Saturday, December 31, 2022

 Whole Lotta More Lot And An Even Bigger Asshole - How Scripture Will Have To Be Used If It Is To Survive

Still getting flack from those Sodom and Gomorrah posts

LOT HAD NO RIGHT to offer his two little girls to be gang-raped as an alternative to the two angels who were visiting him and who were about to rain fire and brimstone down on the town where Lot lived.  Lot had a right to offer himself to be gang raped, if he had any right to offer up victims to the mob of men at all.  You'll notice that neither he nor the unnamed Levite in the clear recycling of the folk-tale to give an excuse for a bloody civil war in Judges 19-20 are ever questioned as to why they saved their own asses by offering girls up to mobs of male rapists.  The Levite in Judges is even a bigger asshole than Lot because the crowd not only raped his concubine to death, when he woke up in the morning and saw her dead body lying on the door step, he ordered her to get up because he was ready to go on his way. Perhaps he'd enjoyed the hospitality he was offered so much to have it trouble his mind. According to Scripture, he slept away the night as his concubine was being raped to death outside.   No doubt the implication made at the start of the tale, that she had not been faithful to the Levite, is seen as her having deserved it.   If you didn't figure this story is told from a typical straight-guy POV.

I'll point out that when Lot offered up his little girls to suffer a similar fate the two angels don't point out to him that he's doing something wrong.  If nothing else in the story tells you there's something entirely screwy about using the tale as a guide to what "God's unchanging moral law is" for the purpose of forbidding the faithful marriage of two fully competent, consenting adult men or Women to marry, it is that the alleged agents of God's moral retribution fail to tell Lot that he shouldn't be offering his little girls to be raped to death, nor do they warn him that he shouldn't get plastered and rape them, himself, not many verses along in the story.  Some angels, huh? 

I'll also note that in the Sodom and Gomorrah stories, though it was gangs of men who committed the crimes, women and children were obliterated as a consequence, no doubt, if they thought about women and children at all, the scribes and editors and commentators would certainly have figured even children too young to have moral discernment or even language would have been obliterated as, in fact, Lot's wife was when she didn't offer anyone up to be raped and wouldn't share in her husbands crimes after her death.  From now on no hermeneutic that doesn't ask what happened to the Women and Girls who the men don't mention in the text should be considered to be legitimate.

Those two pieces of Scripture (and I only use the capital as a courtesy, not because I think those passages reveal the mind of God) are and always have been too immoral, themselves, to guide a Christian's moral judgement. It is a serious indictment of the process and character of "Scripture" that those questions have not figured decisively in the understanding of those stores.  

One of the greatest things that Christianity accomplished was the elevation of children, especially female children to the status of persons instead of chattels of their fathers.  The ubiquitous practices of infanticide, of child rape, of children being prostituted, etc. that characterize the pagan cultures of the Mediterranean regions and elsewhere being somewhat destroyed by Christianity is one of the most convincing arguments that can be made in favor of the truth of Christianity.  

Either it is a father's absolute moral duty to protect his children from, among other things, gang rape, now, in the future and in the past, or it is not moral duty today and no father has such an obligation.  Either it is and always has been wrong for a father to have sex with their daughters or it is not.  And if you entertain the idea that it wasn't then, you should not have access to children without court supervision by responsible adults. And that's just a tiny bit of what's wrong with that use of Sodom and Gomorrah and Judges 19 in any argument about morals for anyone. especially faithfully committed, consenting, adult gay men.  

That the idolatry of Scripture has not allowed such questioning of those passages, and similar ones, and their clear identification as morally depraved and of no use to determining how we should live now shows how with just how little seriousness the truth of the Law and the Prophets, do to others what you would have them do to you, is taken.  I think Jesus was speaking with divine authority when he said that, I think that a similar conclusion is attributed to the great exponent of Jewish law, Hillel, should lead to the conclusion that any part of Scripture that contradicts that is false.*  Either the Golden Rule is true for all time as the will of God, as I believe it is, or those parts of Scripture which don't promote that are a refutation of it as eternal Law.  

You put that together with "by their fruits you will know them," as the absolute standard of moral discernment in light of The Law and the Prophets and the entire case against faithful, committed, free and competently entered into gay and Lesbian marriage is demolished.  Even identifying those with the depravity of all-male rape mobs who don't appear to have been gay in Genesis and who were obviously not in Judges with faithful same-sex marriage is bearing false witness, another breach of a very serious Commandment.

I don't think that Scripture can retain that status without that critique AND WITHOUT THOSE CHOICES EXPLICITLY BEING MADE FROM NOW ON.  

I think we are going to have to choose on the basis of those Commandments which passages that were inserted into Scripture by the many, many hands that wrote down and edited and commented and assembled those written Scriptures that come down to us because without making those choices, the truth in them are going to be discredited by not only the presence of those but the evil results of them in history.  The Scriptural arguments for the subjugation and harm of Women, the Scriptures used to oppress, discriminate against and murder LGBTQ+ People, those which were used to establish chattel slavery even in its most evil forms,should be used to identify the false passages of Scripture which should be made infamous for their falseness.  That must be done no matter what the vintage and pedigree of those are because they clearly contradict the real Law and real Prophesy and the real Gospel.  

Clearly no one needs to take any argument that sets up what Lot and the unnamed Levite did as having anything to do with today's marriage equality seriously.   The asshole isn't even presented as having been married to the woman he threw to the wolves to save his own ass, he kept her as a concubine.   I wish those who have argued for marriage equality had gone through those to see just how morally corrupt they are.  Especially Lot and the unnamed Levite who seems to have been a totally asshole as well as a self-indulgent idiot.  I'll bet the reason his concubine fled to her father's house was because the asshole beat her.  Though, of course, that wouldn't have made it into the story.  

* In preparing this, I tried to find out how reliable the provenance of what Hillel is said to have said is and am left wondering why the same standards that are used in terms of Christian manuscripts aren't used to question the sources for him and the others recorded in the  Pirkei Avot .  

I wonder if anyone has ever wondered if the attribution of the negative statement of the Golden Rule to Hillel was due to it having been said earlier in the Christian Gospels.  I wouldn't be surprised if a great Rabbi had come to that conclusion, I'm not questioning its authenticity but I have read it claimed that the Gospel writers were cribbing Hillel in that attribution of the positive statement of The Golden Rule to Jesus, on those grounds.  I think fairness demands that the rules that are habitually applied to Christian sources as a means of debunking those must be applied to all other texts with a similar and, sometimes, even less well documented provenance.  That includes those which are pagan and secular (just how anachronistic is that category for that time?) as well as those which are religious.  

I think the mess that Scripture and its commentary are leaves us with no alternative but to choose what we believe is authoritative and what we are forced to reject on the basis of what we believe to be the Truth of God. I think that's how Scripture has always been used in practice, no matter what lip-service is paid to the daffy notion that it is a consistent and entirely true whole.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Coventry Carol 2 - Truth That's Deeper Than The Mere Facts

RMJ has written a very fine post on this.  

every year about the birth narratives of Jesus in Luke and Matthew being so different and pointing out that none of what is said in them can be confirmed to have happened. The census, the slaughter of the children, etc.  Though it's become so rote a ruckus that it should be considered untellectual by now.

Even those who are supposed to be academics don't much fact check themselves on the neo-pseudo-pagan anti-Christian liturgies these days. It's not as if there's any professional price to pay if they get that wrong.  I will mention in passing that most of the history of that period, earlier and later is similarly undocumented but no one will seriously question it.

While it might be reasonable to figure that something so profitable to rulers as a census for purposes of taxation as in Luke's narrative might have left evidence which survived, anyone who thinks something as routine as the Matthew Gospel's ordered massacre of a bunch of babies of poor people would survive in historical records has an extremely naive view of how power is still routinely wielded by the rich and so powerful and what they figure is worth keeping records of. Routine murder of poor children is still too routine to matter much.  The recording of history and what gets paid attention to is a question of what those in a position to do that really value and it's still mostly money.  The United States can't even manage to change the damned Constitution to prevent even the murder of middle-class children in their schools and it's become so routine as to have no effect, whatsoever.  And we're supposed to be a republic.

I think, though, the assertion that the slaughter of the innocents is undocumented so is merely a myth gets it wrong in what is the most important way.   I think that of all of the birth narratives, the slaughter of the innocents and the family fleeing into Egypt, the El Norte of that time and place, is absolutely documented and it isn't because we can be any more certain that the actual family of Jesus experienced it.  But, I will speak up for an even standard in academic proclamations and note that even the single attestation in the Gospel of Matthew lends weight to something like that having happened even if you don't believe in astrology or significant, prophetic dreaming.  There is certainly nothing unbelievable in the general outline of the story.  A known to be murderous king coming to believe an unspecified new born baby in a specific town is a danger to his rule and his dynasty ordering his thugs to kill all the babies in that district, a parent finding out the danger and fleeing with their children. The modern fashion in historical speculation says that the actual number of such babies in such a town wouldn't be the numbers imagined by renaissance and baroque painters, more like what the peasants of 1970s Nicaragua discussed  in The Gospel At Solentiame, as they could understand the Gospel on this better than almost any American or Brit academic expert could.*

Despite the vulgar significance at the heart of that academically trivial and pointless responsible, modern obsession, that exercise in scholarly responsibility doesn't get near the heart  of the two birth narratives.  As that sermon by Bishop Gene Robinson noted, not everything has to have happened for it to be true, that is if by "truth" you mean having a coherent and important  true meaning instead of being an objective report on something that had happened in pedestrian, abstract clerical reporting.

As I've said last week, my preferences tend to be with Luke's interpretation with frightening angels telling very low status shepherds about the most significant event in human history, the birth of the Son of God, of God choosing to become incarnated as a human being - no one understands the Incarnation - and them having the faith to go look for him in an animals shed, sleeping in the feed trough. I contrasted that to the wise men with their three Christmas presents, though Matthew doesn't specify that the child was a baby and may well have been more of a toddler by the time they caught up with what their astrology told them was going on with the Jews.  Too bad their astrology didn't tell them Herod was a complete rotter.

But there is an aspect of Matthew's account we can be certain was absolutely true in the Gene Robinson way, the attempt of Herod to kill him, showing that from the start the baby who was to have the future of Jesus would be a danger to earthly power and would be the object of their murderous violence as soon as they found out about him.  He could well have been the victim of their uninformed, routine violence, anyway.  The Crucifixion of Jesus under the Romans is the final proof of the truth of Matthew's perhaps symbolic nativity story of the three astrologers and their symbolically portentous gifts. The accounts in Matthew are true in the most important way.  Certainly it's more important for human experience.  That event has been  repeatedly reenacted and expanded on. How much truth would there have been in an accurate live-birth record as found all round the United State these days as compared to the perennial truth of Matthew's scary Christmas stories?   How much would the record of a live birth be an important truth as opposed to the life of the child that followed that birth?  Just what is truth supposed to be good for, in the end?

Herod is Trump putting babies in concentration camps to keep his power through appealing to racism and hate and his media and the Republican-fascist party supporting him, many of them those "evangelicals" and "traditional Catholics."  He is Trump denying Covid-19, advocating Darwinist "herd immunity" sacrificing so many more babies and children than Herod had available to murder.  Herod is the entire Republican-fascist caucus of the Congress and the majority on the Supreme Court. And that's just here in one country.  Herod has led most of the world for most of history, including the so-called Christian world.  Imagine how different things would have been if people had taken him more seriously.  The secular world hankers for a time when even fewer people will take him seriously. Even the alleged left.

That other story in Matthew 25 in which Jesus, himself, identifies the least among us as being enough of a of God so that what we do for them we do to God and what we neglect to do, we neglect to do for God. Poor children aren't in that list as given in Matthew 25 but they would certainly have been the least of the least as they are now and for every age in the past and will be into the future as it looks now.  Children are marked out for murder by oppressive worldly power, they are certainly marked out for the violence of poverty, for neglect, they are the targets of official and unofficial violence, for both the violence of the state and the other worldly powers of organized crime, some of that organized crime conducted by other children.  And just as the parents of Jesus, Mary and Joseph are so terrified for the life of their child, they were forced to leave their homeland to save his life, just as so many are fleeing from the Herods of Central America and Eastern Africa and the Middle East and Ukraine and in so many places that none of us could come up with an adequate list.

All of those "white evangelicals" (we aren't supposed to notice the ones who aren't fascists) and in many cases their fellow "traditional Catholics" who participated in Trump's and earlier Republican-fascists use of those fleeing violence in Central America were reenacting Herod's side of the story, they still do and for exactly the same reasons.  

The blasphemy of those who mouth "Jesus Christ" or "The Bible" as they worship Mammon and take on the mark of the antichrist is unremarked in the nice, polite Christianity of the mainline churches and Catholicism, indeed, the majority of those incumbent in the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops are fully in on the act as are those billionaires and millionaires who fund the "trad-catholic" corruption that is engaged in a hostile take-over of the Catholic Church.

And that doesn't get to the foremost murderers of Children, killers of their souls, their lives if they achieve adulthood, the specters terrorizing their parents, their physical and spiritual welfare, murderous, self-satisfied neglect, addiction, sex trafficking.  Poverty is its basis.

That truth is one that you won't read or hear any snark about but it is a far more important truth than whether or not Matthew would have gotten an A in a properly conducted history class while a critique of the historicity of the most pedestrian facts of his Gospel would get the top grade. We know it's accurate history of THIS child because what this child said about the Least among us and that what we do and neglect to do for it we do to God and the consequences of that action or inaction would be the gravest alternatives we will ever provoke in our lives.  But that is held to be less important than getting his hometown right and date of birth accurate.  The real truth is Jesus was born last week in the Congo, in North Korea, in El Salvador, in Ukraine, in Somalia.

If she were close enough, her or his single-mother will have to make the flight into America's Pharaonic regime maybe as soon as they can travel, maybe the baby's father will go with them but quite likely not.  Mary was lucky she had a husband who stuck by them and who could.  The Supreme Court and the Republican-fascists in Congress, FOX with its mythical war on Christmas are Herod.  So are the gangs they'll be fleeing. So is every member of the Republican-fascist party.  And what you can say about that incarnation of The Lord, you can also tell in stories of so many places it will make you weep. And you can even weep more for the children, infants, toddlers, older children and least among us adults who are the victims of the ever reincarnated Herod power among us.  It doesn't get any truer than the most significant of real history, a narrative that is continually re-happening right before our eyes and which is the only history that matters because we have some power to do something about it.

* I will point out how acceptable "ethics" talk about killing babies after birth is and generally has been since the second half of the 19th century.  I am unaware of any "ethics" professor, any biologist, any medical guy ever being fired for advocating the killing of babies.  In the ever widening game of "I can take an even more extreme stand," which is as much a part of competitive academics as it is in degenerate politics, there are perfectly respectable and respected "ethicists" who have toyed with the assertion that parents should get to have their children killed if they don't measure up to their standards.  I'm not aware of anyone ever getting canned for that.  I'll bet someone who asserted the accuracy of Matthew's accounts would be looked more askance at than even the most infanticidal "ethics" faculty would.  If I were online as much as I used to be I'd make up a faculty identity so I could access academic publications to see what the status of that issue is in academic scribblage is these days. 


In ghetto settings, Jewish children died from starvation, disease, and a lack of adequate clothing and shelter. The German authorities were indifferent to the high death rates. They considered most of the younger ghetto children to be unproductive and hence “useless eaters.” Because children were generally too young to be used for forced labor, German authorities often selected them, the elderly, ill, and disabled, for the first deportations to killing centers, or as the first victims led to mass graves to be shot.

I am, of course, obliged to point out that I'm talking about post-partum murder of children, not access to abortion which is an entirely different matter which I've dealt with, favoring legal, accessible, medically safe abortion and universal education and availability of effective, scientific contraception. That and education in how to avoid STDs belongs in every school from earlier than kids are going to be screwing around.  Anyone who claims to be against abortion who isn't for that is a liar.  

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Fats Navarro Move


Fats Navarro, trumpet; Don Lanphere, tenor sax; 

Linton Garner, piano; Jimmy Johnson, bass; Max Roach, drums.

My resolution for the new year is to post more music. 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Magnificat in C - George Dyson


Treble Choir of St. Paul's, Houston.

Noël, Grand Jeu et Duo n°10, Louis Claude Daquin


Olivier Latry organist

Noel Notre Dame de Paris - A babe is born William Mathias / Improvisation Olivier Latry



Noel à Notre-Dame de Paris
Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Paris
Henri Chalet Chef de Choeur
Yves Castagnet Orgue de Choeur
Olivier Latry Improvisation Grand-Orgue

Luke and Matthew Are More True Than Accurate History Could Be - Why I Choose To Be A Christian

It is not historical criticism, searching for the essential message, which has emptied the Christmas message and the Christmas feast of meaning, but on the one hand the trivialization of these things, reducing them to a romantic idyll, a cosy private affair, and on the other hand the superficial secularization and ruthless commercialization.  As if the "holy infant so tender and mild" - not indeed in Luke and Matthew, but in the holy pictures - were always smiling and never cried in his very human misery (which is indicated, without any social-critical protest, by the crib and the swaddling clothes).  As if the Savior of the needy, born in a stable, had not clearly revealed a partisanship for the nameless ones (shepherds) against the great ones who are named (Augustus, Quirinius).  As if the Magnificat of the grace-endowed maid, about the humiliation of the mighty and the exaltation of the humble, about satisfying the hungry and sending away the rich, were not a militant announcement of a revision of priorities.   As if the lovely night of the newborn child meant that we could ignore his work and his fate three decades later and as if the child in the crib did not already bear on his brow the mark of the cross.  As if already in the announcement scenes (the center of the Christmas story) before Mary and the Shepherds - as later in the process before the Jewish tribunal, the complete profession of faith of the community were not given expression by bringing together a number of the majestic titles (Son of God, Savior, Messiah, King, Lord) and by ascribing these titles to this child instead of the Roman emperor here named.  As if here instead of the illusory Pax Romana, brought by increased taxes, escalation of armaments, pressure on minorities and the pessimism of prosperity, the true peace of Christ were not announced with "great joy," founded on a new order of interpersonal relationships in the spirit of God's friendship for man and the brotherhood of men.

It is in fact obvious that the apparently idyllic Christmas story has had real social-critical (and, in the broadest sense, political) implications and consequences.  This is a peace opposed to the political savior and the political theology of the Imperium Romanum which provided ideological support for the imperial peace policy, it is a true peace which cannot be expected where divine honors are paid to a human being and an aristocrat, but only where God is glorified in the highest and he is well-pleased with man.  We need only to compare Luke's Christmas Gospel with the Gospel already mentioned of Augustus at Priene to see how the roles here are exchanged.  The end of wars, worthwhile life, common happiness, in a word complete well-being, man's "salvation" and the world's - are expected no longer from the over-powerful Roman Caesars but from the powerless, harmless child.

Within the scope of the present work, these few references must suffice to confirm the fact that these infancy stories correctly understood are anything but innocuous, edifying accounts of the child Jesus, based on profound theological reflection, to be used in a carefully planned proclamation, seeking to portray artistically, vividly and in a highly critical light the true significance of Jesus as Messiah for the salvation of all the nations of the world:  as Son of David, and the new Moses, as the commentator on the Old Covenant and the initiator of the New, as Savior of the poor and as true Son of God.  Here then is obviously not the first phase of a biography of Jesus or a precious family history.  It has much more the character of a Gospel;  a message of invitation, according to which the Old Testament promises are fulfilled in Jesus, the chosen one of God, who did not provide any detailed political prescriptions and programs, but in his very existence, in his speech, action and suffering, set up an absolutely concrete standard at which man in his individual and social action can confidently aim.  

Hans Kung: On Being Christian p 452-453

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Karrin Allyson - Coventry Carol



The Coventry Carol is the opposite of Silent Night in that it is all about the first account of danger to Jesus from worldly power when he was a baby.   I heard this on the radio last night and it made me think of it. 

Lully, lullay, thou little tiny child,
Bye bye, lully, lullay.
Thou little tiny child,
Bye bye, lully, lullay.

O sisters too, how may we do
For to preserve this day
This poor youngling for whom we sing,
“Bye bye, lully, lullay?”

Herod the king, in his raging,
Chargèd he hath this day
His men of might in his own sight
All young children to slay.

That woe is me, poor child, for thee
And ever mourn and may
For thy parting neither say nor sing,
“Bye bye, lully, lullay.”

A Callow Atheist Offline Pulled Out An Old Chestnut To Get Roasted

Note:  I have been preparing a different post but they say we're going to get sixty MPH winds and rain and I'll bet my electricity goes out for more than a day.  I hope to finish what I was working on.  This is a fun Christmas post two days before Creation should be celebrated.  At least it's my idea of fun.

IT'S BEEN A WHILE since some atheist punk tried the old "can God make a rock so big that God can't pick it up" line on me, as one did last month.  I'm a little surprised that one as young as this one could know about such a classic of old fashioned barroom atheism but it's no smarter than before.  I'm already in the kind of good Christmas spirit that giving up the cargo-cult style for a religious style brings so I'll play with it a bit.

Before when it was trotted out, it was generally a challenge by someone who might claim they were a "skeptic" which they are not.  That use of the word means "atheist" not that they practice skepticism.  Atheists generally are not skeptical about anything, they know that they know THE TRUTH as much as any 6 Day Creation Fundamentalist does. And, wouldn't you know, just like with "originalism" in the Supreme Court, reality turns out to be just what they wanted it to be!

It's funny that someone so dedicated to the practice of declaring things impossible would think that what is impossible is in any way an indictment of the power of the Creator, God who, by definition, is held by believers to have created all things visible and invisible, that is, which means all that is possible within GOD'S creation and that all that really is is contained in God's creation.  

In what God has made is the full gamut of actual  possibility and outside of that lies only what is impossible, which has no real existence.  Nothing, in fact.

Someday maybe I'll go into how that idea impinges on the assumptions of probability, especially those which imagine other things than what we know lies in the actual universe into their equations on the basis of what they can assign a variable to to fit them into an equation.  Probability having been adopted as one of the creator gods of modern atheism.  But not today.

That God may have created us to have the ability to imagine what isn't possible is, possibly, an aspect of us being created in God's image.  Clearly if we can imagine the impossible, God must be able to.  But God gets to choose among what would be possible and what won't be. Because, unlike us, God is the origin and definition of what is, it is possible BECAUSE God makes it possible.

The footnote in the excellent Jewish Study Bible for Exodus 3:14, in which God answers Moses' question as to which god he's to tell the Children of Israel told him to free them from slavery, says:

God's proper name, disclosed in the next verse, is YHVH (spelled "yod-heh-vav-heh" in Heb;  in ancient times "vav" was pronounced "w"). But here God first tells Moses its meaning Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh, probably best translated as "I Will Be What I Will Be," meaning "My nature will become evident from My actions."  (Compare God's frequent declarations below, that from His future acts Israel and Egypt "shall know that I am the LORD (YHVH)," As in 7.5; 10.2;etc.  Then he answers Moses' question about what to say to the people:  "Tell them:  "Ehyeh" ["I Will Be," a shorter form of the explanation] sent me."  This explanation derives God's name from the verb "h-v-h," a variant form of "h-y-h," "to be."  Because God is the speaker, He uses the first person form of the verb.  

There is nothing of comparable and sufficient differentness and radical potency in a conception of divinity in any other religious tradition I know of.  Nor any other that would answer the question about a rock too big for God to lift it.  God's revelation of God's self is to be found in God's actions, not in our imaginations, not in our imagination of what God has to be like and must be able to do in order to get us to give him the job of being our god.

It's this kind of thing that convinced me I'd made the right decision to choose the Hebrew religious tradition over Buddhism, though it was an argument over the reality of justice that first forced me to choose.  A rabbi saying "reality is real" in regard to American style pop-"buddhism" also figured into it.

Considering how many things atheists like to tell us are impossible by THEIR fiat, it's kind of funny that they will insist this one merely seeming possibility is possible when it is ruled out by its blatant illogicality.  That is unlike many of those things they declare impossible by fiat .  There is no such refutation of logic in an entire range of things that it are  forbidden by their Index of Forbidden Thoughts.  Indeed, some of those forbidden thoughts have rather rigorous scientific demonstration of their existence, often in ways that many of those things such "skeptics" insist are real do not have.  Including natural selection,  multiverses, a whole host of different mutually exclusive schemes of string-theory, that is if the fading fad of string theory is not already off the list.  

I know they wouldn't give up multiverses (the multi-multi-verses) since those were invented to kill off God and are still overtly maintained for that reason by probably a large percentage of professional cosmologists, today.  It's remarkable how much of their "science" has such a blatantly unscientific motivation and end and how they still get paid to be "scientists" doing ideological non-science.   Though the impossibility of treating those theories with science wouldn't be enough to get it off of their list.  It's remarkable how little the biggest, fattest fan-boys of science care about the actual requirement that science be susceptible to the methods of science.  Especially the "skeptics."  The atheist cosmologists, indeed, are insisting - such scientific practice being impossible for their imaginary god-killers -  that the requirements of actual observation of reality be suspended for their ideologically cherished theories.  They have to burn down science to save science, it would seem.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

O Great Mystery: A First Christmas Post 2022

I SHOULD INDEX my archive, maybe I wouldn't get asked to go over things I've written about more than once before.

"Do you believe Jesus Christ was the son of God,"

I am angrily asked by someone who doesn't care for what I said about Sodom and Gomorrah.

Enough so I'd have capitalized "Son".  What you're asking is do I believe the account of his conception and birth as told in Luke and Matthew (not that they're that consistent with each other) and as is implied in the preface to the Gospel of John (thank you Bishop Gene Robinson), I can report that I don't disbelieve it. I have defended the belief in it against, for example,  Richard Dawkins. I believe I linked to that early piece from my first blog not that long ago.  

I can say of the two overt accounts of Jesus's Birth, I prefer Luke's with low-life shepherds being told by frightening angels where to find him and, in the first acts of Christian faith by anyone other than Mary, leaving their flocks to find that God has chosen to burst into the material universe in a Barn.  I like that one more than wise men bringing expensive presents.  

As it is presented in two Gospels and implied in a third one, there is no possibility of science refuting it as a fact or as a possibility.  I don't think it's one of the essential beliefs to believe in the divinity of Jesus - there is a different theory of that, that it was when he was baptized by John that he became the adopted Son of God but it was never anything like a widespread theory of Christology. I have absolutely no problem with the idea that God chose to incarnate himself into God's physical Creation, to bond his created creatures and the entire cosmos to God's self through being born in the flesh to human beings who could articulate that. I'd guess it was a part of the fulfillment of Creation to do that. As I mentioned, I've been reading Rahner, again.

I am comfortable with saying I don't really believe or disbelieve in the Virgin Birth as such. I don't think it was necessary for Mary to have been a virgin for God to have asked her to bear his Son.  I don't share the patriarchal superstition that a Woman having had sex makes her a defiled person. The Bible doesn't claim Joseph was a virgin, none of the patriarchs and, certainly, none of the kings were. It says in the Gospel that God could have raised Sons of Abraham from the stones, he could certainly bring his Son into the cosmos through the agreement of a girl who had had sex before.  

Though I have also recently defended the idea that Isaiah, in the original words of his prophesy, as come down to us in the Greek edition of the Old Testament may have predicted the Messiah would be born to a virgin instead of the Masoretic edition possibly meaning she would just be "a young woman."  I don't think the text that calls the birth of the one who would be called Emmanuel a "sign" makes much sense as a sign unless there was something very unusual about his mother.  A virgin giving birth to a son - which, humans being mammals, would rule out the stupid sciency snark about "parthenogenesis" - would certainly not be something you see every day and so would be a perfectly amazing sign. If it was to be understood as "a young woman" you could well ask which of the many thousands, tens or hundreds of thousand young women who gave birth would that be. Wouldn't be much of a sign, in that case.  

I also don't think that prophesy, which, by definition, is inspired by God, is necessarily bound by the expectations and limited imagination of the one it is given to and who expresses it in words. If God can make use of individual humans to give People prophesy, God can make more use of them than the prophet, her or himself will fully understand.  If you believe that prophesy is from God, through but not entirely from the prophet, a modern "enlightenment" scheme of things can't contain that.

The current academic practice of trying to imagine what might be considered a "typical" mind of a person living at the time of this or that Biblical figure was like so as to limit the meaning of their prophesy to what would be expected of that imagined, typical prophet, strikes me as making little sense.  The Prophets, just about all of them controversial, rejected, outlandish and mostly murdered, were certainly not like modern academics who don't want to break outside of the boundaries of their ambient culture.   They didn't prophesy with an eye on getting into reviewed academic journals.  I think that's one of the reasons that modern academic treatments of these things fork no lightening.   They weren't even like modern song writers who want to chart and so who stay in some bounds because it's their job.  The Gospels note that lynch mobs tried to kill Jesus on a few occasions when they didn't like what he said.  And he went to Jerusalem with the full expectation that he would be rejected for his outlandish, atypical words and that he would die a prophet's murder. The chilling prophesy of Simeon said to Mary that Jesus would "stand as a sign of contradiction and that a sword would pierce your soul."  Those words as much as the Magnificat strike me to the bone.

I think if the Birth of Jesus was as enormous an event in the history of Creation as the Gospels and Epistles present it as being, and which I believe, that disruption in the normal course of history might have given rise to prophesy bigger than a prophet's imagination or expectation.  Prophesy is bigger than just political science, it is more than reporting, it is more than mere human reasoning.  As I said the other day, I've got no use for religion that isn't supernatural and think it's a mistake for anyone to insist that religion stick with our naive 19th century concept of naturalism.  Even modern physics doesn't do that.

I do think the Resurrection is more evidenced.  Some like William Lane Craig put a lot of stock in the empty tomb accounts and the unexpected nature of the kind of Resurrection that was claimed in the Gospels, Acts and the Epistles.  Some like Karl Rahner put more in the reports of those who encountered the Resurrected Jesus - including, by the way Paul though he doesn't claim to have seen Jesus from before his death and Resurrection. I think the reported extra-natural nature of the Resurrected Jesus in those descriptions is especially interesting.  He is certainly described as being more than merely the resuscitated corpse atheist snark centers on.  I can say I more believe in the Resurrection of Jesus than I do the Virgin Birth narratives and I think it's more essential to a belief in the ultimate significance of Jesus.  I don't think it can be considered apart from his teachings if those teachings have the transcendent significance I believe in.  I think it's continuous with those teachings.  I mentioned I am reading Rahner again - and he is not easy to get - and some of his theories about Jesus in regard to his concept of the spiritual nature of material existence are very interesting to think about.  Especially since I've railed against the vulgar, naive conception of materialism that is rampant among both non-believers and among believers (cargo-cult Christmas, is a definite "sign" of that).  Though I don't suppose we're really going to know in this life, hoping to know more about that in the life to come.

In the coming days I intend to read Luke and maybe Matthew on the Birth of Jesus, I am listening to the O Antiphons with their use of Hebrew Prophesy, which may be spot on or may not but which are, in that case, not seriously dangerous.  I will rejoice in the coming of Jesus, who I fully believe is a God sent Man at the very least. I don't believe anyone can really understand the final significance of the idea of God being incarnated.  I will be listening to many different settings of the Magnificat, the Canticle of Mary, even with its mention of Abraham, knowing what a dodgy figure he and his wife are presented as being, his son (who also pimped his wife, if they were a back-woods family here, people would figure that would figure), his equally disreputable grand-kids who are credited as the foundations of the religious tradition I have chosen to believe in and follow. I don't think the origins of our shared Jewish monotheism in those flawed vessels is any less credible than the divine incarnation of Jesus through the consent of Mary.  

I am more curious to know what it means that Moses prophesied the coming of Jesus as the Gospels say (Luke 24:27, for example) no doubt that includes the entire Torah, Deuteronomy, especially though I haven't gotten into that.  I wish they'd expanded on some of those details in the texts but I'm guessing they were relying on people familiar with the Bible as it existed then, the Jewish Bible, would be able to figure some of that out in ways we, today, might need side column references for.

I will listen to O Magnum Mysterium that talks about the great Sacrament that the Birth of Jesus was witnessed by animals in a barn, having grown up on a farm knowing that would have meant God was born a human among manure, soaked bedding, stench, flies, filth, not the prettied-up pretty manger scenes as erected on public property so as to give the Roberts Court a chance to obliterate the work of earlier courts and keeping ACLU lawyers busy.  If they put up something more like what is described in Luke, as probably most of those earliest readers and hearers of that account would have known it was, with manure and urine soaked bedding and flies and stench, the Bible thumpers would be the first ones to object.  Too real for them and their devalued devotion.

I will not be giving presents, since giving that up I've come to enjoy Christmas so much more than I did when I did the present giving thing. I hate American cargo-cult Christmas, it turns what should be a sacrament into mammonist sacrilege. If I were close enough to a church, I'd go to midnight mass again.  I haven't done that in too many decades.  Preferably one with a Roman Catholic Woman Priest though a defrocked male one who is in a faithful, loving Gay marriage might do, too.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Now He's Advising The Gay-Away Scam

I DON'T REMEMBER where I picked up that spelling of "Lott" maybe it was in the first translation I read the story in, probably some old  print of the Douay-Rheims translation of the Vulgate, maybe printed in France or somewhere when I was a kid.  Though I wouldn't have that printing anymore. If I could find the old Catholic family Bible in my boxes of books I'd check it but they're in a cold attic and I don't want to go up there.  I should unpack those and put them back on the shelf.   I typed it without even thinking of the spelling. 

You'd really be annoyed if I'd kept the spelling "Noe" which I used well into adulthood instead of the more typically Protestant "Noah."

As to what I said that also pissed you off about straight-marriage being entwined with oppressive gender roles.  

Though most of those I observe don't seem to even think of trying, it's possible for a straight married couple to consciously reject the evil of patriarchy but it would be a lot harder than for two Gay Men to do that because straight gender roles in relation to each other are so entwined with the culture and tradition of patriarchy.  

It's hard as hell to change your habits of thinking to try to do to others what you'd like them to do to you, especially if you've been taught that inequality isn't inequality but "natural gender roles" and that it's desirable. It's one of the most certain venues of evil into sexual activity that inequality is presented as sexy.  That, along with irresponsibility is how sex becomes sin.  It's one of the more repugnant things about traditional gender roles to me, something that makes it possible for me to report that I never, not once, ever wished I were straight.  You guys really have no clue when you figure that's what Gay Men and Lesbians want.  If the choice were chastity or being traditionally straight, I'd always opt for chastity. You can shove your "gay repair" up your own ass.

It's certainly worth trying to get rid of that patriarchal evil just as it's certainly worth it for Gay Men to get rid of the habits and baggage of self-hatred and self-destruction that afflict us from the same source, in many of the most sinful aspects of same-sex-sex, ironically enough, what most of the evil in gay porn comes from, the inequality of prescribed straight sex roles is directly imported into those. Lots and lots of Gay Men I know and see and read are as wedded to those as straight couples are wedded to the evils on their end of patriarchy.  But I've known Gay Men who reject them, consciously and diligently AND SUCCESSFULLY.

There's a lot of work to do and if we're going to fight over some of the most sick and depraved passages in Genesis we're never going to get rid of that shit that buries us.  I think the good of Scripture is too good to let the worst of it deprive us of what we can get from it to do the good.  That's the only worthwhile reason for any of this, doing good and not doing evil.  

I know from life-long, first hand experience the evil of violence and oppression and discrimination against LGBTQ+ People as well as to Women and the least among us and I know the role that those passages of Scripture that present that as the will of God has played in that evil. I'm not going to lie about the role that some of the most evil use of Scripture in history and today plays in our oppression.  I'd love to go into, for example, what the Womanist theologians have to say about Abraham and Sarah's treatment of Hagar and Ishmael, if you want to know why I'm feeling so bold as to tell the truth about the shadier sides of their legend I've been reading Womanist theology.  

As well as the bad in Scripture which is bad, I know the good that is founded on  passages of Scripture that are good.

I use the summation of The Law and the Prophets on the authority of Jesus,  The Golden Rule as my absolute measure of that.  There is nothing in Scripture which isn't in accord with that that I accept as inspired, anything that violates it is false prophesy and false law. I don't think it's any accident that the Golden Rule sets up a strictly egalitarian code of conduct and that it makes what we want for ourselves the very thing that determines what we are obligated to do to others. There would be no inequality if that summation of The Law were universally followed, there would be no inequality, no oppression, there would be no slavery, chattel or wage slavery. Egalitarian democracy is a far too slow to develop good that came directly from the Jewish tradition of justice and the Christian Commandment of universal love, neither of which are obtainable from secularism or materialism.   Real life is the proof of that. 

I find the articulation of that go at least as far back as Gregory of Nyssa and his sister Macrina and, really, back to Paul, directly from his deeply conflicted and brilliant mind. I'd no more think of accepting the bad from Paul than I would rejecting the good of him. Luke Timothy Johnson's observation that Paul had a deep reluctance to criticize or challenge the ambient Roman patriarchal familial roles is an indispensable key to understanding the worst of his thinking.  As revolutionary as he was from his inspiration from Jesus, he never got entirely free of his past anymore than lots of Gay Men do today. Paul was, in the end, just another of us sinners dependent on God's mercy and grace.

And about materialism.  Though I've been attempting a little of Karl Rahner again and his theology of materialism is kind of mind blowing and fun to think about. I can't say that I find Karl Rahner entirely convincing in much of what he says - if I understand it and that's not easy to figure out -  it is thought provoking.  I like my thinking to be provoked, it beats watching TV.

Monday, December 19, 2022

 I Take The Bible Seriously Enough To Admit What's Wrong In It - More Hate Mail From A White Washed Tomb

I'm not going to debate you, I'm tired of debating hypocrites on this, I'm going to tell you.

ANYONE WHO PULLS Sodom and Gomorrah out at me to bash LGBTQ+ People will have to answer for just how fucked up the incestuous straight sex in the story is, the "righteous" straight guy offering up his little girls to be gang raped. Raping them himself and fathering children with them (blaming it on them, as rapist Dads of today still do)*, as he is still to be considered "righteous".  Not to mention that that piece of shit presented as righteous isn't the one who gets turned to salt for doing those things while his wife does for doing what any human being of any intelligence would do, look to see their home town burning down.

I'll put it in your face every time you try that.

As I said, I don't believe any of it ever happened, it's got every aspect of folk legend to it.  And folk legend in a deeply wicked and evil culture and social context.  I'd as soon believe Hollywood on antebellum slavery or the ol' way'est.   

Either you believe the subjugation of Women, the sexual sacrifice of Girls is against the eternal law of God or you don't, I do believe that.  Clearly too few of those who were experts in Scripture and religion - no doubt all male and mostly straight men - haven't so far. I think what Lott did was evil then and it's evil now and he was a piece of shit just as some father who peddled his daughters in porn and raped them himself would be. Scripture that calls someone like that "righteous" is not credible.  Any tradition that claims that is the case now needs to be monitored for pedophile rape.   That the story doesn't acknowledge that makes it not only useless as moral instruction, it impeaches its credibility as such.

That a bunch of early scribes and priests decided to put it in that fascinating mess of a book, Genesis, without noticing that the "righteous" Lott both offered his little girls to be raped and that he was still not struck by lightning or turned to a pillar of shit for getting drunk and incestuously raping his daughters - no doubt he was the one who claimed they got him drunk and made him do it, sounds just like a rapist-father on trial now - that the scribes and priests who kept that piece of tripe in Scripture didn't see fit to point out he was a sex criminal only indicts their moral judgement and character.

I think the failure of the many centuries of those who comment on the story to point out the moral depravity of it and that it has no credibility as moral authority must take Scripture less seriously than I do because I can't believe they haven't condemned it out of consideration as authoritative thousands of years ago.

Maybe in the centuries that have passed when that story was read and cited and commented on in which those things didn't definitively discredit the claims in the story and those made about it in regard to gay sex, they weren't much bothered by what he did to his daughters.  Which shows just how depraved that patriarchal habit of thought is and how pernicious it is, even today.  Lott would have fit right in with the very worst of sex criminals today. I'd give him life without possibility of parole.

That the same religious hypocrites who cite that today to condemn gay men who have sex only with competently consenting men today, especially men who are in faithful marriages means that they are straight sex degenerates who can't make those distinctions.

My comments on Paul are true.  I read him and his history,

- how he atypically didn't marry in a society in which just about all men married, in a society that put such complete stock in fathering children, especially sons,

- that he agonized publicly over wanting to do what he deeply felt he shouldn't do

- even as he said that straight guys should marry if they can't be chaste, as, indeed, almost no straight guys seem to be able to be,

- that his concept of same-sex sex is wedded to the most evil of sex crimes - crimes such as those which Lott is guilty of proposing that the men of Sodom commit against his little girls,

- and that he can't imagine what any person reading the truth in their hearts would admit is nothing like that, faithful, committed, self-sacrificing love of two men for each other,

yeah, I think Paul was a deeply troubled, self-hating gay man as well as a rather amazing commentator on the Gospel of Jesus (who seems to not have shared Paul's sexual obsessions)  I would bet that almost every gay man of my generation, if they had this pointed out to him would recognize the type.  There are a number of Republicans of the type sitting in Congress and on the Supreme Court right now if you want examples, only, unlike Paul, they have no redeeming character traits at all.  That straight guys and Women might not recognize it doesn't surprise me much.  I'm kind of surprised it wasn't a major feature of Pauline study in the past because I think it's glaringly obvious.

I have not made it a secret that I admit that Scripture is a product of human minds, I say that even as I think much of it is inspired, though there are long passages of it which I think are not only not inspired by God but some of them are dross and some of them, like the story of Lott, like the stories of Abraham pimping his wife and getting wealth from it, like his raping his wife's slave and sending her and his own son to die in the wilderness, and so many others are morally depraved.  They stand out as a product of the worst sins rampant in human societies then and now.

In every part of Scripture there are dangers. Since it is a product of human consciousness, it all shares in the limits, the faults and follies of human consciousness.  I've admitted the same about the sciences, it is absurd to not admit it about that other product of human imagination, Scripture.  

IF THERE IS SOMETHING THAT IS MADE OBVIOUS IN EVEN A LITERAL READING OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IT IS THAT GOD IS PRESENTED AS CHOOSING TO ACT IN SOME OF THE OBVIOUSLY IMMORAL  FIGURES IN THE STORY.  Brothers and mothers who cheat their brothers, sons and husbands and fathers, deceiving blind old fools who want to bestow their blessings on their favorites, older sons, because they like the food they cook,  many of whom are pretty much as much sleeveens as their younger brothers,  people who are presented as incredibly unjust and unfair, people who do terrible things.  Even in the institution that God, God's-self warned about the evils of, the Kingship of Israel and the sinners who were anointed to that evil institution.  That God does not act through the purest of People is evident in the evils of the Hebrew historical accounts, a self-critical narrative - along with the Prophets - that makes the Scriptures more credible than pagan mythology.   The people who wrote those down mistake the flawed vessels - which we all are - as "righteous" is something I am certain is a misreading of the true Word of God.

I think one of the major dangers of Scripture being a product of human consciousness is that it is inevitably bound to get things wrong, often no more than hinting in the right direction.  Making "the word of God" (which none of the written words are) an ultimate moral authority is bound to lead to bad things as well as possibly leading in a better direction.  I think any attempt to use "scripture" to make civil law which doesn't take these limits of Scripture into account is bound to lead to disaster as, in fact, such use of it has frequently been a moral catastrophe.  The modernist reaction to that in secularism may have started as a moral corrective but it, as much a human solution, is extremely problematic in many details.

I think the Hebrew Prophetic insight that the real Word of God is not written on scrolls but is written on the heart is among the most profound truths of all of Scripture.  When we really hear and act according to that real Word of God instead of our own limits and sinfulness, it is what enlightens our lives.  It is the only thing that enlightens even our understanding of Scriptures, when we don't read Scripture in light of that, it makes it a tool of our worst parts.  If Fundamentalists want a real text that is literally true, it's a text that will never be literal in any sense because it is not written in letters.  The idea that an accurate text is essential to pin down just what we are to believe in is not only folly, it forces the professor of religion to pretend that the Scripture is a perfect oracle when it most certainly is not.  

The books of Scripture are not only not uniform in their character, many parts of it I'd say especially Genesis and such as the book of Joshua are depraved and apt to lead to gross sin and evil, every passage that has ever been used to subjugate Women, the poor, slaves, LGBTQ people, foreigners, to wage wars of conquest and genocide is indicted by those results.  "By their fruits you will know them" is as true as the written Scriptures  ever get. You can legitimately judge that use of Scripture by what results from the  would-be religious figures who make use of them.  

I will confess that I take what Jesus is said to have said extremely seriously when it is an obvious and clear reflection of that summation of The Law he made, do to others, especially the least among us, what you would have them do to you.  I take him with entire seriousness when he tells us that the Great Commandments are part of what will save us, Love God and Love Others. I say that even as I think the recorded accounts of some of his sayings and parables are extremely difficult to make conform to those.  I think in a lot of those he was commenting on the world as it is, not on the Kingdom of God as it should be. I think some of it got seriously muddled in the writing down. I take the Gospels so seriously that I admit what I think are the problems of some passages of it.

Other parts of Scripture are a glorious and clear reflection of the real Scripture which I talked about earlier. AND I SAY THAT YOU CANNOT TAKE THOSE SERIOUSLY WHILE PRETENDING ALL OF WHAT IS CONTAINED IN SCRIPTURE HAS THAT CHARACTER because a lot of it is absolutely incompatible with those passages.   That some will make mistakes in understanding that really inspired Scripture, that which reflects what is correctly written on the heart is certainly true.  God has not seen fit to give us a direct and complete understanding of God's Law though we can experience something of God's Love.  God works in the medium of human imperfection and even in human weakness and sin.  But that's certainly as true of the written Scripture, the history of the use of Scripture is full of its depraved and dishonest use.  Listen to the Republican-fascists on the "Bible" if you need a refresher course in that stinking "religion."   If it is "inspired" what the hell do we think that inspiration consisted of except human beings interpreting their inspiration and, they being fully human, getting it wrong in lots of cases.

I strongly suspect that the great Prophet of the Law, Moses, whoever he was, probably spent a long period in very deep contemplative prayer and that he got The Law in that period.  Whether it was on a named Mountain or not, I think that the heart of The Law seems like an individual inspiration.  

I think he probably told or wrote down the law. Maybe on tablets, though I'd doubt they would be chiseled on stone. I think he must have been disappointed in its reception and he probably and frequently blew his top over that.  I think that the falling back into polytheistic materialist religion is the reality behind that the golden calf yarn.   Moses, great Prophet he was, was merely human, himself.  I think the words of the account of him being given The Law in that far better book, Exodus, are probably not literally how it happened. I say that even as I doubt large passages of The Law as are set out in the Books of Moses are a correct reading of the Law, of the Scripture written on the heart. I think some of it stinks of later, self-interestedly, priestly insertion, I think some of those priests hated LGBTQ types as found among them then, I don't think it was all just they were afraid of pagan temple prostitution corrupting the Children of Israel.  They were capable of more discernment than that. 

I think the entire Hebrew monotheistic tradition WHICH I CHOOSE TO BE PART OF is nothing more or less than a very rich and more accurate reading of the true Law of God written truly on the heart but which is so badly read so often.  I think that is not unrelated to Jesus telling his followers that they had to become like little children, innocent of the cultural and religious distortions of that discernment.

I think Moses had a deeper discernment of that than most of the figures of the early Prophetic tradition, I think that's why the later Prophets so frequently cite his Law which resonates with the Law they find in their own hearts. Sometimes I find the articulation by the later Prophets more convincing. Especially when it comes to justice for the least among us, none of them as credible as I find Jesus. I think Jesus is a singular figure in the Hebrew Tradition, I find in him a totally different level of inspirational credibility.  And he had some interesting things to say about this.  I think that's what Jesus meant when he talked about not one letter of the law not being erased even as he erased so many of those letters as written on parchment.  Letters he knew and expertly commented on.

I know that what is being talked about in the Bible when it talks about same-sex sex acts has nothing to do with faithful sexual love between two Gay Men or two Women in a faithful, committed, loving relationship. The worst uses of same-sex sex now have nothing to do with that, probably even less than the worst uses of straight sex have with such straight marriages.  I know it because I won't let words on a page distort what I can read in my own heart and see with my own eyes.  

I take the written Scripture seriously enough to admit what's wrong with it when it's clearly wrong - the story of Sodom and Gomorrah that flagship of LGBTQ hatred is seriously fucked up and those who use it without acknowledging it is are totally dishonest.  

I think if Christianity has any hope of a future, and I hope it does since I think it is the foremost source of nourishment for egalitarian democracy, Christians had better start paying more attention to the signs of the times and admit that such passages of the Bible are morally depraved as well as the entirety of later theology and dogma and doctrine that pretended they were anything but depraved and wrong.  The patriarchal assumptions found in the Bible and which exist everywhere, most dramatically today in the Islamic areas in which Women are so evilly subjugated now, serially married and thrown off in divorce, girls married to old men, and in the sex-industry that flourishes under secular liberal-democracy (it wouldn't under a true egalitarian democracy) have to be destroyed.

The role that the written Scriptures of monotheism or secular governance plays in maintaining them is among the greatest evils of our time.  The foremost supporters of that pretty much uniformly hate LGBTQ People and oppress us even as they violate their claimed moral codes.  Look at Putin's use of that issue and how he manipulates the Russian Orthodox Patriarchy with it.  By their fruits you will know them. All of them, even the ones in clerical costume and thumping on Bibles and in the Republican-fascist caucus of the Congress.

* As that pedo piece of shit Gore Vidal did when the Catholic priest-pedophile scandal hit the news.  He blamed the victims. I don't see any difference between him and those ancient scribes and priests who wrote down and still write down the story of Lott do.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Imagine How Tired I Am Of The Straight Stuff, No Really - Someone's pissed off that I dissed Bogey

IT IS SO FUNNY that you say you're sick and tired of all the gay stuff, imagine how sick LGBTQ+ people are of the 99.9999% of everything that is straight, except for the tiny percentage of viciously negative stereotyping of LGBTQ+ that is brought up.  Like the bad guys in the friggin' old Maltese Falcon.    Dashiell Hammett was a  gay hating bigot as well as a total asshole.  He is vastly over-rated as a writer.

I won't take it back, Chad Allen was a better actor than Bogart was, better looking, smarter, smart enough to get out of the business and good enough to  go into a helping profession.  And I liked the stories better than anything Hammett or Chandler (or, rather, their screen writers, since this is about the movies) made up.  In the Donald Strachey movies I mentioned,  Sebastian Spence is better looking than any of Bogart's co-stars and a better actor than most of them. It occurred to me that a gay man watching those movies with them as a monogamous married couple would have a problem that few if any of those who watched straight gum shoe movies would have, not being able to decide which of them they wanted to be and which of them they wanted to be married to. I never once thought I'd want to have an affair with Bogart in any movie he was in so that was never a problem for me, either way.  

I am grateful to my friend for lending me the Donald Strachey movies because it made me figure out one of the reasons I went off of the movies about forty years ago.  I'm a gay man, I got tired of seeing stories about straight men and that's what movies mostly are.   They're not even about straight women.  I don't like the roles that movies made up for straight men, I don't like privileged people.  I am amazed that even straight women aren't sick to death of that shit.  It's one of the things I'd concluded about most of fiction about the last time I decided that whatever part of Updike's stupid Rabbit series back in the 1970s. I gave up on him over that and with him most of fiction, I just lost interest in all of it for a while.  I'd rather read non-fiction any day.

And that was even earlier than I watched things like The Onion Field and Murder By Death and decided never to pay to see another movie again.  A vow I only broke once when I went to the dollar show at the end of the first run of Hairspray, the original one.  I am entirely over John Waters, too.  If I'm tired of straight men I'm even more tired of adolescent gay ones, too. Camp is about the most stupid thing there is as "gay culture."  It's gay minstrelsy.  I hate it. It's an expression of internalized self-hate. That was the last time I ever went to a movie theater and I really haven't missed it.

I read Chad Allen Lazzari's dissertation and while I am skeptical of psychology as a science, it was interesting and in some ways courageous.  I might possibly look into some of what he cited out of curiosity because I've come to respect him from the interviews I've read and watched.  I strongly suspect he might actually do his clients some good because his head seems to be screwed on the right way to do that.   I've always said that psychological counseling could be good at times under some circumstances but that it probably had more to do with the personality and moral character of the counselor than anything to do with the alleged science of psychology. 

I might, might try another movie about LGBTQ characters but I would bet that few to none have such positive portrayals of gay characters.  I'm not interested in negative portrayals of us because Hollywood has done quite enough of that already. I was tempted to say, you know, none of this is important, it's light entertainment but that's not true.  I think that there are probably lots of gay boys and men for whom seeing a positive portrayal of heroic, morally responsible, intelligent gay men is so unaccustomed that seeing those movies could have a very positive effect on their lives.   I doubt anyone was the better for seeing Sam Spade and certainly not Philip Marlowe,  surely not in the novels where neither of them are admirable characters. 

It's funny, this week I said scandalous things about classic movies and about Scripture and it's over slamming Bogart that I get the hate mail.  Off hand, I can't think of a "classic film" that I care to see again. Especially those from the 30s-50s.  I think I'll just read a book by an LGBTQ writer, instead. 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

 What's Really "Different" Is Morality Based On Equal Justice And The Discernment Of The Differences In That - Answer To Hate Mail From Some "christian"

IN MY RECENT CRITICISM of some of the old patriarchs in regard to their enjoyment of sex, I'm told that "that's different". At least in and around the great flagship of gay-bashing, Sodom and Gomorrah.

In that very story story Lott offered to let the men of Sodom gang-rape his virgin daughters to spare two men (angels) who could presumably avoid being gang raped, if, indeed, that was the implied sin of the men of Sodom.  Later Prophets said it was injustice.   From what I read about the customs of that time and place, I would guess they might have been 12 or younger.  Little girls who, no doubt, were seen of little value to their fathers except in so far as he could marry them off for his profit.  Yet Lott is unambiguously presented as a man good enough to save from the destruction of the cities on the plane while his wife got turned into a pillar of salt for being curious enough to look and see what they were running from.  

I should say that I don't believe any of that actually happened, I can tell a tall tale when I see one.

And, according to the fable, after they got away he got drunk, had sex with his virgin daughters and bore children with them - wouldn't you know, the story puts the blame on them, probably in their early puberty, still, he an old goat.

While I'm sure there are Bible professing men today who would act that exactly that way, no doubt some of them prominent ministers of religion,  no one with an ounce of moral discernment would hold that such acts are now or ever were within a course of moral conduct. Anyone of any moral discernment would say such men should be locked up and the key thrown away, and they'd be right.  But the same people would say that sexual morality is unchanging from the time of Lott when it most certainly is when it suits them.  

And then there is his more famous uncle.  In the same section of Genesis we're  told that when Abraham, himself, had Sarah his wife pass herself off as his sister to be taken as a concubine of Pharaoh - an adulteress who was to become the grand mother of Israel - and, if you bring up that inconvenient fact about the text, today's moral absolutists will tell you that that was different, too.  

Also when Abraham had sex with Hagar, his wife's slave at Sarah's suggestion and had a son with him, later, at Sarah's insistence driving her and his own son out to die in the desert - the wealthy Abraham giving them the scantest of supplies - when she became jealous of them.  That was different than if some total scumbags did those things today or in the intervening centuries.  We are told that was different by the same people who tell us that God's moral law is eternal and unchanging.

Well, you can't have it both ways.   Did morality change or didn't it because one or the other would have to be true if there is any such a thing as sexual morality and I think there clearly is.

We're told that it's different because they hadn't been given The Law that made such things immoral, even as they tell us that God's moral law never changes.  It was, they say, set from the beginning with Adam and Eve, though before the fable of Sodom and Gomorrah, there is no record of what they're accused of being set down as evil. Why wasn't their ignorance of unchanging morality as much of an excuse for them as it was for Lott and Abraham and, lest it be forgotten, Sarah?

Not that long into the fables of Genesis we are told that when Abraham's grandson, Judah approached the unknown prostitute (his veiled and much wronged daughter in law, Tamar) and had sex with her with a promise of payment to be made, impregnating her with twins.  If you believe Genesis you have to believe that that was different, too. Though I will admit, when he had the fact that he'd fathered the twins with her thrown into his face by Tamar, he admitted he was the one more in the wrong - he'd called for her to be brutally killed for doing what he, as a john, had participated in. The guys always get off when it comes to having sex, though they'd better not pull out (Onan).  Though I doubt any but the most depraved of those today who would make the same excuse of "it was different" for Judah would fail to see a father-in-law doing something like that, today, as being an immoral scumbag. Kind of like Elon's daddy.

We are told today that "God's law doesn't change" by the very same people who hold that those instances of sexual indulgence which no decent person today would say was anything but deeply sinful but who will make excuses for what the Scripture claims "it was different."  

That line is used to maintain an impossible pretense that that unchangable morality was not presented in Genesis as acts by  difinitively righteous people.  If God was ready to overlook or forgive those creeps and bless them, founding the entire tradition of monotheism on them, then I don't find the use of them and their stories to condemn entirely more moral men who would never have any kind of sex with anyone but other fully consenting and competent adults of later times as credible.  

You can't have it both ways, not anymore.

I could point to a number of other instances of totally screwy and unambiguously unjust, unfair, and wicked instances of sex enjoyed by those presented in Scripture as good and just men who enjoyed God's favor in which, if you question it today, you will be told "that was different" because times and sexual mores were different. And that's not mentioning other kinds of immorality presented as moral in Scripture in one place only to have the same thing condemned elsewhere.

If times changed in the centuries when the Scriptures were being written, well, times continued to change. Today is different from then, though in so far as it comes to men of privilege and power using and abusing others for their own sexual pleasure and profit (Abraham is presented as having greatly profited from pimping his wife in Egypt, twice) I have no problem with acknowledging many active same-sex couples entirely surpass them in the "by their fruits you will know them" test for judging moral conduct than many of the most illustrious of the patriarchs or their spouses.  Or many of the most prominent gay-basher sex-hypocrites of now.

Jesus, in one of his most famous and best parables presents Abraham in a paradisaical state, though I'm sure he must have noticed the deep moral ambiguity of his sex life and conduct.  Jesus, though, perhaps uniquely of all of the figures of Scripture, seems to have been remarkably unobsessed with sexual morality except when it came to the faithful fulfillment of vows of marital fidelity.  And there I think his motive was to forbid the abandonment of unwanted wives and children by men who had all the power in a divorce.   The extent to which that injustice is a part of divorce now, it is as relevant to judging its morality as it was when he forbade it.  He certainly wouldn't have condemned Tamar to death like Judah was ready to, at least according to one of the most famous stories in the Gospel of John.  He would have had a thing or two to say about the use of his innocent daughters that he proposed to his fellow Sodomites (who would have seemed not to have been gay, at all, according to the story).

I have come to have absolutely no patience with those who slam even the most morally responsible LGBTQ people but who are entirely good with the most blatant of sexual injustice and harm when it's hetero-sexual in nature.  And that is the history of such double-speak on sex, from the start of it.

Times are different now than they were even a century ago. For better and for worse, and I'll take the better of our times over what is presented as sexual morality then and for the entirety of recorded human history.  In fact, in just about every case I would take today's best understanding of sexual morality over the legal and official moral teachings on it from then.   If they were different for hetro-sexual sex then when such treatment of women and girls by men presented as virtuous is to be accepted, now we know better today/  It's time to admit that the times to changed in the human understanding of same-sex sex.  I'd say, if anything, the problem with sex is that the times haven't changed nearly enough from the times of inequality and injustice, even when it comes to gay sex.  It's certainly too much like it was in the time of Lott and Abraham and Jacob when it comes to hetero-sexuality.

Reading Genesis more closely than I ever have before, really paying attention to what it says, it is a deeply ambiguous, deeply muddled and pasted together book and, as a foundation for moral discernment in many matters, it will not produce the best of the Jewish monotheistic tradition.   I don't think the understanding of morality even in the Jewish tradition of previous centuries was anywhere near as developed or discerning as the best of that of now.  Creation continues for a reason, if it were to have stayed in the same state it was when Abraham was around, it would have ended then.

That better moral discernment is all about justice and equal treatment for the least among us.  In keeping earlier legends and fables as Scripture, they made a huge mistake.  Many of those older stories are nothing less than an indictment of the moral character of God, no doubt such stories would not be seen that way in a time and place when patriarchy, familial tribalism and the ownership of other people by such male strong-men produced a morality more closely allied to an American crime-family than they would that grew out of the Prophets.  There is a deep and impossible to travel gulf between the best and the worst of the First Testament, you can't choose both without doing deep harm to the best of it.  I think it's the same choice as the choice of serving God or serving Mammon, or serving those with power and those without it, in the most obvious facts of human life, patriarchal power as opposed to justice for Women is at the heart of that impossible to heal breach.  You have to choose one or the other because if you try to choose both, you can't get the better choice.

You cannot coherently hold that all of the Bible is true unless you say God's morality is not unchanging over time or unless you admit that human understanding of that is always inadequate and that all of Scripture which is the product of human thought shares in the defects and limitations of our understanding.  

I have also been reading what are considered the genuine Pauline letters and have come to believe that Paul was a deeply troubled and self-hating gay man, part of the reason for him being so troubled was because his culture and religious tradition gave him no possibility of understanding his own sexual desires in any but a damaging, obsessive, you might say hysterical way.  I read his letters - full of some of the most incredible insights into the meaning of Jesus - and find that whenever he had to deal with sexual issues he has a deep fear and disgust of it.  Though in his case he did have the moral insight that it is better to marry than to "burn" in so far as straight sex was concerned. It is unfortunate that Catholicism didn't take that seriously as having an unmarried clergy (and so power-structure) has been responsible for some of the worst aspects of that huge tradition even now.  As an insight into the morality of sex, Paul has several steps over Genesis and even The Law, though he had no ability to imagine a good, faithful, equal, same-sex marriage. He seems to have not had an ability to imagine gay sex outside of the rape of those kept as pagan temple prostitutes or other such victims of the same slavery-based patriarchy which forms the same twisted sexual morality of Genesis.  He imagining all gay sex as sharing the evils that most take for granted in hetero-sexual sex, even today,  without any moral qualms, at all.

The Hebrew tradition changed its sexual morality drastically in the course of Scripture, I think what changes with further moral discernment in the human species is that there is a possibility of some progress in appreciating the real moral law of God in which equality, equal justice, and the end of such privilege as patriarchy is based in.  I think in the last century several enormous steps toward the real morality of God have been taken by many people, though there are those who are no closer to that than those who called those patriarchs good.  

I base my conclusion firmly on Scripture, judging that by the results of those steps as taken by those who have tried the hardest to be honest and equally and faithfully married to another man or another woman. Putting their voluntarily made moral commitments above even that god of modernism, their own changing desires.  There is nothing ambiguous about the results of that just as the evils committed by Lott and Abraham and Judah and David and Solomon etc. are obvious.  That is despite what the Temple establishment scribes and priests wrote about that.  I'm with the Prophets on the moral authority of the Temple scribes and priests.   I'm not going to deny what's right there in front of me, no more than I would the sins and crimes of those who do what those ancient patriarchs are said to have done in Scripture and other enormous injustices to the least among us.

In so far as the various churches and individuals refuse to see what is right there before them because of their insistence that Genesis and other Scripture is set in stone, as, in fact, it never was, those are a hindrance of the progress of human beings in living according to the real Law, which is written on the heart not on paper, or so Scripture tells us. I think maybe in the current turn away from the churches, we are seeing a necessary abandonment of that use of scripture, necessary to admit what's bad in it and to stop allowing it to destroy progress towards equal justice under the Law of God.  If that's the case, then let the churches change with the times or die.  The real Law, the real Gospel will survive it as will those who follow those.

Given the choice between the injustice, the patriarchy, the inequality, the abusive use of other people, especially women (remember Tamar), especially children (remember Lott's daughters) especially those held in slavery (remember Hagar) or those who were not in the favored family or nation (remember Ishmael), I choose to judge the morality of sexuality on the different ideas of now, at least those ideas of now which hold all People are equal, have equal rights, and no one has a right to hurt, harm, abuse and enslave them.  Compared to the "different times" and the sexual morality of the Bible I'll take the current development of that which takes such equality seriously and which elevates loving relationships over ancient legalisms. I'll take the examples that more moral gay men than Paul could imagine as my instructors in sexual morality even as I take the examples of those who use sex to harm, to hurt, to oppress, to enslave and to destroy as the real measure of sexual immorality, even when it is civilly legal (the goddamned First Amendment) or excused by corrupt religionists.

May God help us all to discern the truth and to live by it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Not Something You'll See Everyday: The Thought Criminal Recommends Gum Shoe Movies. Made for TV ones

A FRIEND OF MINE lent me the four Don Strachey detective movies as a distraction while I was ill, I didn't get round to watching them till this week.  

Movies mostly make me wish I hadn't watched them and made for TV movies more than most but I'm glad to say that I liked them very much. All four of them.  

Chad Allen who I'd never seen before and who, I read, has retired from acting to become a clinical psychologist was very good.  He was entirely more convincing as Don Strachey than I ever found Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade or Philip Marlowe, or, for that matter, most of the other actors who became well known for playing such roles as well. I don't find Hollywood acting of that vintage interesting to watch, anymore.  Even more so hearing the writing. Especially the gratuitous anti-gay stereotyping of Hammett and, more ironically, Chandler. And of their copiers. I am sick to death of it.

In the movies, Sebastian Spence as his husband Tim Callahan was really good, too.  I've seen him in other things and always liked his acting which is quite varied according to character.  I like that the movies give them a sex life that is believable while not centering either of their lives entirely around that.  The best thing about that is that they are faithful to each other.

The relationship between them in the movies left me wishing I was 40 again.

Various other Canadian actors such as Daryl Shuttleworth whose work I'm familiar with from TV shows etc. were good in it too. It was fun to try to remember who had played in what and trying to remember what their names are. I generally like Canadian actors better than either Brits or Americans.   

The writing was good, based on the books by Richard Stevenson, the directing was good and, for once, the music was good and added to instead of distracted from the experience. I didn't wish they'd fired the composer once in all four movies.   That's rare.

It's natural to wish they'd made more of them but maybe stopping at four avoided running down the quality, something that generally happens when they do too many in a series.  It's hard to keep up high quality over a long run. 
It's rare enough to make a single movie that isn't shit.  

I've only read one of the novels the characters come from, I might try to get hold of the rest of them to read.  I really do like the idea of having a detective series in an underused town like Albany New York and having a well done series about gay men in a faithful marriage is especially welcomed. If I thought I had the ability maybe I'd write a detective and his husband who were faithful and didn't drink, trying hard not to copy what's been done better, already.    Though the drinking in the movies was believable, not like the absurd quantities that would kill anyone in Raymond Chandler's junk.  A totally sober detective.  Now, wouldn't that be a novelty.   I loathe Chandler's writing.

The only extensive experience I'd had before with gay detective fiction are reading some of the Dave Brandstetter series by the late, under-rated writer Joseph Hansen whose centenary is next year.  Which is kind of shocking though not if you consider the first of those came out more than fifty years ago and the difficulty he had getting gay fiction published before then.  I might read more of those, maybe it's time to try the genre again.  I have to say that I enjoy reading about LGBTQ characters in ways I don't generally get in books about straight people any more.  Considering easily 499 out of 500 fiction works I've read have no LGBTQ characters in them or if they do presenting us in negative stereotypes, maybe I'm just tired of stories made up about straight,white, men.  I suspect that's one of the reasons I'm not especially interested in fiction right now.  Maybe I should read more LGBTQ fiction and see if it interests me.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Going To Put This Down Till After The New Year - Follow Up

THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN article of snappy refutations for sci-guys to pull out when creationists bring up embarrassing questions that I linked to had this to say about the observation that no one has seen the evolution of a species.  With a few comments:

12. Nobody has ever seen a new species evolve.

Speciation is probably fairly rare and in many cases might take centuries. Furthermore, recognizing a new species during a formative stage can be difficult because biologists sometimes disagree about how best to define a species. 

"During a formative stage" is doing a lot of work here.  I wonder exactly how you define  the "formative stage" of the evolution of a new species.  Just what does it mean? 

I wonder exactly what is meant by "speciation is probably fairly rare" in that, as I readily pointed out, every single known species alive today and those of the past almost certainly evolved from previous species.  That's a hell of a lot of speciation.  If it means that it doesn't reliably happen within the lifetime of anyone who's watching for it,  I said that.   

If "recognizing a new species during a formative stage can be difficult because biologists sometimes disagree about how best to define a species," then that certainly is a good excuse for anyone skeptical of such a claim to doubt it. That is unless it is clear, unambiguous and widely acknowledged as being that. 

The most widely used definition, Mayr's Biological Species Concept, recognizes a species as a distinct community of reproductively isolated populations—sets of organisms that normally do not or cannot breed outside their community. In practice, this standard can be difficult to apply to organisms isolated by distance or terrain or to plants (and, of course, fossils do not breed). Biologists therefore usually use organisms' physical and behavioral traits as clues to their species membership.

I would certainly accept that an inability to interbreed with its close biological relatives is a pretty good part of what would define a new species,  though in many cases animals recognized as of different species can interbreed and some of the hybrid animals of that mating can parent offspring.  Lions and tigers, horses and donkeys, etc.   So the definition isn't exactly definitive.  I really have to wonder how wide the range of variation among the enormous numbers of different species that this definition is known to be true for.   If the definition of what a species is is that inspecific, it only points to part of that enormous complexity of life which I mentioned but which evolutionary biologists like to figure they can figure out by making up stories about animals, plants, etc. in the lost past which they will never be able to study.   The idea that Darwin figured it all out in 1859 with the information he had at his fingertips based on the political-economic theory of Malthus becomes more absurd than less absurd.

Nevertheless, the scientific literature does contain reports of apparent speciation events in plants, insects and worms. In most of these experiments, researchers subjected organisms to various types of selection—for anatomical differences, mating behaviors, habitat preferences and other traits—and found that they had created populations of organisms that did not breed with outsiders. For example, William R. Rice of the University of New Mexico and George W. Salt of the University of California, Davis, demonstrated that if they sorted a group of fruit flies by their preference for certain environments and bred those flies separately over 35 generations, the resulting flies would refuse to breed with those from a very different environment.

"Apparent" does a lot of work in that paragraph.  

I wonder a number of things about that, not having read the literature on that experiment.  One question I'd have to ask since what I'm interested in is NATURAL selection is whether or not their "new species" could survive as a distinct species in the wild, if all members of the "new species" refused to mate with all members of different populations (species?) and that's just the beginning.  I would also wonder how universally their colleagues agree with the idea that they have created new species.  I'd also wonder how long this "new species" persists as an isolated population if it doesn't breed with other fruit flies.   How many individuals was it?  Did that difference persist if the two populations were kept together for 35 generations?

Note that this is exactly what I pointed out about the claim that scientists could "create new species" as a means of supporting "NATURAL SELECTION" and as a refutation of intelligent design.  I would admit that the design of such an experiment would involve the intelligence of the scientist doing it, though I'd wonder about the wisdom of trying to invent artificial species which, if they could breed in the wild, might be a catastrophe.  I don't trust biology labs to keep their created creatures isolated because I know what screw-ups grad students, lab assistants and college profs are.   As someone who is having a lot of trouble with an introduced Asian fruit fly in my fall fruit crops, we don't need a lab created one too.

But as an example of why science cannot be used to "disprove intelligent design" as a force in nature, it works pretty well.  That so many professional scientists would seem to not be able to navigate the pretty straight forward impossibility of what they try to do is a pretty good indication that a lot of them aren't the most intelligent of thinkers when it's a matter of their pet ideologies.