I, though, think it is very likely that both Jesus and Paul could read and very possibly write words.  The modern arguments for illiteracy don't seem to me to be persuasive and are based on some pretty tendentious assumptions with the typical modern dismissal of Christianity.  I would say made toward that desired end.

What we have in the case of Jesus is a report of him reading from the Scroll, Isaiah, and a report of him writing in dirt on the ground in that story I've discussed, the Woman taken in adultery.  I certainly think that the Gospels present Jesus as having a deep, a profound knowledge of the Jewish Scriptures, often confounding those learned in written texts, which would imply either an incredible memory of what he heard read and a deeper than usual understanding of them or him being able to read it for himself.  The argument that those accounts are suspect because he, as a Jewish peasant of the period would have had to be illiterate seems rather circular and question begging.  We do not have any idea how many literate people we might or those living then might put into the same economic-social class in his locale as Jesus is assumed by us to have been in.  We really don't have any way of knowing that because that would require a level of surveying by methods unknown to that period and hardly reliable today or of sufficient evidence to make such an accurate guess having survived which it certainly hasn't.  If I am skeptical of contemporary surveying and polling, the pantomime of that endemic to the "scientific" evaluation of the ancient past to come up with numbers purporting to be statistical evaluation is something I think indicts and convicts today's intellectual set of gross dishonesty and vast over-selling of their often highly ideological claims.   

Paul is especially interesting because what we have of him, in Acts, in the Pauline letters, perhaps in other writings referring to or reacting to him,  presents enough so we are confronted with an extremely complex personality.  One who contains great contradictions and whose words are often scandalous in regard to slavery, in regard to Women, in regard to LGBTQ rights, his often scandalous statements about his own People - you can never forget that Paul considered himself and publicly declared himself to remain Jewish and a Pharisee - etc.  A lot of the scandal, it seems to me, is due to him being quite taken with the dramatic, attention demanding presentation of contrasts which can read quite differently to us today than it probably seemed to those he wrote to at the time.  The contrasts he draws in Romans between "the Jews" and "the Law" with the practices of the ambient pagan gentiles (of greatly contrasting variety) are, some have argued, him pointing out that all of us fall short of the Gospel of Jesus, of the risen Christ his experience of whom motivated the rest of his life.  

Luke Timothy Johnson in one of his lectures concluded that one of the sources of scandal among us today is because Paul had a weakness for fearing the effects of things like Women speaking in church, the relationships of slaves to masters, due to the ambient Roman patriarchal familial norms in the alien world he worked in.  It would be good to know an accurate chronology for the various letters and the Paul presented in Acts to try to see how, as he was exposed to more and more varied gentile communities how his fidelity to his claim that in Jesus all of the important social-political-personal distinctions disappeared, Jew-gentile, slave-free, male-female, one of what must have then seemed AND STILL VERY MUCH IS profoundly radical.  Imagine what the program of today's Republican-fascist "white evangelicals" would be if they took that passage as if it were both true and something they were commanded to live up to.  Imagine if the Churches all took it seriously from the time it was made Scripture.  

As with the teachings of Jesus, if those were actually applied capitalism would disappear, slavery would disappear - anyone who thinks you could have slavery while doing to others what you would have them do to you isn't thinking very hard, they're not thinking at all.  There would be the most radical of economic and, so, social leveling, in which those he lead would serve, those who had gave it away to those who wouldn't return it, all would love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them and  forgive those they love the most- of course of those who persecute them followed the Gospel of Jesus, they wouldn't persecute them.

Paul's radical egalitarian on one hand and anti-egalitarian statements,  contrasting duos of sayings, are sometimes quite understandable if you consider the consequences in the milieu in which he worked ALWAYS KEEPING IN MIND HIS LETTERS ARE OFTEN ADDRESSED TO CONTROVERSIES AND FALLING AWAY IN THE COMMUNITIES HE WROTE THEM TO.  Elizabeth A. Johnson pointed out that we can know two things about Paul saying Women should be silent in Church, that women in the Church were speaking when Paul wrote his letter and that we have no record of how the Women in the Church responded to what he said.  And at the same time, in his greetings in Romans, etc. he named People, he more than just implies that women either co-lead or lead Churches (which met in private homes) and acted AS HIS REPRESENTATIVE, SPEAKING HIS MESSAGE AND ANSWERING QUESTIONS ON HIS BEHALF TO THE CHURCHES HE WROTE TO!   

Slave owners who treated their slaves as beloved members of their family (community) would no longer treat them as slaves, slavery under such a practice would no longer be slaves.   

Paul's letters were not Scripture the first time they were read, they were letters of advice and guidance, they became Scripture by the decision of later Christians in the various Churches and, as hierarchies formed and, especially, as Christianity because enmeshed in secular politics.  The decisions of what were Scripture and what were not may have and, I think, often were made for very good reasons but they were no more perfect decisions than any others made by human beings, including Paul's (or his group of colleagues) in what to say in those letters.  Given what all texts of that period are, I'm not so sure that means of coming up with an authoritative canon of those which were to be taken as Scripture was not only wise but a realistic necessity.*

Paul might be the most complex of human figures in the Scriptures, apart from Jesus.  That's partly because what became Scripture contains so much purportedly about him and purported to be from him.  There aren't many other figures in the ancient or classical period about which so much may be known, certainly not from the class that Paul was from - and I suspect he may well have been higher up in the economic-social scale than Jesus was, though I'm sure there would be various points of view about that, today.  

Back to the accusation that Jesus and Paul were illiterates, all blind people of that time and probably most blind people into the modern day who do not have recourse to braille or some other writing method are illiterate, not able to access written words.  

There are definite problems with that, I know because my father was blind and I daily saw those problems and he was both a fluent braille reader and writer.  Braille read with the fingers is read more slowly than printed words read with the eyes, back then it was far harder and slower to type with a Perkins Brailler and even more slowly with an awl and stylus (Dad was proficient with both) I know today using a computer it's a lot faster.  And if you go to the period of audio recording, in which many blind people don't learn to use Braille or ever gain proficiency in it, depending on audio recordings of read text has its own deficiencies as compared to accessing words by reading them printed in ink on a page or pixels on a screen, the difference between words read with your eyes or words merely heard are even greater.  It is simply not as fast to speak or hear words as it is to see them, it is harder to go back and reference what you have already read in braille or in a recording of words. It is far harder to look something up, though I'd guess some who use computer technology mixing text recognition with text to audio might become quite good at reviewing or referencing what they've already heard (I would imagine they get used to the annoying qualities of computers reading words aloud.) But most of the Blind People in the world do not have access to much or any of that technology.

I know from observation that many Blind People develop impressive means to live with and surpass those kinds of problems and limits.  Some do it quite brilliantly with great ingenuity, using methods of memorizing and understanding as do People who are illiterate even though they can see quite well.  I'd guess as many as a percent of their populations are as capable of producing ideas of great brilliance and importance as sighted-literate People. Some of the most vapid, superficial, stupid and trivial thinking around are the product of literate professional writers with quite expensive college-credentials.  Considering the amount of absolute nonsense-garbage-trash and idiocy that is produced by the literate, my guess would be that that produced by those who have a harder time producing it would tend to be higher quality - though I have no real way to test that idea and I'm quite sure it has never been tested.  

I've said before if Paul was illiterate, his letter to the Romans, the theology in it, the arguments in it, the contents of it are a work of genius, far more impressive than much of high-flown philosophy of the literate or Homer or the other epics I've looked at presumably composed by non-literates.  But we know Romans was written down, either by Paul or by those associated with him or a sort of secretary, because it was a letter.  If Paul dictated it or had someone else or a committee (some imagine) write it down it's unlikely he'd not have had it read back to him to see if changes were needed or additions made. It was obviously composed with care as to its contents.  I think both are quite likely, that Paul was literate, himself, and that he, at times, dictated things to secretaries as Arch Obler or Edward Albee did. It's possible he, like most professional modern writers, wrote what was a rough or more refined draft that he handed over to someone else to edit into its final shape.  If that's evidence of illiteracy, most professional writers of fiction, today, are illiterates.  Obler and Albee were certainly literate though they were quite busy or lazy and neither of them were anywhere near as busy as Paul seems to have been.  Jesus was certainly even more busy, he didn't get round to writing letters or even a memoir.  I would imagine paper was pretty scarce in the countryside most of his life was spent in.  

* I'm reminded of the research I did into the almost certainly spurious "Jefferson letters to Thomas Paine" often cited by college-credentialed atheists and other haters of Christianity, reported by a very well educated Moncure Conway which not only have never been demonstrated to exist except on his claims but the contents of which certainly and directly contradict what Jefferson said in known and authentic letters in his own hand.  Not to mention the false claims often made about what those say by People who never actually look for the originals but clip their references from ideological atheist invective that misrepresents those.  Considering how much atheist invective depends on false, distorted, falsified and downright dishonest secondary sources going on to tertiary and even more remote junk, the slamming of the Christian scripture is sheer hypocrisy.   And, it being part of the ambient secular milieu, it's never, ever questioned or tested in the way Scripture constantly is, internally by those who accept it and externally by those who hate it.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day - Two Poems


In America in 2022,

A veteran's son

Burns off his skin cancer

Lesions at home

With a soldering iron.

Rich men make millions in a day.



Memorial Day 2006
for my parents

All of the dead, some in uniform, parents, old, children too young.

Holes in families, empty houses. Shadows on people.       A name in rock.

A person remembers someone. A town, a life.
Countries give speeches. Speeches about symbols.
Speeches, only words. Too far away to know.

And I can't tell you. You had to see them. In their towns. Both sides.