Saturday, July 26, 2014

Brahms Piano Trio op 87

Haydn Trio Wein

The recording the Busch trio made of this in the 1930s has been my favorite but this might come in tied with it now.  I'm certainly going to be looking for the record.

I'll be taking Sunday off and this time I really mean it.  See you Monday.

Bukka White Shake 'em On Down & Parchman Farm Blues

I was going to say something snarky about Mick Jagger overstaying his three-score and ten today.  But I'd rather concentrate on the genuine and not the pale imitation. 

Update:  I should add that the washboard was played by Washboard Sam, though all of the Youtubes I found of him are too blue for my blog.

Black Train Blues

We've Got To Stop Pretending There Are Nice Guys Available To Make Peace In The Middle East

I just read this piece France's Jews Flee As Rioters Burn Paris Shops, Attack Synagogue, and thought it might be a good idea to say this again.  You can change a few names and locations and what it says would be exactly up to date.

First Posted Saturday, August 12, 2006

Israel is not going to disappear, it is not going to be driven into the sea. Just as importantly, Palestinians are not going to melt into the surrounding populations. They have remained a cohesive presence in diaspora for as long as Israel has been there. They may not have a real state and the military technology that Israel has but they are not going to disappear either. The assumption that they would was based on racism just as was the assumption that Jews, as a people, would disappear. The latest appearance of this kind of racism is found in the insane speculation that Iranians will stop supporting their despots with the encouragement of a bombing campaign against them, it is based on an assumption of innate Iranian cowardice and lack of patriotism. One thing Persians or Moslems in general have not proven to be is cowardly. Persians were patriotic before there were countries. It is to be regretted that all sides in the Middle East are too brave for their own good.

Israel will not allow itself to be destroyed, certainly not without consequences too horrible to contemplate. Israel has THE bombs. Many more than one. Whatever vicissitudes result from that fact, it is a fact. And it is almost certain that another Islamic country, if not an Islamic State will have one eventually. If they are determined they will find a way to do it even under attack, money is the only limiting factor. Pakistan, has it already and only an a psychotic would take actions that could impel that country towards rule by those who could feel divinely justified to use it.

Now that we've cut through that level of nonsense let’s get some other things straight. Neither what substitutes for a Palestinian government nor the Israeli government has clean hands. This isn't an attempt at cowardly and labor saving self-absolution from favoring a side in the dispute, it is the truth. As Howard Zinn* has pointed out, governments lie, all of them do awful things. That’s just the fact of it. Extra-governmental entities also do awful things. But it is among these awful people that ways, temporary or millennial, to stop the killing in the Middle East will have to be found. It will be a deal among killers, thieves and liars because that’s the only kind of people who are in charge. Arguing degree of rottenness is a waste of time, it’s who has the power that matters. Anyone who aspires to make peace in the Middle East had better get over their fussy and dainty sensibilities or they shouldn't waste peoples’ time. .

Today the United States has no credibility as an honest broker in the Middle East. Some past presidents had more. After Iraq and now the Bush regime’s role this past month in Lebanon it has none. It has none because it clearly and solidly has favored one side, Israel and the Bush regime appears increasingly likely to have done so for ends not necessarily in Israel’s interest. There is little rational reason for Israelis or Arabs to trust Bush.

I am beyond caring if there was a reason for supporting one side or the other in any particular action in the past. If someone can tell us a way to go back and change what happened in the past it might be worth thinking about, but there isn't one. Bringing it up is a stalling tactic, a way for cheap politicians and others to curry favor by appealing to grievances and the desire for revenge. It’s the present we can deal with and the invasion of Lebanon was dumb assed and I believe, as one of my regular readers put it so well, the Olmert government didn't have a clue it was going to go like this. The facts now are what will have to be dealt with, not what was believed a month ago.

As we began, no one side is going to disappear but many individual people are being killed as you read this. My entire interest in this is to have as many Israelis, Palestinians, and others in the area, live to be old and to die in bed of natural causes surrounded by their intact families and their friends. It is in that spirit that I am going to say the unspeakable and voice some, though far from all, of my deepest fears.

As the generation of the Second World War and it’s children pass on there is a strong danger that the Holocaust will fade from consciousness and it’s lessons will fade from peoples’ thoughts. Huge numbers of dead when viewed in the inverted telescope of history look smaller than they were close up. Our claim on the attention of the future will compete with the entire past and will be, I’m afraid, far less compelling than their present. We will not be there to press the case. The best we can do is leave a written record of what we have known. We can’t guarantee that the future won’t repeat the evils of the past.

As time goes on, as more recent piles of bodies and other horrors block them from view, even the Holocaust will fade in its meaning to those who are not part of the groups that were murdered. The relatively forgotten Armenian genocide is one example of this and the mass graves of those murdered in Central America by terrorists funded by the Reagan administration are entirely faded from the collective, active memory of the United States. The innocent Druz, slaughtered by the USS. New Jersey in retaliation for the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon never got into Americans minds having been effectively blocked out. Even where distance is not a factor, the memory of the thousands lynched here, in the United States itself, is always in danger of slipping from the attention of white people.

I am posting am anxious warning based on what I am hearing. Israelis should dump the neo-cons who are bringing them to disaster. Those idiots, from their comfortable perches in the American establishment are going to get a lot more Israelis and others killed. Let’s face another reality, a lot of them, Gentiles and Jews alike, are pretty unsavory characters who market themselves as “supporters of Israel”. Some seem to have made a very nice living for themselves based on this. Would peace be as profitable for them?

Their alliance with fundamentalist “christians” should be all the evidence you need of their stupidity if not duplicity. End timers have only two uses for Jews, especially Israelis. Jews are either to be converted to “christianity”, perhaps by force eventually, or they are extras waiting to die in their pre-enactment battle fantasies based on the Book of Revelations. As the events around Lebanon this month show, the fundamentalist ghouls can hardly wait for the real slaughter to begin. Their script calls for Israelis to die in the millions.

Failing the fundamentalists’ favorite wish, Americans of future times will grow weary of supporting Israel if it is engaged in endless wars, endless conflicts and, especially, if idiocy on the level of this war in Lebanon continues. A constantly attacked Israel will become increasingly militarized and isolated and paranoid. With that will come the destruction of democracy. A nationalistic, perhaps theocratic and despotic Israel is certainly nothing that the vast, vast majority of Israelis or Americans want to see. If someone can convince me that isn’t where it is headed I’d really really like to believe otherwise.

I have every confidence that these ideas have been thought about in Israel. I can’t believe anything I’m writing here hasn't been more fully considered there where investigating every contingency is a matter of life and death.

* See the excellent essay:
The View From History, What Nation Can Be Trusted?
Vietnam, The Logic of Withdrawal; Howard Zinn 1967

Note: The order of in which paired groups are mentioned in this post was decided by coin toss just so I could point it out for those who might be reading this through their imaginary and self-serving bias detector. Even so, I’m sick of “sides” in this discussion. Sides are getting people killed.

The Slippery Matter of Requiring Extraordinary Evidence And Atheists Who Make Up Imaginary Creatures

It's a mark of the PR success of the aerospace industry and ideology as science that some of the things I've said in the past few days have been controversial.   Even the most incontrovertible fact that every single thing said about "other life" "extraterrestrials" "aliens" from their actual existence to the attribution of atheism to them is the product of human hopes and or fears based on absolutely no evidence, would seem to be hotly resented by many.  It would seem that, for them, even saying that for all we know Earth is the only planet in the universe that has life on it, is a damnable heresy.

Among the greatest sources of the inability of people, whose public devotion to evidence could be accurately called febrile, to even imagine that hardest of truth about "extraterrestrials" I will name Carl Sagan.   For an early, if not founding member of CSICOP, the religious atheist group* dedicated to debunking a long list of officially prohibited thoughts, Sagan is remarkable for having built a career and even an entire science on making stuff up on the basis of no evidence, whatsoever.  "Exobiology" is something I used to call a pseudo-science but, as one of its true believers has pointed out to me, it is widely considered a science by other scientists and, perhaps even more definitive, it gets grants to study stuff. That the one thing that it cannot study because not the first bit of a hint that an actual specimen will ever be available to it, an organism of "other life" is the actual subject matter of exobiology, might indicate that what "science" is needs to be more rigorously considered.

That it was Sagan,  Mr. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" who invented "exobiology" and then went on to be the brightest star in the constellation of actual scientists in the group dedicated to enforcing that standard to ideas atheists don't like, is, to put it mildly, ironic.  To put it less mildly, it's another glaring  symptom of the fraud that organized skepticism is.  And that pseudo-skepticism was organized as a promotion and a support of atheism by Paul Kurtz, almost certainly with funding from the atheist ideologue and trust fund Stalinist, Corliss Lamont.   If you doubt that the entire thing is to promote atheism, go look at what its successor and satellite organizations dedicate most of their time to.


How important is this is provided to me by what might be rather casual evidence of synchronicity because as I have been typing this, the radio is on.  The program On The Media is dealing with the shooting down of Flight MH17.  The excellent host, Brooke Gladstone has just brought up the speculation that blames aliens for the mass murder being discussed in the media.  From what I understand it isn't only Putin's prostituted press that is doing that but it has been mentioned on American cabloid "news" as well.   While she and James Fallows can understandably make light of that absurd idea, that they find it useful to mention it shows that there are people both pushing and buying that bilge.  That she also mentions The Bermuda Triangle in the same question rightly places speculations about "other life" in the category of the entirely imagined.  I just thought I'd throw that in there to thicken the broth.


Since not even one other example of alien life is available to study, scientifically or casually, anything said about "other life" today is as imaginary as whatever is said about unicorns or leprechauns or even an interplanetary celestial teapot.  And, unlike those imaginary objects dealt with by mathematics, "other life" must be imagined as being alive.  And as living beings other lives, of necessity, have to be far more complex and detailed than numbers, sets of numbers and even the imaginary objects of geometry which must conform to our experience of dimensional reality as well as their imaginary perfection.  We have to imagine them metabolizing and, to make them more interesting so as to hold the imagination more successfully than pure mathematics for most people, reproducing.  Which multiplies the possibilities so vastly as to make the probability of successfully imagining correctly - without recourse to revelation - entirely unlikely.   Yet Carl Sagan talked other scientists, many of them as rigid materialists and pseudo-skeptic-atheists as he was, into accepting those improbable tall tales about them as science.  Call me skeptical but I don't think he could have done that while being an even excellent teacher at one of the excellent land grant universities of the mid-West or other region of the country.   It's a product of prestige and mutually reinforced social positioning.

All that would change with the availability of even resolvable artifacts of dead "other life" about which something definite could be said, though the massive and equally unfounded speculation, filling in the enormous gaps of what the lives of those organisms might have been will rival today's "exobiology" in its unfounded creative invention and certain assertion.  You can only really study the lives of organisms when you can see them alive in the environment that allows them to live and function with whatever other conditions or organisms they live with.  Which is something you can understand an astrophysicist with a specialty in planets might not get about the study of living organisms and their environments, you have to gape at the ability of biologists to suffer from the same oversight.   Without the ability to observe living organisms in their native environment even the massively popular idea that they evolved as life on Earth has is an entirely unfounded assumption.**  Yet that doesn't keep the "extraordinary evidence" cult from making up entire biospheres full of imaginary organisms to be believed in, rather fully.  I remember Sagan presenting all kinds of organisms he and a colleague made up to live on Jupiter, complete with 60s sci-fi cover art pictures of them.  And it was science.

That the pushback you can get from pointing out the gaping lapses in integrity for this stuff, set within the "Skepticism-Atheism-Scientism" industry and its informal branch in pop culture comes from people who pretend to be superior thinkers should be a source of much hilarity to the people they love to mock and make fun of.   They do exactly the same things they mock other people for doing, only they figure, since they do it all without God that makes it OK.  Which is one of the most common and, in other contexts, dangerous habits of thought that comes with atheism.  As I said, the key issue of atheism as the most important cultural requirement of modernism can unlock a lot of what's wrong with contemporary culture.  It seems to be all that is required to permit all kinds of stuff that is forbidden to those who believe in God.

*  Thinking it over, I decided to call a spade a spade and updated that sentence.  CSICOP, which has morphed into CSI and its myriad of other Paul Kurtz initiated groups are not "quasi-religious atheist groups"  they are religious atheist groups, with their own faith and dogma and doctrines and, as I pointed out, Indices of Prohibited Ideas.   That their god is the material universe and their method of  oracular prophesy is what they understand as constituting science matters not in the least in identifying them as religion.   Just to thicken the broth even more.

**  I wish I'd preserve the record of the brawl I got into over that point.  The typical atheist-materialist will insist that their fundamentalist interpretation of Darwinian natural selection must govern "other life" and the more hard bitten will insist that natural selection proves there must be "other life" and what it is like.   Especially nuts on the issue are those things that Daniel Dennett says, wanting to extend natural selection outside of biology, even in ways that are totally inconsistent with the logical necessities of Darwinian natural selection to even be possible.  And, note, he's a philosopher who should definitely have mastered the logical analysis necessary to see that point.   Atheism can blind people, in his case, I would guess it's the ideological usefulness of Darwin for atheism that makes him act like a snake oil hustler instead of a serious philosopher in that matter.  Since he's imagining all kinds of stuff on the basis of no evidence, he may as well make it maximally congenial to his ideological preference. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

J. S. Bach Passacaglia and Fugue in c minor BWV 582

Hans-Andre Stamm
Trost organ of the Stadtkirche in Waltershausen

This makes me wish I'd kept up the organ lessons when I was a teenager.  I'd probably have a job playing music today if I had.  This interpretation is pretty fine.


Update:  It's not terribly closely related but I've recently been listening more to Vincent Persichetti's music, a composer I'd pretty well neglected.  Here's his choral prelude on

Drop Drop Slow Tears

I'd resented Persichetti because I hated his 20th Century Harmony textbook so much when it was assigned for the advanced harmony class I took my Sophomore year.  His music is a lot better than his textbook.  I will admit, though,  it does have two of the best opening sentences ever found in a music textbook.

Any tone can succeed any other tone, any tone can sound simultaneously with any other tone or tones, and any group of tones can be followed by any other group of tones, just as any degree of tension or nuance can occur in any medium under any kind of stress or duration.  Successful projection will depend on the contextual and formal considerations that prevail and on the skill and the soul of the composer.

As I recall it goes immediately down hill from there. Though, looking at the book again for the first time in many decades, maybe there's more to it than I got out of it back when I was a brat.


Prove That A Proof Proves Anything: The Total Overselling of "Proof"

This matter of proofs of God's existence would seem to be important to a lot of people.  Proofs of God's existence are often demanded by those who really, really don't want them and are provided by those who believe they believe absolutely in a prophet who notably wasn't in the business of elucidating a proof of God's existence.

But the matter of what a proof is and what "to prove something" means is seldom considered.  The common belief that this thing called a "proof" provides an objective and unambiguous certainty that "a truth" provided by the proof is a complete and entirely reliable "thing" or condition of being or historical event, complete with its retinue of supporting and related "things"(quite often in themselves not "proven") and associated aspects of reality.  It is quite often and wrongly asserted that science provides proof of this or that.  Which is a claim made on their behalf that scientists careful with their claims and language - or, more often, forced to by rigorous debate opponents - will openly disclaim.  Oh, so often, their disclaimer is revealed to be disingenuous as soon as it's issued because they continue in encouraging the habit of thought that holds that science issues proof of stuff.   I will mention in passing that I have never read or encountered an ideologically campaigning atheist-scientist who doesn't talk out of both sides of their mouth on that point.

Really careful scientists will admit that mathematicians are the ones who are in the business of providing proofs, and the even more careful will point out that it is prudent to make that claim only about pure mathematics, in which the objects "proved" are abstract entities that exist only in the minds of those with sufficient learning in mathematics to contain those entities.  Which could reasonably lead someone who was either being extremely precise about the denotation of the words, or who wanted to give materialists a hard time, to say that this prime desideratum of theirs, "proof," would seem to be only available when dealing with imaginary objects and their imaginary properties.  And when the materialist or "physicalist" or, almost always, rather emotional atheist, hears that and associates it with the actual object of their attack, they don't like the implications and often get really pissy.

Jesus, if I'm remembering correctly in this hour before I'm supposed to be at work, didn't provide a logical "proof" of God or what he was saying.  He advised people to consult their own experience of life and events around them, to see the signs of the time.  In doing that he was being honest about something hardly anyone in the "proof" business is honest about.  "Proof" is a matter of being persuaded that all of those things allegedly provided by a proof in my second paragraph, proof is, in the words of the atheist and mathematician and scientist, Joseph Weizenbaum, a matter of human psychology and persuasion.

On that personal and willful act relies everything that we hold should be believed to be true and that belief should have a real effect in changing the behavior and thinking and feeling of the person who is persuaded.  "Proof" "a proof" is something that is done or experienced by a person and people, its existence happens only in human minds, it is something we pretend has some independent, allegedly objective existence, when its complete reliance on us and our most subjective experience is one of the most obvious aspects of "proof".   Prove that there is a proof that exists outside of human thought.  Prove that any proof that isn't the product of human thought and relies for its very existence on a subjective and willful act of individual persuasion.  If you can't do that then this objective, independent proof thing must be a delusion, by the very claims you make for proof and what the absence of such a proof insures.  Those who make proof the object of cult like devotion and search are the ones who are the most dishonest about what proof actually is, especially its dependence on subjective thought,that it has no real and objective existence independent of that subjective thought and it is also not unrelated to human desires and subject to human self-deception.

Proof is entirely a matter of persuasion, no matter how rigorous the proof is, in the end a person has to accept the proof and, as some of the most rigorous application of proof in the past century "proved" no matter how rigorous a stickler for proof that you hold yourself to be, your proof depends on things that can't be proven, that can't even enter into this business of proof.  The hero of materialists and atheists, Bertrand Russell, had to rather bitterly accept that was true, after years of some of the most rigorous thinking on the topic ever undertaken, he had to reluctantly accept it was true.   And at the same time he had to gloomily and bitterly accept that was also the direction that physics, the subject that dealt most rigorously with his ultimate reality, the material universe, was headed in the same direction.   Perhaps it was due to his habits of thought gained from being a mathematician that made him accept that when even so many of the physicists don't seem to be able to accept what their very science shows about the relationship of human minds and the subjects it studies.  When you want to press those issues, nothing that we can say about the physical universe isn't entirely reliant on our subjective will and experience because we use our minds to even perceive the objects physics deals with and there is no absolute proof available of any of it.

The law uses the word "proof" as in "a case being proved beyond a reasonable doubt" or  some such construction.   The looseness with which legal "proof" is accepted is best shown by those convicted of murders and executed only, later, to have someone else confess or shown to have committed the murder.   If you want to see how confident you should be in that brand of "proof" look at how prosecutors and judges who are in the dirty business of killing people that way resist looking at the quality of their proof when their actions are questioned.  If you want to really look at the con job that "proof" often contains in a real life context, look at the things that someone like Antonin Scalia has said which proves how sleazy and dishonest this proof stuff can be in the hands of a sleazy and dishonest person with power.  A proof that is held to be worthy of the greatest of respect and given the power to kill people can be as dishonest as that.  In the hands of physicists and other scientists, those have ever more power to get us all killed than Scalia could dream of in his most megalomaniac imaginings.  Such is the power and the quality of what proof provides when it is removed from the teachings of such folk as Jesus, held to be exempt from those by virtue of their higher proofyness, or something.   Allowing that exemption is both illogical and insane.

No, even in this business of proof, you're stuck with making a choice on the basis of will and in the absence of the comfort that comes with a real instead of your merely imagined absolute and totally reliable truth.  You're stuck with that because that's all it is, despite all imaginary assertions to the contrary.

Update:  I should be out the door but it occurred to me that the question I asked yesterday, why shouldn't scientists predict that they're going to find "alien" life in the next 28 seconds as opposed to their predicted two decades, is a good illustration.   Predictions of something with an expiration date of 28 seconds can be subjected to reality and stand the chance of being debunked in rather real time as opposed to that imagined world twenty years from now.  By then the budget for the project they are promoting will have been spent in the lost and forgotten past, even as their almost promised results are unachieved and, likely, forgotten.  I doubt that any of them still alive and working at NASA will be the ones to bring it up.   They don't want to do a truth test of their sciency assertions quite on that short a time scale.  The one going into six figures, not very urgent when you're asking for an appropriation in this congress.   What they expect to do with these aliens they predict they are going to find might be a question to ask.  As I've asked before, what if the aliens are 1. smarter than us, 2. fervently religious?   What if they think our science is extremely dangerous Plutonium Age delusion?   That going to impress the high and sciency?

Update:   An unpublished comment says, " I never realized before that there really isn't any way to know if we are actually living in The Matrix."  Apparently that's supposed to make what I said above officially stupid.   I am only very vaguely aware of this "Matrix" that is referred to in the comment, since I haven't gone to see a movie in, literally more than two decades and don't do the lowest of filmed sci-fi.   But if the idea that we are all in a matrix is stupid then he unwittingly agrees with me about contemporary cosmology since a  kind of"matrix" universe is all the rage just now.  I mean, it's published in freakin' Nature!  But, then, everything he says is unwitting.   About that hologram stuff, I doubt it and I doubt it will last five years.  Which would seem to be about as long as any scheme of cosmology lasts these days.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Art Blakey And The Jazz Messengers: Along Came Betty

Art Blakey - drums
Robin Eubanks - trombone
Philip Harper - trumpet
Javon Jackson - tenor sax
Bennie Green - piano
Peter Washington - bass

Example of The Below

NASA: We will find alien life within 20 years

At NASA's Washington headquarters on Monday, a panel of space program scientists announced their estimation that humans will find extraterrestrial life within 20 years, going as far as to say that the estimate is a "conservative" one.

NASA outlined its plan to search for alien life and said it would launch the Transiting Exoplanet Surveying Satellite in 2017. The agency predicts that as many as 100 million worlds in the Milky Way galaxy may be home to alien life.

Why 20 years?  Why not within the next 28 seconds?  Or 22,958 years?  They're as founded in reality as 20 years.   The 100 million worlds are home to "alien life" line is ridiculous, as well.  Not because it might not be absolutely accurate but predicting such a number on a known example of 1 in the billions of planets in the Milky Way which has life on it doesn't allow you to make any kind of speculation. Every single planet outside of or within the Solar System could have life on it, there being no way to know if all life or any other life is like our kind.  Or the Earth could be the only planet in the entire universe with life on it.  That's a pretty wide range of possibilities from which to winnow it down to even 100 million in the entire universe, never mind one galaxy.  To think that scientists are going to find one in the next 20 years based on any kind of expertise is ridiculous.  They would probably come up with as good an estimate from randomly choosing a stream of numbers from a random numbers generator and putting a percent sign after it.

As to the assertion I read that the guys pulling this one out of the astronomical odds being "experts" on this topic, there simply are no "experts" on a topic which has absolutely no verifiable examples to base any expertise on.   You have my permission to declare yourselves experts on skeantisynteyology.  It's a very, very specialized and esoteric study based on a bunch of letters I just typed into my computer with -ology attached to it.  In fact, you don't need my permission, I'm no expert in skeantisynteyology.

This isn't science.  It isn't mathematics.  It certainly isn't news.  It's NASA's famous PR promotion of its funding.   It is, however, apparently enough to get Ken Ham his own PR opportunity which has his name on the online mags and the blog threads.

When A Smattering Of Ignorance Is All That Is Available To The Cosmologists Why Should The Ignorant Be Slammed For Their Ignorance

Someone likes to tell me when I'm getting dissed on certain other blogs, which I've gotten a number of posts from and I expect I will in the future.   Deciding to try for something different, I won't go into what was said about me in response to this comment by "Billy B" but will just deal with what the comment says.

Kirk Cameron on Steven Hawking:
Cameron tells us, “Professor Hawking is heralded as ‘the genius of Britain,’ yet he believes in the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything and that life sprang from non-life.”
He adds, “Why should anyone believe Mr. Hawking’s writings if he cannot provide evidence for his unscientific belief that out of nothing, everything came?”
… “[Hawking] says he knows there is no Heaven. John Lennon wasn’t sure. He said to pretend there’s no Heaven. That’s easy if you try. Then he said he hoped that someday we would join him. Such wishful thinking reveals John and Stephen’s religious beliefs, not good science.”
Kirk Cameron's IQ is lower than that of Steven Hawkings' dandruff.

Longtime readers of this blog will probably know that the dissing of me hinged, not on Hawking but on Lennon.  But I won't go into that, yet again (you can search my blog at the top bar if you're interested).

don't believe I'd ever heard of Kirk Cameron before opening the e-mail and had to look him up.   He's some child TV actor who was on a sit com I never watched and don't remember hearing of, who has developed into a religious fundamentalist, apparently.  If I'm wrong about that, I would expect to hear about my ignorance.   I don't know that he's especially stupid though it wouldn't surprise me if he isn't one of the vast majority of people who isn't as clever as Steven Hawking, who is decidedly intelligent.   Though, especially when they are speaking outside of their specialty, even the most brilliant person is quite capable of being a complete idiot.  I could make a list of eminent scientists who say stupid things outside of their tiny specialty but that would be a bit more specialized than I want to be in this post.

Whatever else you can say about Billy B's point, he stayed safely off of the question and stayed on the topic of the intelligence of Cameron as opposed to Hawking, but neither he nor the response to him that I was sent addressed the question.

 “Why should anyone believe Mr. Hawking’s writings [ I guess on the topic of whether or not there is a God, a heaven, etc.] if he cannot provide evidence for his unscientific belief that out of nothing, everything came?”

Whether or not Cameron is as stupid as a mud fence is reputed to be ugly, that's not a stupid question, in fact, the issue of how atheists can come up with everything out of nothing is something that I've yet to hear even the smartest among them begin to address.  There is a long and involved debate between the cosmologist Sean Carroll and the philosopher-theologian William Lane Craig on that issue and it's 1. extremely hard going just understanding what they're discussing, 2. the farthest thing from a settled question, 3. fraught with some of the hardest and most impenetrable questions of the philosophical bases of how we can even begin to address ultimate questions, never mind the issues of advanced physics that can only be theoretical because they go past the point where it can even be confidently asserted that physics is relevant.

William Lane Craig* is someone who a lot of online idiots who are atheists dismiss but he is a major and respected philosopher with a specialty in the subject of time and I've seen him mop the floor with eminent physicists who have debated him.   He routinely comes to those debates far better prepared to discuss the issues and the arguments of his opponents than any of them have yet bothered to prepare to debate him.   As I've pointed out here before, someone as accomplished as Lawrence Krauss was reduced to sputtering inanities and insults during one of those debates.   Another prominent atheist who was wise enough to admit Craig's brilliance was Christopher Hitchens, who didn't make the mistake of relying on a a position within the upper hierarchy of science instead of actually preparing to debate him.  Of course, Richard Dawkins famously chickened out of debating him at all.

And even other massively intelligent and brilliant physicists and mathematicians have been extremely critical of Hawking, especially his more recent stuff.  Peter Woit is the one whose criticism is what I'm most familiar with.  Though he is hardly the only one whose criticisms of Hawking's speculations entirely past where there is any possibility of evidence to support his contentions.  What I can understand of that carries the quite disturbing demand by Hawking that his branch of speculation get to be science without any possibility of verification in physical evidence at all.  Something which isn't that far removed in terms of intellectual dishonesty from the evolutionary psychology of Dawkins, which, also cannot be verified through the impossibility of observing the evidence he would need to support his speculations.

But that's a far remove from the world of blog commentators who only know whose side is whose and accept or reject statements about how everything came from nothing based, not on the first bit of knowledge about the issues and arguments - there is actually no evidence of how that could happen so logical gymnastics are all you can use in the arguments.

The issue of a universe coming from a "nothing" that is an actual "nothing" and not some thing that an atheist ideologue wants to call "nothing" so they can claim to have done what they haven't done (Lawrence Krauss, for one) is entirely important to atheists who want to argue that they've disposed of the need for The Creator of the universe.  It's also the motive for multi-universes, especially the most absurd one in which there are jillions of universes being created with every letter I type and with every character I redact, so they can pretend that the truly interesting and suggestive "fine-tuning" argument is irrelevant, since they can't seem to dispose of the incredibly fine-tuned one universe we actually have some evidence of.

I am hardly a specialist in this area but I have tried to understand those few issues in these arguments that are within my limited grasp.  I'd never pretend that I have any idea of wow everything could come from nothing or even judge which side has the better arguments in that issue.   One of the points which Craig has made was that if the universe came spontaneously from the "nothings" that various atheist apologists have asserted, on the basis of whatever, why doesn't other stuff just spontaneously and continually come out of that same "nothing".  Which strikes me as only one of the good questions he has asked in those debates.

You can't pretend to have dismissed a question by asserting that the question is stupid.  If someone wanted to criticize Kirk Cameron for presuming to have a scientific answer to the question of how the universe came into being, whether it came out of real nothing or one of the somethings that atheists like Krauss and, I supect, Carroll, insist that they, by virtue of their greater and authoritative sciencyness get to call "nothing"**or how any of the various schemes that atheists and even non-atheist cosmologists come up with so they can ignore that they can't answer those questions stackes up to reality, that criticism of Cameron's question is absolutely legitimate.  I'll point out that it is as legitimate when it is an eminent cosmologist-atheist ideologue who pretends to be able to answer those questions.  If, on the other hand, you want to dismiss questioning of those cosmologists on the basis that someone who brings up the question is a stupid-head with cooties, no, that's not a serious basis for intellectual conduct.

*  Craig is a major target of some of the more ridiculous atheist libel and slander that you can find online.  I have major disagreements with him on religion and, I would expect, politics, but he is a brilliant debater and a very respectable philosopher and thinker.

**  They can't deal with a real nothing because there is nothing in a real nothing for the universe to have spontaneously come from.  Related to that is the very good point that Craig makes that if there is an eternal past for the universe to have come from the entire ensemble of "universes" that those cosmologists posit would have had to have wound down in the infinite past before now due to that second law of thermodynamics that the same cosmologists don't want to do without.   I have no idea how that could either be true or false but if they want to include that in their scheme of things, it would seem to be a valid and impossible to overcome problem with it.  

Now I've got to get back to work.

Update:   For RMJ

The lame excuse that Richard Dawkins gave for refusing to debate William Lane Craig, for which he was critisized for his cowardice by his fellow atheist Daniel Came, Lecturer in Philosophy at Oxford and other universities.  There were other prominent atheists who slammed Dawkins for his cowardice.   Here's the event where Lane would have debated Dawkins.

Bessie Jones And The Georgia Sea Island Singers At Noon Yonder Come Day


Throw Me Anywhere Lord

And because I've posted Yonder Come Day before, also:

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

And Now For Something Completely Different

Ferdinand David Concertino Op12 - Ophicleide

Conductor : Benjamin Attahir
Ophicléide : Patrick Wibart

Such a beautiful instrument, such a shame it was allowed to lapse into near oblivion.  Hope the current revival is a success.

Roland Hayes At Noon

Weepin' Mary was called one of the greatest examples of musical drama ever recorded by the eminent critic Richard Dyer.   Roland Hayes was a legend in Boston and New England during my youth, performing frequently at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and other venues well into his advanced age.  While his voice wasn't at its peak his musicianship just kept getting deeper and deeper.

From 1922, a miraculous thing, one of the most vivid recordings of a voice from the acoustic era of recordings.  

Go Down Moses

If I'm not mistaken this is a recording that Roland Hayes more or less produced by himself since he had trouble getting his records made and distributed early in his recording career.  Just as he had to be his own manager and promoter and impresario.   For anyone whining about the lack of major label contracts, they should look at how Roland Hayes was a pioneer for all of us, not just the black singers such as Marion Anderson and Leyontine Price who came after him.  Any singer could learn an enormous amount from just listening to him and reading what he had to say about the art of singing and music.

The Left Will Never Succeed While Materialism Hampers It

Since you ask, yes, I really do believe that atheism is the key reason for the failure of the left for the past 45 or so years, or, rather, atheism is one of a small ring of keys which is in the hands of the left, with which the left has damaged itself. There are other, important, reasons for that failure, of course,  but the keys to those are in the hands of our opponents.  The commonly increasingly heard form of obnoxious atheism is part of a complex, mixed with elitism out of touch with the reality of most people, snobbery, disdain for the unattractive great unwashed and the disrespect for most people that led the left that was ascendant in the later 1960s into the political wilderness where it has been lost for longer than the children of Israel were in The Book of Exodus.

After Reverend King went to the mountain top and announced where The Promised Land was, The Beloved Community, the elite left force-marched us all away from it.

That is a rough sketch of things, reality is never so uniform as a diagram, something you might keep in mind as you read this sketch.  Many at that time and even today, especially those who had an experience of pre-war life, could be counted on to keep trying to make real progress.   I certainly wouldn't count the great Senator George McGovern as one of the deluded wanderers groping their way backward, confident that they were headed in the right direction, though he was victimized by then.  What destroyed George McGovern was the establishment media which has been refining its talents for virtual assassination of any possible leader of a real and, most important to prevent, an EFFECTIVE left.   In oh, so many instances, the play left aided and encouraged that political assassination.

Or they stupidly served as a pantomime leftist, presenting an unattractive or absurd or dangerous figure for the media shills of the elite to discredit the real thing with.

Atheists purportedly of the left have played their biggest political role in serving as a tool of that media attack on the left.  The widespread inability of atheists to put a damper on their irresistible urge to insult most people, asserting their intellectual superiority to the vast majority of the population,  has been a boon for the effort to fracture the left and to make even the egalitarian left damaged goods for an effective majority of the population.  As I've pointed out before, since the most successful aspects of the left in living memory, the Civil Rights Movement, the Labor Movement and even many of those with partial or less success, all depended heavily on the support and participation of people on the basis of their religious convictions, the demand that the left suppress religious talk and identity has had the predictable effect of crippling the left.   It has also allowed our opponents to paint the left as the enemy of the religion that even most people on the left believe in.  

That is on top of the shameful spectacle of putative leftists praising some of the most oppressive and homicidal regimes in history, all of them, officially atheist states.   Especially those who praised dictatorships that were moral catastrophes, such as Stalin's and Mao's.   Lauding countries in which the most basic of civil rights were destroyed.  Rights that were asserted, rightly, here as claimed by western Stalinists and Maoists, asserting rights for themselves in the United States that they routinely dismissed as entirely unimportant for those living under their what they presented as closer to an ideal state.   I have every confidence that some of them imagined life in their atheist paradise as wonderful, only not if they weren't members of the oligarchic elites that developed so quickly under the "dictatorship of the proletariat."  Those who weren't total dupes of their heroes and the often cynical would be leaders of "the masses" who ran the piss pot communist and Marxist parties.  

I will mention them again because it is such a fitting symbol of the totally screwed up mess that atheists have made of leftist politics that, after a lifetime of being told that we must keep the memory of the martyred Rosenbergs alive, to endlessly assert their innocence, we now know that the very files kept by the Stalin government show that Julius Rosenberg was a nuclear spy and that, though unmentioned, it is very likely Ethel was also, indeed involved in nuclear espionage for one of the most brutal dictators in history.   If you think that discovering that, after all of those years, wasn't a call to reassess the acceptance of "leftists" that could run that kind of a con job on the real left, you're still duped by it.   The major political effect of the beatification of the Rosenbergs is that it discredited the left.   While they were victims of capital punishment and should never have been murdered by the state, their deaths would have been a fraction of a drop in the bucket of those murdered for no crime at all by the very government he spied for.

The nominal atheist left has long suckered the real left over the red scare and McCarthyim, which are, indeed, blights on post-war American history but which were next to nothing as compared to normal life under Communism.  What those persecuted by the witch hunt here suffered was a mild form of what happened for the entire period of their ideal states, which were actually funding the parties accused of the very thing we now know they were guilty of.  While the red-scare was at its peak here, in the early 1950s, Stalin was mounting one of his frequent campaigns of mass oppression, the infamous "Jewish Doctors Plot" which, it is now believed, was a plan for a systematic pogrom and deportation of Jews to isolate them, perhaps destroy them, in Siberia.  Apparently Stalin and the upper reaches of the Soviet government were planning on the deportation, East, of the Jewish population.  An idea he could have copied from the recently dead Hitler if he wasn't entirely proven capable of generating such amoral ideas, himself.

But here, due to the American government committing wrongs that were a watered down version of what the Soviet government  supported by so many of them, did to people in the Soviet Union and its occupied states, the rest of the left were supposed to ignore that the American communists were insanely doing exactly what the pro-Hitler right did, support one of the most evil, genocidal and oppressive dictatorships in human history.  

It is tragic that the support that the atheist left gave to Stalin and other atheist dictators, robbed us of the ability to point out that, in persecuting domestic communists, using them as an excuse to attack the real left, the right-wing in the United States had betrayed their similarity to those dictatorships.  The American right has come closer to establishing Stalin style dictatorial oppression than the overtly "Marxist" left ever could.   Indeed the confusion of the placement of that pseudo-left on the line of political identification has favored the far right, with whom they have a lot in common, and been a burden for the real left, which has suffered from the association far more than it ever benefited from it.   They knew that we would have a weakness for them due to the wrongs done to them and they have played that weakness to the fullest.  Only, unfortunately, it hurt the real left far more than it hurt the far right.   Consider this, 1980 the very year that Victor Navasky published his brilliant expose of the blacklist, Naming Names, also saw Ronald Reagan elected president of the United States.

No political ideology that denies anyone the absolute reality of the basic moral prerequisites of American liberalism, inherent rights, equality, freedom of thought, the right to the product of their labor, etc. has any business being mistaken as being of the left.  I have gone into the damage that materialism inevitably does to the belief in the absolute reality of those things over and over again.  It is unsurprising that even the fancy, dialectical materialism that Marx formulated in an unreal and ideal form would, in real life application, deny the reality of those things and hollow out any left that it attached itself to like a lamprey eel.  In that I conclude that materialism is the origin of that damage to the left that allowed itself to be used by a parasite that should have been rejected instead of pitied.  Whatever there was to learn from them could have been better gotten from other sources and its articulation in those sources is at least undamaged from being built on the sand foundation of random chance occurrence that materialism provides for it.

A real, anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-sexist, etc. and genuine left based in the belief that people and life are not the same thing as inert matter has yet to be recovered from the various elites who have made hatred of God the center of their thought. A left that believes that human thought and action, informed by reasoning minds informed by moral reality can produce an effective, beneficial result that materialism can't account for, the very goal of a real left.  Communism is merely one of those pseudo-leftist systems, the elite British form of "socialism" is another that has had a profoundly bad effect on the left.  The real left is there to be rescued,  I think that liberation theology, here Black Liberation Theology, is the current best example of how to proceed.  But we won't do it as long as we are shackled to materialism which will inevitably and always damage a real left and discredit its efforts. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Arizona Dranes At Noon

I used to reach for the blues when I was blue, but now reach for other things.  Still love the blues but this helps more.   Somewhere I read that one of the musicians influenced by her was Jerry Lee Lewis.  Make of that what you will.   Sr. Rosetta Tharp was also one of her admirers, but she went worldly.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Old Business........ Old, Old Business

Not posting it here but I responded to someone who thinks that Glenn Gould is above criticism at my (bad)humor blog.

A Day of Rest Is Hard Work For Beginners

Yesterday's first attempt at keeping a day of rest was a lot more difficult than you might expect it would be.   I wasn't entirely successful.   Especially difficult was purposefully sitting and thinking about my own conduct and considering it in light of the teachings of the prophets.  I tried a period of watchful waiting, as the Quakers might say and it was difficult too.  Maybe you learn how to do those things with practice.  I intend to keep trying.   Our mother used to tell us that her grandmother's family was especially strong on keeping Sunday.  They weren't entirely rigid.  Children could sit on a swing, they just couldn't swing on it. There were other restrictions on having fun, as well.  While that seems to be a bit extreme,  you wonder how it would hurt children to keep a few hours a week where they weren't to pursue their own entertainment. Though not an entire day.  At least one hour or so would probably be good practice.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Michael Davis: Trombone Institute of Technology

Michael Davis
James Markey

Alfred Hornoff Suite For Four Trombones

1. Solenne 

2. Moderato

3. Molto Allegro Quasi Presto

4. Andante non Troppo

5. Molto Allegro deciso con impeto

Hendrie's Heroes Trombone Quartet
Christopher Brown
Kevin Dombrowski
Stephen Ivany
Elisabeth Shafer

I don't know much of anything about Alfred Hornoff other than this piece.  I love trombone quartet and can't understand why it isn't written for even more often than it is.  I'll bet a composer who wrote a decent trombone quartet would get it played more often than a composer who wrote a string quartet.  This quartet is pretty good.  There's a really good recording of this suite by the "High Anxiety Bones", as well.

Sabbath Day

I've decided to practice what I preached last week and take a day a week away from the computer.   I would recommend you listen to Krista Tippett's program today, a really interesting and varied look at what Ramadan is like for various Muslims.   It has short accounts of what Ramadan is for them, from a lot of different Muslims instead of a few "experts".  Which is good, since there are more than a billion and a half people who are Muslims, all of them different and individual, not the uniform and threatening mass that the media encourages us to believe them to be in our ignorance.  

I especially liked the idea of people being reminded through being hungry and thirsty that they are all equal, that they are equal with poor people who face that all the time.  I wish more people did that more often.   I once heard a Muslim feminist who said that in Islam it was required to accept as well as give charity.  It could be a really effective way to remove the stigma from needing help that afflicts how so many Christians' view of charity and those who have no choice but to receive it.  

But that could get me going and I really mean it about taking a day away from the computer.  See you Monday.